Satan's Path Ministry

Satanism and Paganism

"The Ninth Regiment of Angels, those who had forsaken the cruel dictates of Jehovah to live by their passions had roamed the earth when she was young. They partook of her fruits and swam in her primordial oceans. The fallen angels took as concubines the fairest of human women. Their spawn, the man-gods who taught humanity the magics of their forebears, built glorious empires to celebrate the Splendors of Evil..."
The Writ of Satan, LXI:43.19

Satan has been worshipped by Man since long before the first chronicles of time were written. Those who wrote His name, have called him Set, Typhon, Wotan, Baal, Moloch, Livyatan, and innumerable others. In all places one finds the signs of His cult: the Pentagram, the Swastika, the Wheel of Chaos, the Black Sun, and the Trident. The greatest center of His worship was a chamber seven miles into the earth beneath Babylon, where daily the Most Reverent would scourge their flesh and howl His name in fervid, orgiastic abandon.

In ancient times the Bloodline was kept pure and the Daimons walked hand-in-hand with men. Humans learned to stand erect, to master the Occult Arts, and to deny Jehovah the slavish obedience he demanded. Jehovah grew bitter of the free will exercised on Earth and feared that Man would commit the greatest hubris of all: the Mastery of Death. His ancient belly sagged with digust and impotence, for he saught only to enslave his pawns to guilt and fear.

The Fallen Angels were given the choice to serve Jehovah loyally in paradise, but instead chose a dignified free will in eternal banishment. Jehovah selected among all the human tribes a race of slaves in the Middle East to further his own worship. The slaves could not question their new invisible taskmaster, and doggedly spread Jehovah's cult through the generations. Slowly, humanity lost site of their epic vision of freedom and power. The magics - whose secrets were forbidden to be written down - became the exclusive knowledge of the Underground Elite. Satan's wisdom retreated into obscurity. The remaining faithful took the religion underground, and swore with blood oath an Epoch of Christian Darkness, followed by the Unholiest of Purges, culminating in the Master's Return and the Obliteration of Purity.

Vestiges of His Thought have survived in the human consciousness, and this is evidenced by the manifold versions of paganism and so-called "ethnic" religions existing today. Early epics and apocryphal biblical texts contain fading memories of ancient knowledge, but sadly often carry the yoke of christian perversion. Millennia have diluted their Truth and today even the Secret Orders of Europe preach vapid legerdemain as Occult Science.

Satan hears the pitiful mewling of his long-forsaken heirs, and dreams visions of sadistic vengeance. He laughs gloatingly, for he knows that soon the Earth will again be His.


Animal and Human Sacrifice

Armageddon and
the Christian Holocaust

The Writ of Satan