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November 22, 2005

Mark E. Smith Reads Daily Football Results

_40465115_smith_203Face it: Mark E. Smith could fart in a bag and we'd think it's funny and a grand artistic statement by which future gaseous emissions ought to be measured. So looky here (right-click to download 6M Real Media file) and get a load of The Fall frontman's visit to a local UK sports desk, to which he was invited for the purpose of reading the daily football results. The beginning and middle are kind of brain-numbing, but the end is priceless. (Via Jon Solomon)

And when you're done with that, check this (older) but equally enthralling clip (streaming Real Media file) of the Mad Man of Manchester's reflection on the passing of John Peel. At about the 2 minutes mark, he does the funniest thing you will ever see anywhere. Liz Berg and I nearly passed out from laughing and replaying it. (Via Mr. Science)


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I smell a Kicker Conspiracy!

Jeez, I can't believe I spent seven minutes watching Mark E read football scores. I don't even spend that much times on sports I understand. However, I thought the 'band as football team' metaphor was pretty apt, considering the 25 years of lineup changes the Fall's been through. Maybe they need to sell a scorecard at shows -- just so we can keep track....


Pat McGatt, the very famous sports reporter is talking.



"And speaking of dentures, I witnessed recently an amazing performance in which a prole man in a public place dropped his top plate into a position where he could thrust it forward with his tongue until, pink and yellow, it protruded an inch or so from his mouth. Now, one simply can't imagine the middle classes doing that sort of thing, although you'd not be surprised to see an upper-class person, utterly careless of public opinion as he'd be, doing it."
--Paul Fussell

its time to have an all fall catergory.

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