PreviewdotPreview Shareaza
Release Date: October 26th, 2005

This release tweaks the user interface slightly, to make Shareaza easier to use.

Translations have also been updated, and the QuickStart wizard has been expanded to allow configuration of the display.

In addition, there have been a number of improvements and bug fixes to increase performance and stability.

If you are fluent in Arabic, Czech, or Swedish and wish to help continue the Shareaza translations, please visit our Translation Forum and let us know. Those translations are incomplete and were removed from Shareaza 2.2. Once they are complete again they can be added back in to Shareaza.
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New to Shareaza and need a little help? Don't worry, Shareaza.com has you covered. Check out the new Shareaza Wiki to get the information you need to get started. If that's not enough, post your problem or solution on the Forum with other Shareaza.com Forum Members.
Shareaza Logo Shareaza is a peer-to-peer client for Windows that allows you to download any file-type found on several popular P2P networks. Shareaza is FREE & contains NO Spyware or third-party products.

What you get with Shareaza:
Free A Completely FREE P2P Client
Paying for P2P software is a thing of the past! There's no need to open your wallet or put up with lame popup ads ever again: Shareaza is completely free. Simply download it and use it, no strings attached.

Network Phenomenal Multi-Network Support
Shareaza can connect to up to 4 separate Peer-to-Peer networks, providing access to hundreds of thousands of diverse users, all from one single program. You can download/upload from these networks: EDonkey2000, Gnutella, BitTorrent and Gnutella2 (G2)

Collections Shareaza Introduces "Collections"
Shareaza introduces yet another innovative feature: Collections! Collections group previews of album covers, descriptions, and song lists all in one complete package. Once you've discovered the collection, just click the file-list to download. Check out collections today!

Interface Kick-ass Interface with loads of features
This P2P client has a lot to offer and you reap all the benefits. With Shareaza's well designed interface you can do a lot more than all the other clients out there, why don't you read on to check out the rest of Shareaza's great features.
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Shareaza has been released under an open source license. That means people like you can help make Shareaza into the ultimate peer-to-peer client.

You can catch all the discussion in Shareaza's Forums or head over to Shareaza's project page at SourceForge.net.

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Have the ability to intelligently organise your files in Shareaza's Library.


View your Uploads and Downloads with Shareaza's intutive interface. It tells you what's really happening.


Shareaza searches come complete with Ratings and information about the file you're downloading.


How funky is that? View your media files with Shareaza's integrated Media Player.

Like what you see?
Do you think Shareaza is one of the best P2P clients out there? Be heard and tell a friend of what you've found!

Email them today and tell them what they're missing!
Many people contribute their time and effort to Shareaza. Please see our acknowledgements page.
Visit Shareaza's Project Page at SourceForge.net

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