- movie reviews from the Internet's top film critic community, since 1995

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For overall editorial questions or if you're interested in a business partnership (including syndication of our content), send mail to Christopher Null (Editor in Chief and Publisher) at null at filmcritic dot com. We have a number of affordable syndication plans available -- just ask!

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Press inquiries may also be addressed to Editor in Chief Christopher Null at null at filmcritic dot com.

If you'd like to reach one of the many critics at directly, click here for a full list of names and e-mail addresses. You should also refer to this page before you send us something. Incoherent, profane, and rude messages are deleted without comment.

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If you're trying to reach a celebrity we've interviewed or written about, we do not have their e-mail address! And even if we did, trust me, the last thing they want is us giving out their personal information to the world. Bottom line: We don't know!