Checkers News

This is the homepage of CheckerBoard, one of the finest free checkers / draughts programs for windows. The news on this page ages and drops out after an unspecified period of time. More important news items stay around longer. Feedback can be sent to: nospam1 at fierz dot ch.
November 26, 2005 GUI checkers 1.05 by Jon Kreuzer. Jon has added bitboards to GUI checkers, speeding up the program by nearly a factor of two. Get it from Jon's webpage!
Sept 12, 2005 KingsRow 1.15a is available on Ed Gilbert's KingsRow page. Two good reasons to get it: it plays a stronger game, and older versions will not work with the next release of CheckerBoard.
Sept 12, 2005 KestoG 1.1 by Kestutis Gasaitis from Lithuania is the first engine for CheckerBoard which plays Russian checkers (kings fly, and men can capture backwards). Get the updated version 1.1 on the download page!
August 22, 2005 New piece sets for CheckerBoard: Ron Carney has sent me a bunch of alternative piece and board images to use with CheckerBoard. Thanks a lot, Ron! You can look at and get the new sets on the download page
August 14, 2005 Once again: Host wanted! I'd like to make my 8-piece database freely available for download on the internet. If you are able to host it (it's about 2.5GB zipped, and will probably generate quite a lot of traffic...), please drop me a line!
August 14, 2005 Four in a row 3.1: Slightly off-topic, but perhaps you will enjoy this simple game. I rewrote my Connect Four program; now it looks nicer and plays a stronger game. You can download it on my 4 in a row page
August 9, 2005 Ed Gilbert completes the 10-piece database! I'm a bit late in reporting, but Ed has finished computing the 10-piece database. Read the whole story on his website!
May 21, 2005 The 8-piece database on CD: Bob Newell, author of the wonderful checker webzine Checker Maven is kindly offering my 8-piece database for purchase on CD's. It costs 10$ including shipping in the US, you can read the details here. Thanks for distributing, Bob!
April 24, 2005 CheckerBoard API reference updated: I fixed two details in the documentation of the CheckerBoard API for engine developers.
Feb 8, 2005 Martin's computer checkers blog: instead of manually posting and removing stuff here, I have started a computer checkers blog, where I plan to write about all kinds of things related to computer checkers. Important news will continue to show up here.
Feb 8, 2005 The Open Checkers Archive has grown and now contains nearly 23'000 games. In fact, this happened earlier this year, but I forgot to announce it here. The OCA is maintained by Hans l'Hoest; Jim Loy contributed nearly 11'000 games to this version of OCA! Please support Hans and make sure Jim doesn't have to contribute as much to the next edition by sending in your games. The archive can be loaded and searched in programs that support PDN (like CheckerBoard). Open Checkers Archive.
Nov 28, 2004 The Big Engine Match: Cake Manchester 1.05 and KingsRow 1.14o played 624 games against each other, 312 each on Ed's and my computer. Cake won the match with 3 wins vs 1 loss with 620 draws. All 624 games with annotations by the engines can be downloaded on the KingsRow webpage. The 4 decisive games are replayable online on the games page.

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