

MYST V: End Of Ages box
Myst V: End Of Ages

Inside Mac Games review.

Freeway 4 Pro box
Freeway 4 Pro

Macsimum News review

RHEM 2 Box

Applelinks review.

Swift Publisher Box
Swift Publisher

Macworld review


Welcome to MacReview, the Macintosh software review resource. MacReview gives you all the information you need to make educated buying decisions including review ratings, review links, and reader opinions. Many titles also feature MacReview’s own in-depth reviews.


The alphabetical index lists reviews alphabetically by software title. If you know the title of the software you are interested in, this is a quick way to locate it. The Alphabetical index link is located at the top of the page under the MacReview name.


The category index list reviews according to what category they fall under. There are four main categories: Productive, Creative, Learn, and Fun. Each main category is divided into several sub categories. This is a good way to compare similar software packages. The Category index link is located at the top of the page under the MacReview name.


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Mark Starlin
