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0505Solberg2.jpg Double Deadline for Teachers and Title I Paraprofessionals

Under NCLB they should be "highly qualified" by the end of the school year. Find but why the rules make it hard for some to comply. Teachers, check out our interactive quiz to find out whether you meet, or will meet requirements by the deadline.

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A Little Inspiration for Holiday Gifts for Teachers
What's the best way to thank teachers this holiday season? While we have no official policy on teacher gifts, your school might. Here is some advice that might help.

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Foundation Gala Honors Teacher Serving in Iraq
Find out why Virginia's Philip Forgit, a fourth-grade teacher and Navy reservist, won the NEA Foundation award for "Teaching Excellence."

NEA Offers Grants to Create Fine Arts Programs
Our Foundation is offering 10 awards of $2,000 to elementary (K-6) art educators and specialists who want to create and implement programs that promote learning among students at risk of school failure. Application deadline: February 1, 2006.

The Tom Joyner Foundation Helps NEA Make a Difference
NEA and this popular syndicated radio personality aim to boost minority teachers in urban and rural communities by helping them become fully licensed.

Get Blogging!      
05expert.jpg Find out how today's teachers are using Web logs or "blogs" to collaborate with each other and connect with their students. The collaborative nature of Web logs makes them valuable instructional tools.

Check out journalism teacher Wil Richardson's "blog."»


Talking Up Family on TV
After retiring from a teaching job that had him working with troubled kids and broken families Ken Musko of Pennsylvania decided to tackle the airwaves to help marriages and families.



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