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Johnny Got His MP3

Posted by Evan Derkacz at 9:59 AM on September 23, 2005.

Hey dude, the National Guard wants you to have three free mp3s! Blog Tools
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Does itunes offer taps?
Does itunes offer taps?
Who needs obsolete platitudes like Freedom and Security when you can get free mp3s for letting the National Guard contact you? I mean, it's not like they're just free all over the internet or available for $.99 each at the itunes store or anything...

What I want to know is, if your parents opt you out of the creepy provision in the No Child Left Behind Act that permits the armed forces to access students' records, can a student then override this by signing up for $2.97 worth of Kelly Clarkson singles?

Just asking.

Evan Derkacz is a New York-based writer and contributor to AlterNet.


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jAnd we block cigarette advertising that targets children!!!
Posted by: fool-on-the-hill on Sep 23, 2005 11:39 AM    [Report this comment]
If a tobacco company ran an ad campaign that targeted teens, we would (rightly!) howl for their blood. Why is the hell do we tolerate this blatant effort to make warfare cool??!!! I'm starting to think the only solution is REVOLUTION!

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What can we do?
Posted by: Pocahontas on Sep 23, 2005 12:04 PM    [Report this comment]
Good question. I signed the "opt-out" forms (found at militaryfreezone.org) for my son and made sure the Principal, the School District Supersiver and my Congressmen know that I did. Recently, my son informed me that the Army was in his high school handing out the metal clips that Mtn Climbers use. My son said he really wanted one of those clips and almost went to the recruiters to take one -- but then he remembered how anti-war I am, and steered cleared of the recruiters. I told my son those clips are cheap and I can buy as many of those as he wants. I hope other parents inform their children about the opt-out form, and the bag of tricks recruiters will use to entice them into -- not only conversation -- but the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Test (a military career assessment test), and constant pursuit of their hides.

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Posted by: Roverton on Sep 24, 2005 7:25 AM    [Report this comment]
The "UNIMAGINISTAS" are at it again...

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