Friday, December 23

Game has a good bit of information about the recent Preliminary Injuction on California's new game bill. Including a link to a PDF Court's Ruling for all you uber law geeks out there.

Testing changes should help schools achieve better results: "Missouri's standards would go from being tougher to being easier than those used on the national test."

So in order to make the test results look better, the state is basically making the test easier? Is this really what we want to do? This is the problem with Outcome Based Education. A term which isn't used as much anymore because everyone figured out it was bad, but they still do it. I don't care about test scores. Nobody I know is successful because they can answer questions on a standardized test. That includes lawyers! People are successful because they understand the world as a whole, are well rounded and generally educated. Not because they know the answer to question 45 is B.

US Judge Blocks Video Game Law: "In a ruling issued late on December 21, 2005, Judge Ronald Whyte, a California judge, handed down a preliminary injunction halting the implementation of California's law that would restrict video game sales and require the unconstitutional and subjective labeling of video games. "

Thursday, December 22

The War is Over and Christmas Loses

I have decided once and for all to end the entire debate over the war on Christmas. Therefore I have invited the terms "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Holidays" to a fight to the death at Google Fight. It was a tough fight I'm sure, but in the end, Happy Holidays was the clear winner by KO. So there, everyone just shut up and wish each other a Happy Holiday and if you are offended, then I hop you get a lump of coal in your Christmas Stocking, or in whatever Hannakuh presents come in.

- Happy Holidays readers! Both of you!

Wednesday, December 21

Another reason to watch what you put on your blog: Teen Guilty Of Manslaughter After Online Confession

Thursday, December 15

I Won!!!

Well, I'm officially a successfully attorney. I have won my first trial! All be it bench trial, but a trial none the less.

Tis the Season
Remember that Christmas morning, when you came down stairs, and there was a wrapped present which met the dimensions of the Nintentdo, SuperNintendo, PSone, PS2, or whatever age category and console you fit into? Next to it, was a smaller packege which you knew beyond any doubt was a game for the console. You of course knew all this because you had been at the stores for months on end holding and weighing the boxes so you would be able to recognize them in any type of wrapping paper. Well, now you can give that feeling to another child, one that is not as fortunate as you may have been. Visit the above site and learn about the amazing charity that the guys at Penny-Arcade have put together. Give money, give gifts, just give back as best you can.

Wednesday, December 14 Blogs ? Hatfield: No AG in his future: "POLITICAL FIX

Hatfield: No AG in his future
By Jo Mannies
12/13/2005 3:48 pm
After his own stint in the attorney general's office as chief fo staff, lawyer Chuck Hatfield is adamantly denying reports from friends that he's thinking about running for the job in 2008.
No I'm not! Hatfield declared in a pithy email sent out today.
Hatfield then relayed The top ten reasons I am absolutely, positively, unequivocally not interested in running for Attorney General:

10. I am not tall enough to be a statewide elected official.

9. I only have one blue suit and two red ties, clearly an insufficient number to run for office.

8. If the camera truly adds ten pounds, I would need two seasons on the "Biggest Loser" to be ready.

7. Like many others, I was guilty of certain youthful indiscretions. As a college student, I was a telemarketer. Its not something I'm proud of, I only did it a few times, I did not enjoy it and I discourage all young children from ever participating in such a shameful profession.

6. No Attorney General's Mansion.

5. My hand cramps up after the first 30 shakes in a day.

4. When I was 4 years old, I intentionally and with malice aforethought hit my sister in the head with a board. I'm afraid the negative ads would kill my candidacy.

3. Think I could only raise about $5 million, which would be totally insufficient.

2. I detest chicken, particularly rubbery chicken with au gratin potatoes on the side.

1. I'm throwing all my support behind the candidacy of Tom Eagleton, who I hear is ready for another term as A.G.

So Hatfield is staying in his day job with Stinson Morrison Hecker LLP"

Note: Don't know anything about this race yet, but this was still amusing.

Old Grandma Hardcore
Freaking Sweet!!

Editor's Note: WOW, this just came across my Bloglines update and it sounds much much worse than it is. This is about an Old Grandma Hardcore GAMER!!! She plays video games and stuff. Whew, somethings just don't come out on paper the way you think they will in your head. :)

Tuesday, December 13

We're having Mardi Gras and that's final

Go get 'em. That's the spirit you need in the city!

Monday, December 12

Schwarzenegger Denies Clemency for Williams - Yahoo! News

Schwarzenegger Denies Clemency for Williams - Yahoo! News

This is all you really need to know: "Williams was convicted of killing Yen-I Yang, 76, Tsai-Shai Chen Yang, 63, and Yu-Chin Yang Lin, 43, at a Los Angeles motel the family owned, and Albert Owens, 26, a 7-Eleven clerk gunned down in Whittier."

Whose City?

Death of an American City - New York Times

Yes, New Orleans is a treasure of America's past and present. It is a part of America that should not be lost. However, blaming the federal government for the destruction, and asking for the federal government to bail New Orleans out is not the solution. I agree that some funding should come from the feds. If nothing more than for the fact that the feds can handle the hit to the budget. But, people like the author of the above story need to get one thing straight. This is New Orlean's problem, arising from poor management of the city by the city, state and local governments. Yes, continue to ask for federal funding, but stop blaming the feds for YOUR mistakes. Stop asking people in the rest of the nation, with their own problems, to fit the bill for your entire levee. Its YOUR leveee. Stop pointing the finger to Washington and saying "oh if they would only help". Get out there and fix YOUR city yourself. And, if federal money comes to help, be happy, be gracious, use it for good, and use it to continue the work that YOU start in YOUR city.

As per this specific "journalist", don't use the tragedy in New Orleans to push your anti-Bush, anti-Free Iraq, anti-USA agenda.

2005 Spike TV Video Game Awards - Award show review Review

2005 Spike TV Video Game Awards - Award show review Review
AtariAge Forums -> 2005 Spike VGA

Well, the votes are in, and the big loser!? Spike's Video Games Farce. My biggest problem with the whole thing.. Best female/male performance. You CANNOT win an award for just rehashing your script from your movie. Hell, I could go home and do what I do every day over again for a video game and it would be professional. (hint hint, I'll star in the next attorney DS game).