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Hog On Ice Homemade Alcohol Stove

Here are a few pics of a homemade alcohol stove my hikin' buddy Hog On Ice built and was nice enough to send me.
Built from small tomato juice cans with a base made to hold a tea candle to pressurize it!
The burner is about 1 & 1/8" tall and the base 1 & 1/2".
The burner is just two 7/8" high can bottoms pressed together with 8 holes punched around the rim top and 4 holes top center.
Pour alcohol onto the burner top and let it sink through 4 center holes into the burner.

Tea candle, base, burner.

Place a small tea candle in the base and light.

Place burner on top.

In a few minutes, the tea candle will have heated the alcohol enough to vaporize and shoot out the top of the burner.

Burner top view.

Here are a few pictures of HOI's cooking set in action during a trip we took to the Sipsey Wilderness.

He uses an one quart aluminum cup as a cookpot, very light.
Some Wal-Mart's have these cups for about $3.
He also made a potstand/windscreen based upon my designs.

HOI has modifed his burner by running a small piece of copper wire from the inside of the burner out the top through one of the top filler holes and bent over the burner flame.
This transfers more heat down into the alcohol and helps it vaporize better.

Cooking away.
HOI uses a piece of aluminum foil as a lid (not shown).

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W. Kevin Smith
Revised 03/01/2003