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December 23, 2005

Mojo Blog

12/21/05 8:06 AM
Notes allege "FEMA is not a response agency for disasters"


Sign up for Must Reads

Bush's Game of Fiscal "Chicken"

Commentary:  Drive straight for a head-on collision and let liberals get out of the way.
December 23, 2005

Get Smarter

Commentary: Protecting the Homeland...by spying on it.
December 23, 2005

How Latins View the US

Commentary:  Latin Americans are increasingly suspicious of their northern neighbor.
December 22, 2005


Interview:  The fall of Communism didn't just change Europe's future; it transformed its past.
December 20, 2005

The McCain (et al.) Mutiny

News:  A President who prizes loyalty suddenly finds the knives are out.
January/February 2006 Issue

2005: Bad Year for Goliath. How About David?

Commentary:  Acknowledging the groups, organizations, publics, and citizenries who stood up for their rights this year
December 20, 2005


News:  An unflinching look at the human faces of war-ravaged Iraq
December 19, 2005

The Anthrax Attacks and the Costs of 9/11

Commentary:  Those powder-filled envelopes of October 2001 are all but forgotten. How come?
December 19, 2005

Cold War, Holy Warrior

News:  Ike was president. Washington was desperate for Arab allies. Enter an Islamist ideologue with an invitation to the White House and a plan for global jihad.
January/February 2006 Issue

Lawless World

Interview:  The United States is wrecking the international legal order—against its own interests.
December 19, 2005

Among the Allies

News:  In the madrasas and on the streets of Pakistan, students learn to hate in the name of love, and whoever has a gun is a warlord.
January/February 2006 Issue



A Nation Under God

News:  Let others worry about the rapture: For the increasingly powerful Christian Reconstruction movement, the task is to establish the Kingdom of God right now—from the courthouse to the White House.
December/January 2006 Issue

Flight Risk: A Special Investigation
News:  Hundreds of Boeing Jets May Be Unsafe. So Why are they Still Flying?
December 5, 2005

After Katrina
News:  Mother Jones coverage of the New Orleans disaster and its aftermath
November 1, 2005

The Ohio Insurgency

News:  Major Paul Hackett came home from Iraq to launch an assault on a GOP stronghold. Can Democrats follow his lead?
November/December 2005 Issue

Domestic Violence: A Special Report
News:  Underfunded shelters. Unenforced restraining orders. Will cops, Congress, and the Supreme Court leave women with no safe haven?
July/August 2005 Issue
P L U S :
Update: How Congress is distorting the Violence Against Women Act


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Special Reports
Special Reports

From the Archives

Scrimmage on the Border

News: From the Archives
Vigilantes and camera crews were amassing in the Arizona desert, but the real standoff was in Washington, as fear of immigration invaded the halls of Congress.

July/August 2005 Issue

Tookie Williams

News: The co-founder of the Crips street gang shows his true colors
March/April 2001 Issue

A Guilty Man

News: He wanted to make capital punishment kinder. Instead, he believes, he made it easier.
September/October 2005 Issue


Weigh in on Domestic Spying

The recent revelation that President Bush authorized the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on American citizens without just cause shocked Democrats and Republicans alike. Tell Attorney General Gonzales what you think via Working Assets' Call to Action.

American Losses

Number of U.S. service members killed since the U.S. campaign against Iraq began on March 19, 2003: 2149

Source -- U.S. Department of Defense

Enough Said

"What he can do is counter the image that Iraq is nothing but violence, but I don't think he can convince the American people that conditions there are fundamentally good."
-- Michael E. O'Hanlon of the Brookings Institution on the political challenge facing George W. Bush over Iraq.

