Campaigns works to enable our members to speak in unison, with an amplified political voice. Below is a list of current efforts. Pledge

Join Us. Sign the Pledge.It's time to stand together and make a change.

Become a member by signing our Pledge. Add your name to the thousands who have already vowed to make sure that no one gets left behind again.

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Left behind, again?

Call Bush Out. Sign the Petition.It's time to fight back for the folks in the Gulf.

Rebuilding New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina will cost $200 billion. Whom do Republicans want to foot the bill? The same people—disproportionately black, poor, and elderly—who have already had to survive both the violence of the storm and the inaction of the government.

It is wrong. It is shameful. And it has to stop—now.

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Black People: A Race of Criminals?

Get Bennett Off the AirBill Bennett must apologize or get off the air.

Republican leader Bill Bennett said on his radio show that mass abortion of black fetuses would reduce crime—implying that Blacks are a criminal race. His show reaches more than 1 million listeners.

His comments have drawn rebuke from the White House, Congressional leaders and the Anti-Defamation League. But his program's distributor has been silent. Please join us in asking Salem Radio Network to pull his show off the air, until Bill Bennett apologizes for his racially offensive statements.

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