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Thursday, December 22, 2005

Not Alone!

Below, Steve rhapsodizes about the release fo the 4th volume of David Currie's Constitution in Congress series. He wonders:

What I wonder, though, as I read Currie's latest, is how widely each of these books has been received. Is it just uber-law-dorks like me, who find pieces like Currie's Virginia Law Review article on the Confederate Constitution fascinating, who are captivated by these historical studies?

Now maybe I am also an "uber-law-dork", but I too am absolutely elated about the new release. Unfortunately, a long0time family tradition precludes me from purchasing it myself until after Christmas Morning. My Increasingly-slavering thoughts on the first three volumes of the series are here, here, and here.

Posted by Will Baude on December 22, 2005 at 10:48 PM in Books | Permalink


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