Robert F. Kennedy boldly faced tough problems and challenged the comfortable and complacent. To keep his vision alive, his family and friends founded a living memorial in 1968. Today the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial is a nonprofit charitable organization that works to realize his dream of a peaceful and just world through domestic and international programs that work to empower the disadvantaged and oppressed, build our next generation of leaders, and tackle the toughest problems facing our society.

Every year, the RFK Memorial recognizes authors, journalists and human rights activists that have exposed injustice, often hidden from the view of mainstream society.

The Center for Human Rights of the RFK Memorial partners with human rights activists who, through years of dedication to righting social injustices in over 20 different countries, have made progress toward ending human rights violations.

The annual RFK Human Rights Award honors individuals who, at great risk, creatively and non-violently confront human rights violations. To date, 36 RFK Human Rights Award Laureates have been honored. Nominations are currently closed for the 2005 RFK Human Rights Award.

Nicknamed the "Poor Man's Pulitzer", the RFK Journalism Award is given annually to honor professional and student journalists, photographers and cartoonists who “prod our consciousness” and bring attention to the lives of the disadvantaged throughout the world. The RFK Journalism Award is one of the few press awards to be selected by a panel of journalistic peers.

The RFK Book Award, is awarded to the book which "most faithfully and forcefully reflects Robert Kennedy's purposes." The RFK Book Awards have received international recognition as one of the most prestigious honors an author can achieve.

Current News
     CHR Statement: Statistical Indicators Needed o Measure Improvement in Human Rights
     Letter to Paul Wolfowitz: CHR writes World Bank President about Chad
     Article in New York Times: 2004 RFK Human Rights Award winner on Chad backing out on pledge to fight poverty with Oil Revenue
     Signup for Email Updates: Join the RFK Network
     Article in The Independent: Comments from CHR on Start of Stang Trial (12/9)
     Policy Proposal: Alternative Funding Mechanisms for Rights-based Community Projects in Haiti
     Letter to Sec. of State Rice: CHR on US-Indonesian Relations and West Papua
     2005 RFK Human Rights Award Winner: More info on Stephen Bradberry
     RFK 80th Birthday Press Clippings: View Articles and Opinion Columns related to RFK's 80th
     Remarks: Sen. Kennedy's speech from the 2005 RFK Human Rights Award Ceremony
     Remarks: Sen. Obama's speech from the 2005 RFK Human Rights Award Ceremony
     Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Commemorates RFK's 80th Birthday
     Special Offers for Donors: Guggenheim's RFK Remembered or Limited Edition Photography
     Speak Truth to Power- Join the Global Fight for Human Rights

Photo Credits:
Logo Photograph by Stanley Tretick
"Life & Vision" Photograph by Bill Eppridge