Authors and Contributors this page: T.F. Mills
Page created 5 April 2001. Corrected and updated 16.12.2004
Frequently Asked Questions:
How Can I Find a Website
Not Indexed on this Site?

        While this website aims to be comprehensive in linking to regimental sites, it is not possible to index everything, or to be competely up-to-date. You may have once seen a web site of interest and since lost track of its URL. Or you might suspect that something of interest is out there somewhere.

        You can find them as easily as we can. Many search engines are at your fingertips on the web. Altavista, FastSearch, Google, Northern Light, to name just a few. Your browser most likely has a search button which will lead you to many others. Learn how to use them. Each one has its strengths and weaknesses. See also our main page of Internet Stuff.

        Of course, if you find some good websites which we have failed to index, we would be grateful to hear about them.