Libre Software Engineering
SLOCCount Web for Debian Sarge

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General Statistics for Debian Sarge Code Counting

Number of packages 8560
Number of Files 931834
Number of SLOC 215812764
Mean number of SLOC/file 231.6
Mean number of files/package 108.86
Mean number of SLOC/package 25211.77

Statistics by programming languages
# Language SLOC % SLOC Packages % Packages Files % Files SLOC/file
1. ansic 120493116 55.832% 5000 58.411% 436005 46.79% 276.36
2. cpp 36399992 16.866% 1354 15.818% 195017 20.928% 186.65
3. sh 20444553 9.473% 6138 71.706% 60443 6.486% 338.25
4. lisp 6811966 3.156% 559 6.53% 19487 2.091% 349.56
5. perl 6359907 2.947% 2856 33.364% 34140 3.664% 186.29
6. python 4110955 1.905% 794 9.276% 27596 2.961% 148.97
7. java 3766065 1.745% 223 2.605% 37370 4.01% 100.78
8. fortran 2724633 1.262% 100 1.168% 19119 2.052% 142.51
9. php 2106875 0.976% 189 2.208% 16009 1.718% 131.61
10. tcl 2022964 0.937% 286 3.341% 9207 0.988% 219.72
11. makefile 1841585 0.853% 8537 99.731% 25105 2.694% 73.36
12. ada 1709105 0.792% 37 0.432% 9646 1.035% 177.18
13. pascal 1411161 0.654% 146 1.706% 8287 0.889% 170.29
14. objc 845717 0.392% 118 1.379% 4442 0.477% 190.39
15. haskell 761335 0.353% 36 0.421% 6949 0.746% 109.56
16. ml 701894 0.325% 95 1.11% 4912 0.527% 142.89
17. yacc 627992 0.291% 640 7.477% 1048 0.112% 599.23
18. ruby 603631 0.28% 151 1.764% 5224 0.561% 115.55
19. cs 535024 0.248% 38 0.444% 4243 0.455% 126.1
20. sql 529389 0.245% 146 1.706% 1324 0.142% 399.84
21. exp 408311 0.189% 54 0.631% 2399 0.257% 170.2
22. lex 229879 0.107% 376 4.393% 735 0.079% 312.76
23. awk 165591 0.077% 316 3.692% 1193 0.128% 138.8
24. sed 32371 0.015% 467 5.456% 1206 0.129% 26.84
25. csh 29378 0.014% 154 1.799% 490 0.053% 59.96
26. f90 26901 0.012% 11 0.129% 142 0.015% 189.44
27. cobol 5404 0.003% 2 0.023% 35 0.004% 154.4
28. modula3 2153 0.001% 5 0.058% 42 0.005% 51.26
29. jsp 813 0% 6 0.07% 19 0.002% 42.79
  Total 215812764 100% 28834 336.846% 931834 100% 231.6

Estimations done with Basic COCOMO model (also known as COCOMO I)
Total Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC) 215812764
Development Effort Estimate, Person-Years (Person-Months) 79764.74 (957176.94)
(Basic COCOMO model, Person-Months = 2.4 * (KSLOC**1.05))
Schedule Estimate, Years (Months) 39.04 (468.51)
(Basic COCOMO model, Months = 2.5 * (person-months**0.38))
Estimated Average Number of Developers (Effort/Schedule) 2043.02
Total Estimated Cost to Develop 175286700000$
(average salary = $56,286/year, overhead = 2.40)
(This numbers are computed as if it were a unique software project, not the union of independent projects)
(It can be treated as the upper bound estimation. See FAQ for more details)

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