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Jack is Back: Murtha Takes the Fight to Bush -- and Across America (103 comments )

During a campaign-style town hall meeting in Louisville on Wednesday, President Bush continued his PR offensive on Iraq, offering up his familiar "strategy for victory" talking points (Saddam: bad; democracy: good) and an upbeat assessment of the situation there.

According to the president, "Things are good."

He also continued to make the case that Iraq is an essential part of the war on terror: "Al Qaeda has made it very clear their intentions in Iraq, which is to drive the United States out so they will have a base from which to operate to spread their ideology... In other words, al Qaeda has made Iraq a front in the war on terror.

And that's why we've developed a strategy for victory."

Luckily, Rep. Jack Murtha is still on the case, traveling around the country, speaking out, cutting through the fog of the administration's rosy rhetoric, and making it clear -- again and again -- that the ongoing bloodshed isn't, as the president put it, "an ideological struggle" in which "you defeat an ideology of darkness with an ideology of light and hope". It's the result of internal Iraqi politics.

In other words, as Murtha says, "Iraq is not about terrorism; it's about civil war". And our presence there is only fueling the fire.

"Iraq is not enhancing the war against terror," Murtha said at a lunch in New York on Wednesday (at roughly the same time Bush was making his claims in Kentucky). "In fact, just the opposite is true: Iraq is hurting our prospects for winning the fight against terror. We've become the issue over there. Abu Ghraib and Fallujah have hurt us badly. That's why we need to take ourselves out of the equation."

Murtha elaborated on this point in an eloquent 9-page Dear Colleague letter he sent to his fellow members of the House:

"If the War in Iraq and our continued large military presence was actually succeeding in driving a stake into the heart of Al Qaeda, the terrible loss of life and limb and the quarter of a trillion dollars we have spent in Iraq to date would be worth it. But I believe that President George H.W. Bush's National Security Advisor, General Brent Scowcroft, was right when he observed that the way we are handling the War in Iraq is 'feeding' terrorism, not eliminating it. Our heavy military presence in Iraq is the single most important reason our radical enemies have been able to recruit fresh new suicide bombers and terrorists and garner a measure of support from the Iraqi people. Even by the administration's own numbers, our current policy is creating as many or more terrorists than it is eliminating. It is simply not working."

Reports from around the country are that wherever Murtha goes -- be it a Home Depot or a Starbucks -- applause breaks out. The well-spring of sentiment against the war that he tapped into when he first spoke out in November is still very much alive. He hit a nerve, one that strikes at the heart of the administration's signature policy initiative: the invasion of Iraq.

If Democrats are smart, they will keep Murtha front and center -- making him the face of the party for the 2006 race in the way the GOP utilized Gingrich to nationalize the 1994 elections.

As he proceeds on his barnstorming offensive, Murtha does what the Democrats should have been doing for years (are you listening, Hillary?): show how the war on Iraq has actually undermined our national security.

"The annual expenditures for the War on Iraq dwarf those of the combined budgets of all other programs in place to fight terrorism," he wrote in his letter. "That is a gross misallocation of resources and has important consequences for making our population safer from terrorist attack. The dollars used to pay for an 8,000 mile logistical pipeline to Iraq could be reapplied to fixing our many vulnerabilities at home in the transportation sector, or at chemical plants, river levees, or nuclear power plants...

"We should be conducting a war against the terrorists in which America's borders are effectively guarded to keep out terrorists, and programs are in place to ensure that none of the millions of cargo containers that enter American ports contain explosives that could render one or more of our great ports inoperable and debilitate our economy, not a "War on Terror" where our finest young people are sacrificing their lives and limbs to implement the visions of "intellectual geopolitical strategists" who fantasize about Jeffersonian democracies being installed in Middle East cultures that have had authoritarian regimes during their entire two millennia of existence...

"It is time to 'change the course' of our Iraqi policy. It is time to wage an effective war against international terrorism. The American people know it. It is time for the administration and the Congress to catch up with them..."

Expect more of this impassioned and spot-on reasoning when Murtha is profiled on "60 Minutes" this Sunday.

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There is no war. Our government overthrew a dictator and is occupying a country. Bullsh is playing war just like he played businessman. Bravo to Jack Murtha, you, and everyone else for speaking truth to power, which is more heroic than putting on a uniform.

Posted by: powerofhumility on January 11, 2006 at 09:20pm
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God bless Rep. Murtha. And keep up the good work Arianna. Keep speaking truth to power.

Posted by: Subtext on January 11, 2006 at 09:23pm
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This man is a giant.

Don't expect Hillary or any other democrat to condem the war in Iraq. They may talk about peripheral issues like armor,etc. but not the unjustified deaths and maiming of 17000 Americans.

They can't afford to offend AIPAC and other big doners who would like to see American boots in Iran by spring.

Posted by: dsmith on January 11, 2006 at 09:24pm
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If the Prez wants folks to join the military, than the President needs to honor them with something besides lip service.

Go Murtha!

Posted by: April on January 11, 2006 at 09:24pm
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Victory! Victory in the War on Terror!

Imagine! On VT-Day, the factory whistles will blow -- what few factories that haven't been outsourced to China that is.

Pretty nurses will kiss hansome sailors in the streets -- or maybe they'll both be hansome sailors, (don't ask don't tell).

And we'll enjoy the fruits of Victory!

No more color code terror warnings! The war will be over right? Victory!

No need to listen to telephone conversations. The war will be over right? Victory!

No more security checks at the airport. Just imagine. They won't be necessary. The war will be over right? Victory!

Or -- if nothing ever changes --how will we ever know when we've achieved Victory in the War on Terror?

What will be Victory anyway?

Posted by: Steppenwolf on January 11, 2006 at 09:37pm
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If the president wanted an effective war on terrorism he should have invaded Saudi Arabia! Nearly all the Sept. 11th hijackers were Saudis educated in extremist Islamic doctrine. Oh! That's it... The Saudis are our friends or at least friends of the Bush family...

Posted by: cgbear1167 on January 11, 2006 at 09:38pm
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Bush acknowledged differences over Iraq..."Whether you agree with me or not, we're doing the right thing," Bush said....

Presumably as long as people who don’t agree with him understand that they are wrong.

Posted by: poppycock on January 11, 2006 at 09:41pm
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Hard to believe there are STILL Dems that are stumbling over themselves in explaining their views on the war! Hello HILARY?

Posted by: essar1 on January 11, 2006 at 09:41pm
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The so-called "War on Terrorism" IS terrorism!

Posted by: liberalelite on January 11, 2006 at 09:48pm
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Same old, same old for the Prez. Seems the standard MO is a seven paragraph intro in his speeches, then mention September Eleventh as soon as possible

Posted by: theheretik on January 11, 2006 at 10:00pm
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Brilliant analysis on why Getting Out Sooner is Better than Later -

Posted by: radiofreewill on January 11, 2006 at 10:03pm
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Jack rocks! I would like to see him elected to higher office or in a cabinet position in my administration.

Posted by: fitzmas on January 11, 2006 at 10:11pm
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Thank God at least one of our elected officials is still thinking clearly about this clusterfuck of a war and is not in eternal spin mode.


Posted by: jurassicpork on January 11, 2006 at 10:18pm
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"Sixty Minutes" and Murtha will be pre-empted (by sports) as usual in my market (Washington, D.C.!). I never get to see Sixty Minutes! Please people in the heartland, tell me about it.

Posted by: Danny on January 11, 2006 at 10:20pm
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Amazing...President Bush's "Political Clout" is so far gone he still has to resort to town hall style campaigning well into his second term. Already playing the fear factor and the mid terms are a long way off. "Countdown" had the run on the questions from the sheep. What a joke. Did you see the guy saying, "Oh thank you Mr. President for saving us from another attack..." Pulleeeeeeezzzze. If these wiretaps and spying have turned up something why hasn't HLS raised the terror alert since before the 2004 election? Do you think that if these guys had done something to prevent anything they wouldn't be thumping their collective chests and shouting from the rooftops, "SEE I TOLD YOU WE WOULD KEEP YOU SAFE!!!!!"

Posted by: mcs550 on January 11, 2006 at 10:25pm
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dsmith-- suddenly I hear ads for joining "the Navy". Xran has vast coastlines on the Persian GulX.

Posted by: Danny on January 11, 2006 at 10:27pm
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Leadership, the man is reeking in it, none too soon.

Posted by: SamEllison on January 11, 2006 at 10:40pm
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Seems like all the president's speeches are "cut & paste" from his previous ones.

Posted by: northeastneighbor on January 11, 2006 at 10:47pm
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By now everyone who’s being paying attention knows that the decision to “fix” IRAQ was made a long time before 9/11. The “wink and a nod” diplomacy that preceded the war in Iraq was only to convince the rest of the world that a violent confrontation was inevitable. This allowed all those nations that had “privately” concluded that there was no real prospect of moderating American policy to “publicly” display token opposition.

We will now have to endure almost exactly the same process but this time with Iran. It has already been concluded (I’ll take bets if you’re interested) that there is no diplomatic solution to our “problem” with Iran. The only question remaining is – who is going to bomb Iran – the US or Israel? Now that the true tab for Iraq is emerging, air-strikes represent to only “cost effective” mechanism available to us, and – guess what? - It happens to be Israel’s turn in the barrel.

If there is one thing that likely to result in a united Shiite and Sunni’ insurgency in Iraq it will be an Israeli (or US) attack on Iran. So Mr. Bush is asking himself “do we recall the troops before the bombing, or after?”

Everyone can answer this question for themselves – but having heard hints of Israel’s (quiet) impatience I suspect the return of out troops might be quicker than we expect.

Posted by: poppycock on January 11, 2006 at 10:47pm
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Thank God for one sane man brave enough to actually SPEAK!!!


We need to STOP HIM now before he steps into Iran or Syria or wherever he wants to practice and plunder with his "war toys" next.

Posted by: TRYKER on January 11, 2006 at 10:52pm
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What we're seeing is the difference between a true patriot and a pseudo patriot, a man who served his country honorably during a war for years in the military and one who stayed sloshed and on the sidelines most of the time, partying his nights away and falling down drunk, living off daddy and mommy. A relative in Kentucky told me on the phone today that she's keeping her TV, computer and radio turned off. Says she doesn't want "to hear a word out of that man." Her stomach gets unsettled every time she hears or sees him.

Posted by: seriously on January 11, 2006 at 10:52pm
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Murtha was and is a true hero. I just wish that he and others would have spoken out sooner. Anyone with any smarts knew this was folly before the first US soldier set foot in Iraq in 03.
Bush, Cheney should be inpeached and tried for warcrimes.

Posted by: nosygeeza on January 11, 2006 at 10:52pm
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Dear Arianna,
I could not fine a single point of yours that was not spot-on also. I support Rep. Jack Murtha, his conviction is rightly placed. He is a good man, i believe in this massage, Bu$h is putting our beloved Country in grave danger, and Isreal is also in danger by the actions of Bu$h.

Posted by: dapper on January 11, 2006 at 11:06pm
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BUSHCO delibertedly misconstrued the insurgents as terroirst for a very long time. It was a lie to mislead the public. Anyone who does not like us or our roll as an invader is not a terroist. if that is the case than 80 percent of the Iraqi population is Al Qeada!!!.

There are some terorist there now that were not there before we invaded. That much is true. They are a very small percentage. And most come from Saudi Arabia.. BUSHCOs best friends and businesss partners wihc he protects at all costs. The funders of his failed businesses for years!

BUSHCO has yet to adjust to the fact that they have failed to install a Pro U.S. democracy (they installed a pro Iranian Islamic Theocracy... the very thing that we were suppose to be fighting) and that the newly elected government inline with 80 percent of the IRAQI population is telling us to leave!

Remember our choice, the canidate who bragged when he campaigned there... That he brought freedom to Iraq got less than .5 percent of the vote! That tells you how pro American the new Government will be.

They publish and spout phoney stats saying that employment has droppped in half since we replaced Sadam. Since unemployment is now 50 percent that means it was 100 percent under Saddam. Additionally when they talk about 60 percent unemployement that was after Irag had been at war for 5 weeks with us and we bombed their infrastructure away. We had the same kind of unemployement in New Orleans after Katrina or worse!

Its like BUSHCO bragging about educational scores going up. B/S the increase was statistically insignificant and our world rankings as other nations scored better/improved went down considerably! Minorities did increase thier test scores, but since there was no overall increase, non minority test scores decreased. The dumbing down of our schools is what occured under BUSHCO. It is the effect in large part of the 6 fold increase in the rate of illegal aliens entering the country since BUSHCO took charge.

The info the Prez provides on the economy are equally and knowingly misleading. Half truths and distortions of reality are lies!

This adminstration is incapable of telling the truth. When BUSH finaly mentioned that some insurgents are Iraqis who are fighting a foreign invader, it was hailed as a major break through of honesty. But by the time he said that almost all of America already knew it! And then he went back into his 9/11 and war on terror BS!


Posted by: Viper on January 11, 2006 at 11:07pm
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dear mrs huffington:

thank you for the heads up on rep. murtha and 60 minutes. we will certainly watch. he is the kind of man i wish i had been.

Posted by: jule on January 11, 2006 at 11:08pm
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Says she doesn't want "to hear a word out of that man." Her stomach gets unsettled every time she hears or sees him.

Posted by: seriously on January 11, 2006 at 10:52pm

I hear allot of people says exactly, what your relative has said, Bu$h seems to grind many peoples guts. I myself feel it when I see him.

Posted by: dapper on January 11, 2006 at 11:14pm
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Eat your heart out. He is my Congressman. And I love him. Isn't it a brilliant sound when a person speaks truth, common sense and brilliant analysis..... Jack Rocks and I nominate him for President.
John could have spoken out as eloquently as Jack, but you got all twisted up in trying to bore your audience to death. Nothing like a person who speaks out simply and forcefully and doesn't get bogged down in minutae. Murtha, you are my hero!

Posted by: alibe on January 11, 2006 at 11:18pm
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I, too, am unable to watch bush on TV. Either I am cringing in embarrassment that he is the unelected president of the United States or I am in a state of rage at his arrogance in usurping the function of Congress by illegal wiretapping, lying to get the US involved in his oil war, his sneaky behavior by interim appointments that he knew would never be approved by Congress and, most especially, at the loss of young American lives that his lying has cost.

I wont even mention the state of the economy, his gutting of the Dept of the Interior and his intractable, unreasonable stance refusing to get the soldiers that are still alive in Iraq out of Iraq in that same condition.

Impeach that lying chimp bastard before many more American soldiers die.

Posted by: rosie on January 11, 2006 at 11:21pm
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A tried and true patriot is Jack Murtha. A seasoned hero who earned his right to speak out against the quagmire that the current President "Numbskull" and his cabinet of chickenhawks got us into. Again.. Bush began planning this invasion 2 weeks after he was given the Presidency by the Supreme Court in 2000. Bush's excuse for the war, after all other excuses failed, was that Iraq possessed WMD and had the ability to use them in 45 minutes, also Bin Laden and al-Qaeda had connections to Iraq, which all proved to be lies. And to date the excuses keep changing. Their version of evolution I guess, a real "intelligent design". If the Democrats had any brains, or gumption, they'd prove that Cheney's secret energy task force meeting with the energy CEO's had a direct bearing on this Iraq War since the Bush administration, friends, and political donors and cronies are raking in billions of dollars, in oil and wartime contracts, off the backs of over 2210 dead American military and even more mercenaries(war profiteers in a war zone). Murtha knows the horrors of war, something that Bush and Cheney don't know since..Daddy Bush got his coke sniffing son into the "Texas Champagne Unit" after which he went AWOL from the National Guard, and Dick Cheney who got 5 deferrments because he "Had better things to do". They're lucky that Murtha isn't calling for their impeachment. Murtha know them for what they are. Leeches looting our National Treasury to the tune of Trillions of dollars for which our children and grand children will be hardpressed to pay off, and payoff they will have to alone, because Bush and all his cronies will be offshore celebrating America's take over by China. In the news is the fact that China owns 5% of America along with Japan and Saudi Arabia(Bush's financial partner). I have the feeling that we may have to have another REVOLUTION to rid ourselves of another "King George". Impeach the Lott of them and or string them up by their feet since they obviously don't have any balls to do the fighting or have their Ivy League Brats fight for their oil wealth. For all you Republican lemmings with your heads up your butts or in the sand, (take your pick) Bin Laden was in Afghanistan when he ordered the Saudi Arabians to hijack the American jets, filled with American passengers, and fly them into the World Trade Center. No Iraqi's! Bush saw his chance to avenge his daddy and blew his chance to get Bin Laden and the terror cells worldwide and instead buried us in Iraq. We could have and should have had those 160,000 American troops rooting out Bin Laden and all the terror cells. Was it Bin Laden that said that the way to bring America down was to bankrupt America. When Clinton left office our finances were in the black, now thanks to the Republican Crooks looting the National Treasury, we are bankrupt financially and thanks to the Abramoff scandal, we know that the Republicans are morally bankrupt also. So this is what consists of the Republicans "Contract with America".

Posted by: Deuces on January 11, 2006 at 11:23pm
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Bremer is on Charlie Rose blaming the Pentagon for not sending more troops. Geez, the guy didn't have Bush's ear?

Well blame CIA for bad intellignece and blame the Pentagon for not enough troops?

Its the blame game!

Posted by: Elucid on January 11, 2006 at 11:37pm
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Yeah, but if we were spending all that money on securing America's "transportation sector, or at chemical plants, river levees, or nuclear power plants", eventually that would drive up the value of skilled manual labor here, and eventually reward unionized labor.

And today's Republicans actually fear organized labor far more than they fear Al Qaeda.

Posted by: balconesfault on January 11, 2006 at 11:40pm
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Jack Murtha is a true Patriot.....
George W. Bush is a "Plastic Patriot"...

Posted by: Betsy on January 11, 2006 at 11:52pm
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Thought I'd point out that this is the first post I recall where by this time, trolls hadn't infected the thread.

Jack is, no pun intended, pretty bulletproof. It's kind of difficult, if not almost impossible, to criticize his motives, his experience and his analysis (particularly his observation that this is really a civil war). Since the typical Republican talking point approach tends to include, perhaps emphasize, personal attacks (something they tried early on with Jack), I think they're ...almost speechless!!

And yet other Democrats fail to see how successful this formula can be...

Posted by: MrWooly on January 11, 2006 at 11:59pm
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By now everyone who’s being paying attention knows that the decision to “fix” IRAQ was made a long time before 9/11. The “wink and a nod” diplomacy that preceded the war in Iraq was only to convince the rest of the world that a violent confrontation was inevitable. This allowed all those nations that had “privately” concluded that there was no real prospect of moderating American policy to “publicly” display token opposition.

We will now have to endure almost exactly the same process but this time with Iran. It has already been concluded (I’ll take bets if you’re interested) that there is no diplomatic solution to our “problem” with Iran. The only question remaining is – who is going to bomb Iran – the US or Israel? Now that the true tab for Iraq is emerging, air-strikes represent to only “cost effective” mechanism available to us, and – guess what? - It happens to be Israel’s turn in the barrel.

If there is one thing that’s likely to result in a united Shiite and Sunni’ insurgency in Iraq it will be an Israeli (or US) attack on Iran. So Mr. Bush is asking himself “do we recall the troops before the bombing, or after?”

Everyone can answer this question for themself – but having heard hints of Israel’s (quiet) impatience I suspect the return of our troops might be sooner than we expect.

Posted (originally) by: poppycock on January 11, 2006 at 9:50pm

Posted by: poppycock on January 12, 2006 at 12:07am
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I cannot stand the sight of GW, the boy wonder....a wonder because he is president of the US...My gut churns and I can't believe this imbecile is president... Every time he opens his is a lecture or re-education on the last lecture...he keeps repeating the same stupid points as if there is some great meaning to his lectures that don't make any sense...does he really believe what he says? It is so stupid...he is the best con man ever...he got people to support him as president...he could sell snake oil...

Posted by: antigone on January 12, 2006 at 12:09am
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Jack Murtha would be a great VP candidate in '08. I think he would really resonate with middle America.
Warner or Feingold/Murtha, maybe?
Murtha is a godsend for America and the Democratic Party.

Posted by: ltruest on January 12, 2006 at 12:22am
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I also was somewhat surprised not to see any troll cheerleading for Bush, but I have a sneaking suspicion if we get a file dump of all of laughingalltheway's post activity for a week, we'll see that he is just a paid Bush cabal spindoctor working a 9 to 5. I think someone at the website should investigate this. Too many of his comments have been not really fully pertinent to the post at hand but more like preconstructed pieces designed to be inserted whenever a vague match is found. It wouldn't be fair to just block said troll from posting, but maybe the website should automatically post an accompanying disclaimer if it is found that a troll is involved in posting for 35 hours or more a week. This would certainly indicate a plant paid to obfuscate the discussion.

Posted by: enragedliberal on January 12, 2006 at 12:39am
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Dubyous George is being trotted out daily because this is an election year for incumbents who let him know that he was beholden enough to too many people to go on being the Void in the Bubble.

But why would anyone believe him, even if they bothered to listen? Apparently no one at Republican headquarters has figured out that this is the bottom line consequence to all these Tiffin Time Talks.

Based on exactly what does the GOP think this paragon of ineptitude have a shred of credibility left?
WMD? OIL? Katrina? OIL? Body armor that STILL isn't there? OIL?
Rove? Delay? Cheney?

No matter how Rovesputin spins it, gullibility is a finite thing.
Pick a situation, any situation that has involved the bad judgement of the Bush League and the only consistent thing you can say about it is that it has gotten incrementally worse. How do you stay the course on a Mayday?

Only a Republican too busy counting all his lobbyist blessings on the sunny side of K street could believe that there is a single reason anywhere to vote for a Republican in any foreseeable election.

The most remarkable thing about Murtha is that there are so few like him speaking out. What are they all waiting for, unless it is to remind us closer to election day why we need to get to the voting booth.

Giving an empty head face time only underscores why this incompetent should have never been let loose on U.S. in the first place.

It's going to be a tediously ignominious three years of having to wait for the last frat boy to leave the party.

Posted by: gala on January 12, 2006 at 02:02am
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Jack is the guy we've been waiting for. No bullshit, no personal ambition agenda, no pulling his punches. Just the truth, straightforward, undiluted, fearless and consistent.
Jack for giving the State of the Union reply!

Posted by: kt on January 12, 2006 at 02:16am
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I think that Jack Murta should meet with Cindy Sheehan, and perhaps agree to appear together to make a statement on the war in Iraq. Each has a very powerful message, and the fusion of their energy could create a powerful force in America at a critical and crucial time in American history.

Posted by: CanadianJack on January 12, 2006 at 02:20am
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I bet I know what Murtha has going for him that the other chickenshit Dems don't: he doesn't let professional political advisors tell him what he should think. We have a few of them: Murtha, Conyers, Obama, Reid, Boxer on occasions... For the sake of the Democratic Party, and much more importantly, the United States of America, we need to show that we demand leaders who do not equivocate and dissemble rather than taking actual positions.

The only reason Democrats are not in control now is that too many of them listen to the paid advisors who tell them, "Play it safe; don't rock the boat too much." They are chasing after the mythical "undecided voters". In reality, there are at least 100 people who don't vote because they don't want to choose between two flavors of vanilla for every one person who plans on voting and hasn't made up his/her mind already.

This is as plain as day; half of America does not vote. They do not feel that it makes any difference. And with people like Hillary and Kerry to counter the Republicans, I am almost inclined to agree with them. What kind of message is, "We sort of agree with Bush, but we can do what he has been doing better?"

There are probably 25 million people who would join the voting process if they saw an actual, clear alternative to what is going on now.

How can we get the politicos to see what we already know? DEMONSTRATE, loudly and in great numbers. How else are we going to get mainstream media attention and coverage? Think about it. Once a million or more Americans have spoken up and made their voices heard, all at the same time, with the same message, it cannot be ignored.

Please consider speaking out on January 31 during Bush's State of the Union Address. You do not have to miss work, and you might meet some really cool people. Get out, get some fresh air, exercise your lungs and your right to free speech (while it still exists). If you can't join a rally, you can help from your own yard or window, maybe even in your car at McDonald's.

Visit this site to learn more:
and this one to find local info:;=13&Itemid;=16

Someone has to pick up the ball here, or it is just going to get worse, and the pace will accelerate until the damage is irreversible.

Posted by: Boletus on January 12, 2006 at 02:22am
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I recently saw Rep Murtha on C-Span at a meeting in Virginia at which time during the question and answer period
from the audience a person suggested that Mr. Murtha consider himself as a
nominee for President. Considering
what we have as potential candidates
from the Democratic party it is something that should be seriously
considered. At least there would be a candidate who is not afraid to tell the truth and doesn't get a case of
diarreah when he is challenged by Bush and his cohorts...!!!

Posted by: dabronx on January 12, 2006 at 02:55am
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"Al Qaeda has made it very clear their intentions in Iraq, which is to drive the United States out so they will have a base from which to operate to spread their ideology... In other words, al Qaeda has made Iraq a front in the war on terror.
And that's why we've developed a strategy for victory." -
(g.bush - 11/Jan/06)
al quaeda HAS NOT made iraq a front in bush's phony "war" -
bush HAS made iraq a front in bin laden's very real war against america -
bin laden has made it clear from day one that his intention is to remove america from the middle east so what does our needle-dick little redneck president do? we all know the answer, trillions of american dollars and thousands of american lives later...saddam's iraq, however bad it may have been, was the one place in the middle east where there definitely WAS NOT an al quaeda foothold - saddam and bin laden were enemies
the above quote is nothing but bushrovian anti-truth designed to confuse and obscure the real truth...
to paraphrase:
BUSH has made very clear HIS intention in Iraq, which is to drive the United States IN so they will have a base from which to operate to spread their ideology AND CONTROL THE OIL RESOURCES ... In other words, BUSHCO has made Iraq a PHONY front in HIS "war on terror".
And that's why his d.c. cabal has developed a strategy for the FAILURE of any attempt at real democracy or peace in the middle east."

Posted by: EthylineGass on January 12, 2006 at 03:41am
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Thank God for one sane man brave enough to actually SPEAK!!!


We need to STOP HIM now before he steps into Iran or Syria or wherever he wants to practice and plunder with his "war toys" next.
Posted by: TRYKER

Posted by: Gelbert on January 12, 2006 at 05:28am
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Every person reading or posting on this blog has the right to know the truth. Please, do whatever you can to ensure the Murtha's of this country can be heard.

In fact, we should hand Mr. Murtha a metaphorical megaphone. Let's all spend the day writing to our elected representatives.

And, to Mr. Murtha, your efforts and actions make me, once again, proud to be an American.

Now let's get going. We're burning daylight here.

Posted by: GuarneriGal on January 12, 2006 at 06:02am
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Three cheers for... oh, wait.

Rove has the democratic party divided.
They are toast if they don't unite behind Jack or someone comparable.
Sillary aint an option.

Posted by: altohone on January 12, 2006 at 06:44am
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Wonderful post, Arianna. Murtha is the Democrat's best hope if they want to take back our country. I am proud that he is from Pennsylvania, the birthplace of liberty.

We are in crisis here. If the Democrats would grow a spine and filibuster the Alito nomination, and speak out as Murtha has done on the war,about why he would be a tragedy on the SCOTUS, I might have some hope for their chances in November.

Posted by: Grace on January 12, 2006 at 08:19am
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As it would be in the U.S., barring ubiquitous and overwhelming force, the only two ways to end resistance to military occupation are genocide or withdrawal. Bush was and remains unwilling to deploy sufficient resources to apply ubiquitous and overwhelming force. And genocide should not be a U.S. option but we are sliding down that slope. The U.S. needs to withdraw in the best interests of Iraq, our military and our national character.

Posted by: blony on January 12, 2006 at 08:51am
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Call Mr Murtha urge him to serve his country once again EVEN IF ITS ONLY FOR 4 YEAR LIMIT!!!
JOHN MURTHA 08- The Year Truth Won!!!

Posted by: brett on January 12, 2006 at 09:15am
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I am inviting all who can to contribute to the following fund, Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund. This is a 100% funded hospital in San Antonio which supports the rehabilitation of our wounded soldiers. Please check out the website, give if you can, and pass this information on.

Posted by: liberalntexas on January 12, 2006 at 09:19am
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