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Ex-Hostage Disputes U.S. on Iraq Shooting
 Top News
- Syrian Troops Begin Pullback in Lebanon
- Insurgent Attacks in Iraq Leave 33 Dead
- Bolton Tapped to Be Next U.N. Ambassador
- Dominican Republic Prison Fire Kills 134
- Accuser's Brother: Jackson Groped Him
- McCain Group Got Big Cable Donation
- Study: Aspirin Prevents Strokes in Women
- Two GOP Senators Pitch Soc. Sec. Plans
 Universal News
- Troubled beltway contractor sells ready-mix operations
- World takes note of local energy resources
- Land ahoy
- Web travel agency buys some wheels and desks
- Calif. Lottery Sales Benefit State's Schools
- Chief Exec Gives $15 million
- Council launches problem gambling TV ad campaign
- Nevada unemployment rate inches down in January
 Sports News
  - Giambi Homers As Yankees Play Red Sox
- No. 7 Michigan State Wins Big Ten Tourney
- No. 15 Temple Wins Atlantic 10 Tournament
- Strawberry Returns to Mets As Instructor
- Hudson Sparkles in Debut With Braves
- Cardinals Dip Into Free Agent Market Again
- Slumping Cavaliers Losing Confidence
- Hudson Throws for Braves, Rivera Shines
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