Constituency-level maps of Australia, Britain, Canada, Chile (Presidential), Chile (Legislative), France (Presidential), France (Legislative), Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mauritius, New Zealand and the United States
Regional-level maps of Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iraq, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Taiwan and Uruguay
East Germany 1990 legislative election
East Timor 2001 legislative election; 2002 presidential election
Ecuador 1998 and 2002 presidential elections
Egypt 2005 presidential election
El Salvador 1999 presidential election; 2000 and 2003 legislative elections
England See Britain
Equatorial Guinea 2004 legislative election
Eritrea Political situation
Estonia 1999 and 2003 legislative elections
Ethiopia 2005 legislative election
European Union 1999 and 2004 legislative elections
Euskadi (Basque Lands) 1998, 2001 and 2005 legislative elections
Extremadura 1999 legislative election

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