Constituency-level maps of Australia, Britain, Canada, Chile (Presidential), Chile (Legislative), France (Presidential), France (Legislative), Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mauritius, New Zealand and the United States
Regional-level maps of Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iraq, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Taiwan and Uruguay
Uganda 2001 presidential election
Ukraine 1998 and 2002 legislative elections; 1999 and 2004 presidential elections
United Arab Emirates Political situation
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1997, 2001 and 2005 legislative elections; British election summaries 1900-92; Includes Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
United States of America United States Election Archive: Full details of all presidential elections 1788-2004; Senate elections 1914-2001, 1998 and 2000 Congressional elections. See also individual states and Puerto Rico
United States Virgin Islands 2002 gubernatorial elections
Uruguay 1999 and 2004 presidential elections; 1999 legislative election
Utah Gubernatorial elections
Uttar Pradesh 1996 legislative election
Uttaranchal 1996 legislative election
Uzbekistan Political situation

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