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At the heart of this strike are issues facing all workers and their unions. The transit authority, sitting on a $1 billion surplus, is demanding cuts in health care and pensions. This comes primarily in the form of demanding a two tier pension and health care system for new hires.
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Click for the Resolution on Immigrant Rights from the CPUSA 26th National Convention

The passage of HR 4437, “Border Protection, Anti-Terrorism and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005 by a 239-182 margin by the House of Representatives December 17 represents a police state approach to immigration that is a dangerous threat to the basic rights of undocumented and documented immigrants and all the people of our country.
Report of the CPUSA delegate to the International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties "Current Trends In Capitalism: Economic, Social And Political Impact. The Communists' Alternative" Athens, 18-20 November, 2005. … “The United States is going through one of the most politically turbulent periods in recent memory. The administration of George W. Bush is facing a profound crisis of legitimacy.” …
Report to CPUSA National Board. Two months after our nation’s worst disaster on the Gulf Coast hundreds of thousands are still displaced and homeless... I spent a day and a half in New Orleans and a day in Baton Rouge...these are impressions based on what I saw, the interviews I conducted, and what information I gathered from local radio, newspapers and TV.
More Current Issues

The purpose of my report is to present a picture of the political situation and its evolution since our Convention. Normally we might not do this, but things have happened over the past four months that are anything but normal.

Indeed, the political landscape has tilted enough that the National Board thought it would be useful for the National Committee to take a fresh look at the status of the Bush administration and its implications for struggles ahead.

At our National Convention four months ago we noted that the Bush administration was losing its initiative and momentum. We said that Bush didn’t walk with the same old swagger and his much-vaunted political capital had lost much of its value....
More National Committee Meeting, October 15-16, 2005

I would like to begin by recognizing and appreciating our local candidates who are out in the field in this election cycle.

Through them we build on the legacy of the great Benjamin J. Davis, “Communist Councilman from Harlem,” and others who served the needs of working people valiantly in public office.

At this moment, what a great contribution our candidates have to make from the grass roots up, projecting bold solutions and building unity in the movement to defeat the extreme right wing.

We will learn a lot from the reports of these campaigns....
More National Committee Meeting, October 15-16, 2005

Hurricane Katrina has inflicted an immense and unspeakable tragedy on the people of the Gulf Coast. The situation grows worse by the hour. The Mayor of New Orleans estimates that thousands have died and as many as 100,000 may still be trapped in the flooded city. Without food or drinkable water, time is running out for these men, women and children.

The Communist Party, USA expresses its fullest sympathy and solidarity with all the people who are suffering from the effects of the hurricane, especially the infants, children and seniors, who are the most vulnerable...
More Front Page

More National Committee Meeting, October 15-16, 2005

More National Committee Meeting, October 15-16, 2005

More National Committee Meeting, October 15-16, 2005

WASHINGTON — The Communist Party USA played an important role in the Sept. 24 demonstration against Bush’s Iraq war, bringing its own members and mobilizing others to come, as well as forming a large contingent in the march.
More Action

Keynote to the 28th National Convention of the Communist Party, USA More Keynote and Special Reports

Slideshow: Tribute to CPUSA Veterans More 28th National Convention CPUSA July 2005

Communist Party Statement on CAFTA More Economic Democracy

Report on the Draft Program - The Road to Socialism More Keynote and Special Reports


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