Core Body of Knowledge

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Core Body of Knowledge for Information Technology Professionals

Alan Underwood,FACS,PCP
Approved by Council on 20 September 1997

The Australian Computer Society Incorporated
PO Box 534 QVB, Sydney NSW 1230
Ph: (02) 9299 3666
Fax: (02) 9299 3997

Table of Contents
1. Preamble
2. Introduction
3. The Areas of Knowledge
4. Implementing the Areas of Knowledge
5. Curricula Proposals
5.1 Computer Organisation and Architecture
5.2 Conceptual Modelling
5.3 Database Management
5.4 Data Communications and Networks
5.5 Data Structures and Algorithms
5.6 Discrete Mathematics
5.7 Ethics/Social Implications/professional Practice
5.8 Interpersonal Communications
5.9 Program Design and Implementation
5.10 Project Management and Quality assurance
5.11 Information Security
5.12 Software Engineering and Methodologies
5.13 Systems Analysis and Design
5.14 Systems Software
6. Acknowledgements
Attachment 1 - A Conceptual Model of I.T. RelatedGroups
The ACS Core Body of Knowledge for Information Technology Professionals
1. Preamble

Curricula for undergraduate computing programmes have been defined for many years. These programmes have been developed by overseas professional associations such as ICCP, BCS, ACM and DPMA. Similar programmes have not been defined in Australia and consequently the overseas programmes, particularly the ACM recommendations, have typically been adopted and recommended by the ACS in the design of tertiary computing courses in Australia.

The report of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Curriculum Task Force [ACM 1991] contains recommendations for undergraduate computing related programmes typically entitled Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Computer Science and Engineering. What is noteworthy about this report is that the curriculum described was the first to be endorsed by the ACM and the Computer Society of the IEEE. The report expands on the common requirements for nine subject areas previously presented in a report entitled Computing as a Discipline [Denning et. al., 1989] with the addition of subject matter encompassing Social, Ethical and Professional Issues.

Significantly, in 1995, the ACM and DPMA issued a joint curriculum recommendation for the Undergraduate IS Curriculum [ACM 1995]. That report, called IS95, recognized that prior independent curricula issued separately by the ACM and DPMA had tended to confuse both academic and practitioner communities. It begins by identifying the desired attributes of IS programme graduates, and from these, develops a recommended sequence of ten subjects in which IS programme majors are expected to achieve highest-level competencies. Two- paragraph descriptions of each recommended subject are provided in the IS95 Report, which is to be available and updated on the World Wide Web.

In Australia in November 1992, the ACS published a report entitled "The ACS Towards 2000." One of the terms of reference emerging from the study was to:

"determine the common body of knowledge appropriate to the overall discipline of Information Technology" [ACS2000 p.2, 1992].

The same report defined Information Technology as:

"the development and application of computers and communications-based technologies for processing, presenting and managing data and information".

This proposal recognises the difficulties in terminology in endeavouring to describe Information Technology caused principally by its scope. The ACS as the recognised accrediting body for computing courses in its submission to the 1992 Discipline Review of Computing Studies and Information Sciences Education [Rev. 1992, p. 9] views information technology as the application of science spanning the application of electronics to the creation, storage and dissemination of information and non-technical user involvement, that is, I.T. is a generic term spanning activity from engineering to business systems and other applications1.

It is also recognised that in the relatively short period of development of I.T. related courses that a profusion of terms have been used to describe them - business data processing, electronic data processing, computing, computer science, computer systems, computer technology, information management, information systems, information science, information technology, software engineering and so on.

Attachment 1 presents a representation of a model included in the ACS submission [Rev. 1992, p. 13] representing three discipline groups or subject clusters used to classify I.T. courses. The three groups identified are Computer Systems Engineering, Computer Science and Information Systems. The model illustrates the considerable overlap of subject matter as well as showing that none of the identified clusters are discrete entities.

The general terms Body of Knowledge or Common Body of Knowledge as applied to the professions typically embrace for example,

  • The 'core' (a standard educational curriculum).
  • A requirement to hold an approved tertiary qualification.
  • Relevant experience.
  • A Code of Ethics.
  • Acceptance of personal liability (refer to the current NSW Professional Standards Bill, and also the Trade Practices Act regards liability).
  • A commitment to continuing professional development.
  • A licence or certificate to practise.

This report identifies the 'Core Body of Knowledge' in Information Technology which all I.T. professionals practising in Information Systems, Computer Science and Computer Systems Engineering should be expected to have.

It should be understood that the 'Core Body of Knowledge' is but one component of the set of components known as the Body of Knowledge. It is used as a guide to assist in the processes of assessing applications for membership of the Australian Computer Society, for tertiary course accreditation, for assessing applications for migration to Australia, for providing guidance for course design and implementation, and as a vital component with respect to pending legislation in professional standards.

2. Introduction

In proposing the Core Body of Knowledge it is recognised that there are many equally effective ways to organise a curriculum in I.T. This report specifies a minimum set of subject matter which is recommended should be included in all I.T. programmes. In this way it is expected that tertiary computing courses will exhibit both the recommended core material as well as diversity in the overall course content.

3. The Areas of Knowledge

The areas of knowledge identified as constituting the Core Body of Knowledge are shown in alphabetic order below:

  • Computer Organisation and Architecture
  • Conceptual Modelling
  • Database Management
  • Data Communications and Networks
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Ethics/Social Implications/professional Practice
  • Interpersonal Communications
  • Program Design and Implementation
  • Project Management and Quality Assurance
  • Security
  • Software Engineering and Methodologies
  • Systems Analysis and Design
  • Systems Software

Section 5 of this report provides brief details of the suggested content for each of the above identified areas of knowledge.

4. Implementing the Areas of Knowledge

The scope of the Areas of Knowledge identified is very broad and far exceeds what could be reasonably covered in any undergraduate IT course. To facilitate a practical implementation of a course of study complying with the recommended Core Body of Knowledge the Areas of Knowledge are separated into two groups as illustrated in Table 1, one of which includes mandatory areas of expected coverage.

As mentioned previously, the Core Body of Knowledge is but one component of the set of components making up the Body of Knowledge. The policy and procedures relating to the use of these components are reflected in the relevant National Regulations and Guidelines. With respect to course accreditation suffice to say that Group 1 areas of study are recommended as being mandatory for Professional Level courses. Thus, Group 1 Areas of Knowledge will be common to ALL I.T. courses while any course will deal in-depth with a percentage of the areas of knowledge included in Group 2 . Maynard and Underwood [1996] provide a more complete description of the ACS guidelines for accreditation of tertiary courses at the professional level but it should be noted that the Professional Level of accreditation requires courses to include genuinely third year degree topics which "clearly provide both extra breadth and depth in INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY".

In summary, the ACS guidelines for professional level course accreditation specify the following criteria:-

  • Coverage of Group 1 is mandatory.
  • There must be a minimum of one equivalent full time year of IT material. Such material is to be taken predominantly from the Core Body of Knowledge areas but may include specialist topics developed from these areas.
  • IT material must progress through all years of the course with at least 1/3 of the IT material at third year level.

Table 1 - Group 1 and Group 2 Areas of Knowledge

Interpersonal Communications
Ethics/Social Implications/professional Practice
Project Management and Quality Assurance

Data Structures and AlgorithmsConceptual ModellingComputer Organisation and Architecture
Program Design and ImplementationSystems Analysis and DesignSystems Software
Software Engineering and Methodologies Database ManagementData Communications and Networks
SecurityDiscrete Mathematics 

[Next Section]

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