Lívia Markóczy

This is very obviously under construction. This may become the major entry point for all my documents.

The new "Family site" is http://www.goldmark.org/. For the time being, a useful page is my contact page also listed below.

Other identities

I have a difficulty of having too many home pages. Another important one is http://www.utdallas.edu/~livia.markoczy/.

An unsorted list

My CV (Last modified Sunday, 19-Jun-2005 15:11:51 PDT) [ 105k]
PDF file viewable with any PDF viewer.
Papers, articles, drafts
This is where to find on-line versions or abstracts of my various academic articles and drafts.
This is where I put things when I have to upload something, but don't have a good place for it already.
Course material, etc.

My material formerly at http://www.cranfield.ac.uk/public/mn/mn795/ has been copied to my a partial mirror of my Cranfield directory. Note that that will contain much that is out of date, and with a large number of broken links.

Version: $Revision: 1.7 $
Last Modified: $Date: 2005/09/02 03:40:45 $
First established June 28, 2000