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Super Sleaze Me (and Super Piss Me Off!)

Reported by Melanie - April 13, 2006

Every once in a while - maybe every six months - I see something on Fox that absolutely infuriates me. Fox does something that is so immoral, so unethical, or so deceitful that it sends me into a rage. I start to shake. I tell my husband what happened while I pound the counter and yell. I begin to type, whipping out an almost incoherent post until I realize that I need to stop, get a glass of wine, sit out on the deck for a few minutes (like, sixty), and try to calm down.

Today was one of those days.

At the end of the "Fox Stox" segment on Fox's "premiere business news" program, Your World w/Cavuto (April 13, 2006), Neil Cavuto reported that McDonald's has hired a PR firm to serve as a "truth squad" to combat the negative press it will get when the movie, Fast Food Nation, is released later this year. Immediately after "Fox Stox," Cavuto introduced "the crew" from his Saturday morning "business news" show, Cavuto on Business, for a roundtable discussion about, "why we try to tear down successful American companies."

Cavuto opened the segment with this:

Well, it seems, certainly, that American icons like Wal-Mart and McDonald's are constantly under siege. Why is that? And why is that when these are big American success stories?

The panelists had some, ah, interesting thoughts:

Jim Rogers: "It's just simply greed. They're hoping for a payoff. It's also terrible envy." "Lots of people in America" and around the world "are very angry that they're not as successful so they want to rage at people who are successful."

Cavuto: "What disturbs me the most...is when Americans do it because these are American icons."

Charles Payne: "You're absolutely right. But, in America, it's always been an us versus them...what's good for these companies isn't always good for the mainstream." For me, "it's the underlying feeling" that "rich companies are getting rich at the expense of the common folks."

Meredith Whitney: "The reality is that Wal-Mart is a net hirer and a net employer of the United States and has only brought prices down for the end consumer."

Cavuto: People were "going after Microsoft and GE and now, I guess, the latest targets are Wal-Mart and McDonald's. What's going on?"

Whitney: "These people...want to actually justify their mediocrity by attacking the big successful evolutionary giants. It's crazy."

Rogers, to Payne: "How can you say Wal-Mart's not good for America, man? Maybe you don't shop there. Maybe you don't eat at McDonald's, but there are lots - millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions - of people who love both of those things so how can you sit there and condemn them?"

Payne: "I'm not condemning them. What I'm saying is that if you're a publicly traded company you want cheaper labor, you want layoffs sometimes" and "people outside the realm of the financial world sometimes look at that as a negative. I don't agree with it, but I can understand how they see it that way, because they're uneducated."

Cavuto: "To the global community, these are icons." Why "are we Americans bashing what works?"

Rogers: "It's pure envy..."

Cavuto, interrupting: "You're right."

Rogers: "...Once upon a time when America was on the rise and everything, everybody, was in it for the same purpose. Now, of course, many people are descending and they're unhappy and so they're blaming it on the successful people. The successful people are what's made America great."

Payne: "It is troubling...when Americans don't appreciate American success."

Comment: OK. Put aside all that we know about how Wal-Mart exploits workers (both here and abroad), destroys neighborhoods, and forces small business out of business. And never mind, right now, that McDonald's food is loaded with fat, particularly trans fat which has been called "metabolic poison" and is banned in Denmark.

And never mind, for now, the sickening corporatism and elitism and raw, arrogant bashing of "the little people" - who also "made America great," by the way - that rippled through this segment. What bothered me the most while I watched was something that wasn't mentioned: That the book, Fast Food Nation was published by HarperCollins, a publishing company owned by Fox's parent company, News Corp., and the movie, Fast Food Nation was produced by, and is being released by, Fox Searchlight, a company that's also owned by News Corp.

Fox has no shame! It spent four or five minutes praising corporations who demonstrably do bad things to our society. It bashed those who point that out and those who don't necessarily agree that all corporations are benevolent caretakers, motivated solely by hard work and love of country. Still, preachy Fox didn't have the decency to tell its viewers - the "just folks" it claims to care so much about - that its parent company is precisely the "person" the roundtable was bashing. Fox and News Corp. are rolling around in the dirt just like all those greedy, envious, angry, unsuccessful, crazy, unhappy and uneducated people News Corp. hope$ will go $ee Fa$t Food Nation.


Rogers: "...Once upon a time when America was on the rise and everything, everybody, was in it for the same purpose. Now, of course, many people are descending and they're unhappy and so they're blaming it on the successful people. The successful people are what's made America great."

Like when Blacks were slaves and the Natives were slaughtered?

Oh you were talking about white men.

Posted by: theroachman at April 13, 2006 08:12 PM

This really ticked me off:

What I'm saying is that if you're a publicly traded company you want cheaper labor, you want layoffs sometimes" and "people outside the realm of the financial world sometimes look at that as a negative. I don't agree with it, but I can understand how they see it that way, because they're uneducated."

'because they're uneducated.' Well, as a matter of fact I believe this is the most uneducated or just plain stupid panel I've ever heard from.

There are plenty of educated and uneducated people who are out of work now - so, no, they're not looking at the stocks because they're worried about a PAYCHECK. This doesn't make them uneducated.

I really don't know how you watch him, Melanie, my blood pressure would go through the roof!

Scarlet, PbD

Posted by: Scarlet, PbD at April 13, 2006 08:16 PM


No, they're WRONG - the MIDDLE CLASS, the WORKING CLASS is what made this country great. Of course what could I expect from a bunch of uneducated people who work for that company that says it does news - FAUX!

And they proved their stupidity when they said a lot of people are descending now - YES THEY ARE and who is to blame? This president and his corporate lovefest.

Scarlet, PbD

Posted by: Scarlet, PbD at April 13, 2006 08:19 PM

Apart from not mentioning the affiliation of News Corp to the product they're being critical of - fairly amazing...

... the whole segment sounded like so many uninformed slobbering drunks loudly kabitzing at a bar.

There are valid legitimate reasons why people are opposed to the ->OVEREXPANSION<- of companies like Wal*Mart and McDonalds.

It boils down to an issue of overexpansion of a particular consumer product or service. No one is concerned about a single hamburger joint, for instance. But it can be compellingly argued that the proliferation of fast-food, combined with enormous advertising budgets, is having a dramatic negative impact on the obescity rates of the population and overall health of the nation. That's a very bad thing.

You can take a hard line and say, "...it's their fault and nobody has to eat there..." but that doesn't solve the problem of an escalating health problem and enormous associated costs that effects everyone.

The fact is... More Fast Food Places + More Advertising = More Obescity and Health Problems.

... so what do we do about it?

No one is "going after businesses because they are successful and those people are just jealous, so there..." that's patently absurd.

Posted by: BG at April 13, 2006 09:11 PM

These are true (w/props to Dr. Matt and apologies to people like me who think the term is over-used) Riech-wingers.

Hubris, anyone?

Posted by: vermontdave at April 13, 2006 09:19 PM

Why are so-called Americans bashing the successful? Because they hate free markets and capitalism, which reward hard work, entrepreneurship, and creativity. Libtards lack these things and so cannot compete in such a world. Plus, they have a vested interest in seeing America fail, as their failed ideology has been defeated by free markets and free people.

Posted by: Goob at April 13, 2006 09:37 PM

Fall-Mart also has dirty stores with low wages,no lunch breaks,and junk products. McDonalds has junk food. I'll eat there once in a blue moon,but junk is junk,and these two companies are failures.

Posted by: brian at April 13, 2006 09:41 PM

Liberals like capitalism and hard work,they just want to see government correct its failings,and provide help to those in need.

Posted by: brian at April 13, 2006 09:43 PM

I watched the segment and started screaming and poured myself another glass of merlot. The panelists brought new meaning to the term "robber barron." They should be thankful that they did not live in revolutionary France or Russia; because those types were the first to meet their maker. The blond woman actually said that McDonald's was "delicious" - like she's ever been to one?! At the end of the segment, Cavuto said something about Payne's suit to which Payne responded that it wasn't from Wal*Mart. The panelists were also blithering about people who sue big corporations (how unpatriotic) when it's Wal*Mart who is filing suit against the Walocaust guy. But the next segment blew me away. It was about how children's car seat makers need to make bigger car seats because the children are getting porkier. The film footage showed people eating at McDonald's! Cavuto interviewed a well spoken gentleman who works with children's health issues who explained how this generation of children might not outlive their parents because of poor eating habits and lack of exercise. He feels that McDonald's is a major factor in childhood obsity. Cavuto then asked him if he had any children. When he responded in the affirmative, Cavuto asked him if he allowed his children to have an occasional ring ding and other sweets. Cauvuto seemed generally distressed when this man said that his children are not given junk food and have no desire for it. Cavuto's kids probably look like Eric Cartman! Cavuto a strange man with a strange show!

Posted by: claudo at April 13, 2006 09:47 PM

Fall-Mart also has dirty stores with low wages,no lunch breaks,and junk products. McDonalds has junk food. I'll eat there once in a blue moon,but junk is junk,and these two companies are failures.

Posted by: brian at April 13, 2006 09:41 PM

Oh yeah, HUGE failures. Their millions of happy, normal American customers are just freakin' morons, that's all.

Why do libtards hate America?

Posted by: Goob at April 13, 2006 09:50 PM

In your opinion. Does greed equal success?

Posted by: vermontdave at April 13, 2006 09:51 PM

I was a critic of Microsoft long before I started paying attention to politics. I firmly believe that computers would be much more advanced today if Microsoft hadn't come along and held back the industry with their emphasis on making and protecting their monopolies and their own near total lack of original ideas.

McDonalds, I just don't like their food, and stopped patronizing them when I outgrew Happy Meals. It's bland stuff.

Wal-Mart, enough has been said about them. Also, the very few times I've been there I had a poor experience, including an hour long wait to buy 1 item, since every express lane was closed, and ever open lane had at least 10 people in line..

Goob, you're just projecting again. Wal-Mart has nothing to do with free markets, and more to do with a large corporation strangling its markets into submission.

Posted by: Alex Thorpe at April 13, 2006 10:01 PM

"Oh yeah, HUGE failures. Their millions of happy, normal American customers are just freakin' morons, that's all"

Says gourmet goob. Many of the millions that he refers to are overweight with all the attendent problems that obesity brings - heart problems and diabetes being two of the biggies. Poor goob, he was probably devastated when MickeyD's ended the supersizes! In goob's neck of the woods, super at the food counter at Wal*Mart is considered a "night on the town." Goob's idea of quality Italian food is, most likely,a can of chef boyardee. It's a sad state of affairs when being anti-McDonald's is considered unpatriotic.

How can cancervatives be so stupid!

Posted by: claudo at April 13, 2006 10:19 PM

There's no more super-size at McD's?

I'll get their $1 fries every once in a while, but I didn't realise I can't get a gallon container of them any more. Damn, I'm out of touch.

Posted by: vermontdave at April 13, 2006 10:29 PM

Vermontdave (must say that Vermont is beautiful and only three hours away!)- McDonald's stopped the mega portions after the movie "Supersize Me." Here's the plot summary:

"Why are Americans so fat? Two words: fast food. What would happen if you ate nothing but fast food for an entire month? Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock does just that and embarks on the most perilous journey of his life. The rules? For 30 days he can't eat or drink anything that isn't on McDonald's menu; he must wolf three squares a day; he must consume everything on the menu at least once and supersize his meal if asked. Spurlock treks across the country interviewing a host of experts on fast food and an equal number of regular folk while chowing down at the Golden Arches. Spurlock's grueling drive-through diet spirals him into a physical and emotional metamorphosis that will make you think twice about picking up another Big Mac." (from IMDb)

I, too, love an occasional bag of fries; but after this flick, I was off fries for quite a while!

Posted by: claudo at April 13, 2006 10:42 PM

Here is something for you blind BUSHCO supports to hopelessly try to wrap your fragile little underdeveloped minds around..

After carefully and comprehensively accounting for other local determinants of poverty, we find that the presence of Wal-Mart unequivocally raised family poverty rates in US counties during the 1990s relative to places that had no such stores. This was true not only as a consequence of existing stores in a county in 1987, but it was also an independent outcome of the location of new stores between 1987 and 1998. The question whether the cost of relatively higher poverty in a county is offset by the benefits of lower prices and wider choices available to consumers associated with a Wal-Mart store cannot be answered here.
However, if Wal-Mart does contribute to a higher poverty rate, then it is not bearing the full economic and social costs of its business practices. Instead, Wal-Mart transfers income from the working poor and from taxpayers though welfare-programs directed at the poor to stockholders and the heirs of the Wal-Mart fortune, as well as to consumers. These transfers are in addition to the public infrastructure subsidies often provided by local communities. Regardless of the distributional effects, the Wal-Mart business model appears to extract cumulative rents that exceed those earned by owners of other corporations, including Microsoft.

From: http://cecd.aers.psu.edu/pubs/PovertyResearchWM.pdf

Posted by: Nix at April 13, 2006 10:46 PM


Posted by: William C. Randolph at April 13, 2006 10:51 PM

Their millions of happy
From the Wikipedia entry on Obesity:

"Increased marketing has also played a role (in the increase of obesity). In the early 1980s the Reagan administration lifted most regulations pertaining to advertising to children. As a result, the number of commercials seen by the average child increased greatly, and a large proportion of these were for fast food and candy."


So much for the republiSCUM concerns over the well-being of our children (ahem...) They come in a distant second to corporate interests. Meanwhile, our population "balloons" - fatter and fatter and fatter, especially children.

So, what's the rethugliscum answer? Beg off, not government's concern? Marketing is effective otherwise corps wouldn't do it. No restrictions? Just let it go?

Restrictions against marketing junk food - fast food, candy, sugary breakfast cereals to children seems like a reasonable restriction to me.

Or is it more important for the food lobby to buy off rethugliscum politicians and put dollars into their re-election bids more important, even if it means having overweight sick children ?

National Study Reveals Doubling in Type 2 Diabetes Prescriptions Among Children
Tuesday April 4, 6:05 pm ET
-- Dramatic Four-Year-Increase a Leading Indicator of Future Health Care Cost Growth --

ST. LOUIS, April 4 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Express Scripts today announced results of a study of prescription claims for millions of U.S. children ages 5 to 19 revealing a four-year doubling in those taking medication typically used to treat or prevent Type 2 diabetes. This rapid increase, a rise from about 0.3 to 0.6 per thousand from 2002 to 2005, represents enormous implications for national long-term health care needs and expenditures.



Posted by: BIORsGhost at April 13, 2006 10:53 PM

Fox fake news is for the 39% favorable to Dumbya!

Posted by: K-Man at April 13, 2006 10:55 PM

Chaney watches fox fake news, no wonder he thinks things are going great in this civil war!

Posted by: K-Man at April 13, 2006 10:58 PM

"Well, it seems, certainly, that American icons like Wal-Mart and McDonalds are constantly under siege. Why is that? And why is that when these are big American success stories?"

A little 14 year-old voice from the kitchen said "Duh - because they suck!" Makes a mother proud.

This (vegetarian) child knows more about the harmful effects of factory farming on the environment and the soul, and the immorality of mass production of cheap plastic crap than these "educated" oldsters. These "icons" are not much to be proud of but to their way of thinking all that matters is the volume and profit margin.

Posted by: mom22 at April 13, 2006 10:58 PM

Reich-wingers support Wal-Mart because Wal-Mart is the largest importer of communist goods in the world.

Posted by: Dr. Matt at April 13, 2006 11:41 PM

Oh yeah, HUGE failures. Their millions of happy, normal American customers are just freakin' morons, that's all.
Yeah, actually they are.

If anyone truly thinks Mickey D's is great food (anybody can/should be able to make a better food on their home grill), and the cheapass outsourced WalMart clothes look great then yes, they are morons.
Why do libtards hate America?
Goob tard shows his true colors.
Only he could possibly equate (with pride) McDonalds and WalMart with "America".

Computers, electronics, fiber optics, nuclear energy, life saving drugs, men on the moon and and probes on Mars--
GOOBER thinks that America's crowning achievement is McDonalds!!

Thank God the average American doesn't have the same small mind and low set of expectations as he does or we'd be Haiti.
Even 'Rain Man' (who Goober would call a 'tard') knew the truth: K Mart sucks!

Posted by: yeah_right at April 13, 2006 11:48 PM

Gee, I thought right-wingers were against government handouts and government subsidized health care. But they support Wal-Mart, which tells it's employees to get state aid for their health care needs. So we taxpayers are paying for the health care Wal-Mart refuses to provide to it's employees. Is this hypocrisy or ignorance on the part of the right-wing?

Posted by: Stosh at April 13, 2006 11:58 PM

Every once in a while - maybe every six months - I see something on Fox that absolutely infuriates me.

Only every 6 months?

Posted by: dan at April 13, 2006 11:58 PM

Well, it seems, certainly, that American icons like Wal-Mart and McDonalds are constantly under siege. Why is that? And why is that when these are big American success stories?

Is success what you call it when you make billions off of under paid workers and lies?

Posted by: dan at April 14, 2006 12:00 AM

Hey Melanie,

You stated that Denmark doesn't have McDonalds...sorry to say, that's not true. My kids love going to McDonalds. We have one close to us. There aren't many around here, but there is one close to us and I know there is one or two downtown (Copenhagen).

One thing I love...no Wal-Mart. There are all these cute little shops everywhere. That's all. There is a Wal-Mart type store, but it's clear out by the airport. And I guess there is a store downtown, but most of the stores are small. Takes some getting use to, but I like it alot better. All the towns around here have main streets where all the shops are. And I live about 10 minutes from Copenhagen Denmark. I wish the states had never gotten away from this. I'm old enough to remember when my hometown had a main street. Wal-Mart came to town and now the downtown is a ghost town. Very sad.


Posted by: lisa at April 14, 2006 01:12 AM

WalMart and McD's = AMERICA? Icons?

WalMart insists that its employees not involved with closing operations clock out at store closing.

Meanwhile as those employees head to the time clocks at the back of the store the manager LOCKS ALL THE OUTSIDE DOORS. The policy is that all employees must leave together. The OFF THE CLOCK employees are required to remain inside the store until the closers have finished and are ready to leave.

The WalMart spinmeisters explain this to the media as being a security measure.

The off the clock employees are pressured to help out their fellow team mates so everyone can leave sooner. The message delivered is that sitting on your butt (off the clock and unpaid) watching your fellow employees working (on the clock and getting paid) gives the impression that you are lazy and don't care about the WalMart family. Thus peer pressure from your new surrogate "FAMILY" helps WalMart. It helps WalMart benefit from free labor.

The spinmeisters from WalMart report to the media that VOLUNTEERING is not discouraged.

Refusing to "VOLUNTEER" creates an opening for the supervisors to ding employees for lacking "team spirit"- something the WalMart spinmeisters dutifully neglect to mention when they are painting pictures of the wonderful WalMart family spirit among its employees and the marvelous TEAM WORK enjoyed by WalMart employees.

Yes indeed. It must be really wonderful to be a member of the WalMart dysfunctional family! All I can say is LOCK ME IN for some volunteering!

But hey- those unskilled laborers have a choice and if they accept being treated this way then hush my mouth who am I to say anything?

What did Scrooge say?

"...then they might as well do it and decrease the surplus population."

Posted by: Amazed at April 14, 2006 01:29 AM

So we taxpayers are paying for the health care Wal-Mart refuses to provide to it's employees. Is this hypocrisy or ignorance on the part of the right-wing?

Posted by: Stosh

What the hell does the right-wing care if taxpayer money is paying for Wal-Mart employees "health care"? Not like the rich who tend to be repubs and who tend to run for office pay their fair share of taxes...it isn't like it's their money, they got a huge tax cut a few years back, remember? God knows my big old couple of hundred a year tax cut has changed my life...not

Posted by: dan at April 14, 2006 01:34 AM

The off the clock employees are pressured to help out their fellow team mates so everyone can leave sooner. The message delivered is that sitting on your butt (off the clock and unpaid) watching your fellow employees working (on the clock and getting paid) gives the impression that you are lazy and don't care about the WalMart family. Thus peer pressure from your new surrogate "FAMILY" helps WalMart. It helps WalMart benefit from free labor.

Love to see the lawsuit when someone off the clock who is pressured to "help out" gets hurt and Wal_mart trys to claim it was their own fault for working off the clock. Then again the way things are today Wal-Mart would no doubt win.

Posted by: dan at April 14, 2006 01:43 AM

Did I mention how WalMart reacts to collective bargaining?

WalMart the ICON of America.

Standing tall and proud on the backs of its workers.

Posted by: Amazed at April 14, 2006 01:47 AM

Love to see the lawsuit when someone off the clock who is pressured to "help out" gets hurt and Wal_mart trys to claim it was their own fault for working off the clock. Then again the way things are today Wal-Mart would no doubt win.

Posted by: dan at April 14, 2006 01:43 AM


Workers comp is just a cost of doing buisness in America.

"no worries"- WalMart

Posted by: Amazed at April 14, 2006 01:51 AM

Can you say "bread and circuses," Goob? Sure worked well for the Roman Empire, didn't it?

If I had to choose icons to represent America, McDonald's and Wal*Mart wouldn't even make the dregs of the list. If that's the best one has to be "proud" of...well, that's a cause for pity.

Posted by: ET PbD at April 14, 2006 01:53 AM

Posted by: Goob at April 13, 2006 09:37 PM

Fox Searchlight hates america?

Who'd have thought.....

Posted by: uk_dave at April 14, 2006 02:06 AM

Did I mention how WalMart reacts to collective bargaining?Posted by: Amazed

More proof that Republicans hate America...

Unions = fair and living wages, health care, respect at the work place, unity, professionalism, pride, occupational safety...

Republicans = unions are evil...


Republicans are anti-"fair and living wages, health care, respect at the work place, unity, professionalism, pride, occupational safety"

What really gets me are union workers who say they are Republican...it's like saying they hate themselves, it's like burning their paycheck, it's like putting a gun to their kids heads and pulling the trigger.

Posted by: dan at April 14, 2006 02:18 AM

Whitney: "These people...want to actually justify their mediocrity by attacking the big successful evolutionary giants. It's crazy."

I wonder how many rubes like Goob this guy turned off by using a bad word like evolution?

Reich-wingers support Wal-Mart because Wal-Mart is the largest importer of communist goods in the world.- Dr. Matt

I think you might be onto something there.

Posted by: vance at April 14, 2006 02:29 AM

addendum to above post : I wonder how much of our present trade deficit can be attributed to WalMart's buying of overseas products?

Posted by: vance at April 14, 2006 02:34 AM

Reich-wingers support Wal-Mart because Wal-Mart is the largest importer of communist goods in the world.- Dr. Matt

And becasue of that Wal-Mart is not in favor of vigorous port security on goods entering the US. Gee, how all American.

Posted by: dan at April 14, 2006 02:34 AM

addendum to above post : I wonder how much of our present trade deficit can be attributed to WalMart's buying of overseas products?

Posted by: vance

I don't know off hand but I seem to recall reading that Wal-Mart imports more goods from China than ANY NATION on the face of the planet.

Posted by: dan at April 14, 2006 02:36 AM

I don't know off hand but I seem to recall reading that Wal-Mart imports more goods from China than ANY NATION on the face of the planet. - dan

I read that too. Why do "free trade at any cost" imbeciles like Goob hate America?

Posted by: vance at April 14, 2006 02:54 AM

Gawd, what unAmerican values those are, Dan! How can you stand for that when Wal*Mart is so importing tons of cheap junk from abroad, to feed to a glibly consuming public?

I wouldn't shop at W*M if you bloody PAID me.

Posted by: ET PbD at April 14, 2006 03:05 AM

"The US trade deficit fell back in February as its politically sensitive trade gap with China shrank to the lowest level in nearly a year.

The Commerce Department said the trade deficit - the difference between what the US exports and imports - had narrowed by 4.1% to $65.7bn (£37.6bn). "


"It was still the third highest ever recorded, and the cumulative deficit for the first two months of 2006 is running 13.5% above the pace seen at this stage last year, when the 12-month deficit hit an all-time record of $723.6bn.

"The narrower trade deficit is a positive piece of news for February," said Patrick Fearon, senior economist with stockbrokers A.G.Edwards and Sons in St.Louis, Missouri.

"However, with energy prices going up recently, you have to remember that there's a good chance that the trade deficit will widen again over the next few months."


Posted by: uk_dave at April 14, 2006 03:05 AM

Why do "free trade at any cost" imbeciles like Goob hate America?

Posted by: vance at April 14, 2006 02:54 AM

Lets just be glad that such voices with such ideas remain outside the main stream. Goob and his like minded friends are standouts even though they perceive they are just running with the herd.

They are SPECIAL.

You notice when such people speak.

Its like the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard to hear their rants.

Wrapping themselves in the flag does very little to make that noise less objectionable nor does it make what they have to say any more fashionable.

Posted by: Amazed at April 14, 2006 03:18 AM

Not sure how Cavuto could claim everyone admires MacDonalds around the world, in the UK they get a terrible press and are having a shut down a lot of their 'restaurants'.

Posted by: ads at April 14, 2006 05:21 AM

"More proof that Republicans hate America...

Unions = fair and living wages, health care, respect at the work place, unity, professionalism, pride, occupational safety...

Republicans = unions are evil..."

Unions just tie everything up not allowing any work to get done. Unions don't allow you to fire an incompetent worker because they have to show 2 years of documented screwups, 4 written warnings, and have 12 people testify that the employee was costing the company more money than he was worth.

It is pure greed that cause these people to start complaining about the Walmarts and McDonalds of the world. Walmart provides clothing at affordable costs. I shop there and I will continue to shop there because it gives me the best deals. The fact that Walmart goes overseas to get the product just shows how greedy or lazy American workers have gotten.

Posted by: Reef127 at April 14, 2006 07:14 AM

Yeah, reefer, unions are sooo bad! Let's get rid of all the unions so we can go back to 12 hour days and child labor. And while we're at it, let's dispense with Worker's Comp - if you're stupid enough to get injured, it's your problem. And if you don't have health insurance, it's also your problem. Let's have a system where employers can fire you because they don't like the fact that you don't go to church. And regarding wages - be grateful for what you get - be grateful to massa for allowing you the privilege of working so that he have a membership in the best country clubs. Hey, reefer, have you ever picked up a history text and read about working conditions before unions - nah, didn't think so! And BTW, didn't Wal*Mart just get nailed for employing illegal immigrants. And remember when "Kathy Lee" was pushing her line of clothing that was made by child labor in Honduras? (Not sure about the country but..)? Reefer should read "Nickle and dimed in American" by Barbara Ehrenreich. There's an excellent chapter on the joys of Wal*Mart employment. Wal*Mart totally sceeves me out - the entrance is near the food court which is redolent of greasy food - the kids sure love that "cotton candy" though. In fact, aren't there McDonald's inside Wal*Marts? - now that's a marriage made in heaven!!!

Posted by: claudo at April 14, 2006 09:34 AM

The beauty of America. If you don't like it go find something else.

Posted by: reef127 at April 14, 2006 09:56 AM

Posted by: reef127 at April 14, 2006 09:56 AM


Posted by: william at April 14, 2006 10:12 AM

Maybe you don't eat at McDonald's, but there are lots....of people who love both of those things so how can you sit there and condemn them?"
HUH? How is saying you dont like something the same as condemning the people that do like it. My parents love to take my nephews to Disney World and have asked if I ever wanted to go along. I would rather run needles through my eyes than go to Disney World, but I sure dont condemn my parents and nephews for liking it.
These wingnuts LOVE to play the victim. They dont see this from the health angle or anything else, they simply see it as an assault on themselves.

Posted by: 7 at April 14, 2006 10:15 AM

Dan wrote:
"Unions = fair and living wages"

This is not always so. Who decides what "fair and living wages are?" If only the unions decide, then eventually salaries get too high and the business becomes unsustainable.

Unions are run by men, just like the corporations are. They are not some holy god-like fairy-tale enterprise, immune to error like your post would indicate.

The real debate is whether union strength balances with employer freedom - and how/when the Govt should intervene to take care of imbalances.

--Dan wrote--
What really gets me are union workers who say they are Republican...it's like saying they hate themselves, it's like burning their paycheck, it's like putting a gun to their kids heads and pulling the trigger.

Another black/white statement on a grayish issue. My Dad is a union member and understands the union is needed. And true, he usually votes Democrat, but he also is smart enough to understand how some unions drive up the cost of doing business too high when they get out-of-control.

My only experience with unions was a negative one. I needed to send a memo right away, but our secretary was not in that day. So I typed the memo and sent it myself. The secretary threated to write a "grievance" when she returned to work because I did not wait for her to return and utilize a union typist - ridiculous!

That aside, I still think they are needed to some extent.


Posted by: SJ at April 14, 2006 10:15 AM

Its like the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard to hear their rants.

Wrapping themselves in the flag does very little to make that noise less objectionable nor does it make what they have to say any more fashionable.

Posted by: Amazed at April 14, 2006 03:18 AM

Pretty much covers reef127

Posted by: TRUTH at April 14, 2006 10:16 AM

The fact that Walmart goes overseas to get the product just shows how greedy or lazy American workers have gotten.

Posted by: Reef127
If you hate Americans so much then get the hell out of here.

Posted by: 7 at April 14, 2006 10:19 AM

SJ- greivances are like lawsuits.

Anyone can file one but whether or not they will succeed depends on whats in the contract, the workplace rules and policies, and any applicable precedent.

Ignorant of the facts many otherwise useful worker bees will threaten greivances whenever they don't get their own way. Doesn't mean they know their own contract. Just means they think management will run and cower with fear.

Yes, there are just as many useless and worthless unions as there are useless and worthless political commentators. Yes, you can find many examples to point out of ineffective or damaging representation.

Unions help bring balance to the force otherwise DarthWalMart would never be confronted.

Posted by: Amazed at April 14, 2006 10:31 AM


Melanie just said that Denmark had banned Transfats, not McD's. That being said, I avoid that place like the plauge when I go overseas. I don't want to be the American tourist eating in the McD's in Paris...I might as well wear socks with sandlas and complain loudly that the beer isn't cold enough!


The Fast Food Nation thing suprises me, as that book pretty much changed my life. Because of where I grew up, I personally saw animals slaughtered, killed a few chickens myself, so animal slaughter never really bothered me, but I had no idea how the wholesale slaughter of cows occured. Eat beef if you want to, but everyone should be aware of how big industry does it.

It's not only arguably unethical to the cows, but due to the increased demand for beef, the big companies that provide for McD's have made the switch from butchery being a skilled labor to mostly unskilled, and these places hire many undocumented laborers. It's VERY dangerous work, and it goes without saying that these people are not unionized.

I swore off all red meat after reading the book, and I try my hardest only to eat farm raised/organic chicken. I'm certainly not perfect about it! A good alternative, if you don't want to swear off red meat (and of course if you can afford it/have it available to you), is to eat grass fed beef or halal beef (ther are strict standards under which halal beef needs to be slaughtered).

I shop there and I will continue to shop there because it gives me the best deals. The fact that Walmart goes overseas to get the product just shows how greedy or lazy American workers have gotten.

Well, well, it's just all about YOU, isn't it? I like how you show disdain for the American worker being greedy while your penultimate sentence is all about your own greed - me, me, me. The fact that you are supporting a system that contributes to trade imbalances, and shutteles massive amounts of cash to honest-to-god Commmunists doesn't matter when its me me me, does it? The fact that their workers labor in toxic, underpaid environments doesn't matter either...me me me.

The fact that an American worker wants to make enough to feed and clothe her family makes her "lazy?" O-key.

*clears throat*

Me me me me me!

Posted by: Kim, Pb.D at April 14, 2006 10:36 AM

Goob and Refer,

Please do me a HUGE favor? Please? Since you love McDonalds soooo much, please, please, please go there every day... for every meal. You'll not just be helping these corporations you love so much, you'll be doing everyone HERE a huge favor!

Posted by: HST37-05 at April 14, 2006 10:44 AM

The fact that Walmart goes overseas to get the product just shows how greedy or lazy American workers have gotten.

Posted by: Reef127

Tell us what you do and how much you make, that way we can determine your degree of greed and lazyness.

Posted by: FrankC at April 14, 2006 10:59 AM

--Dan wrote--
What really gets me are union workers who say they are Republican...it's like saying they hate themselves, it's like burning their paycheck, it's like putting a gun to their kids heads and pulling the trigger.

Another black/white statement on a grayish issue. My Dad is a union member and understands the union is needed. And true, he usually votes Democrat, but he also is smart enough to understand how some unions drive up the cost of doing business too high when they get out-of-control.
Posted by: SJ

Designing crappy products, cooking the books, outrageously over paid executives (whose income is greater than hundreds of workers), billion dollar campaign ads are what drive up the cost of business. Sorry but your argument doesn’t hold water. Allowing goods to come into the US from countries where workers make a couple bucks a day is nothing but the legal support of slave labor and is a very unfair practice. Heaven forbid everyone in the world made a living wage and would be able to afford the things that they make at work. Sorry, it isn’t all that hard and you don’t have to be an economic genius to figure out that high wages mean more people buying goods and that leads to more profits. It is black and white; a vote for republicans is an anti-union vote, period. Only a small fraction of people in this country are now represented by a union, however everyone who works has unions to thank for what they have, with out unions there would still be 8 year olds working in coal mines, there would be no OSHA to keep you safe, etc…

There are examples of someone in a union dong something outrageous or wrong, yes; however they are a very small minority. There are many more times that number of cops who break the law or are “bad” cops; does this make all police bad? Should we disband all police forces because of a small minority? Of course not. So, should all unions be demonized by the actions of a very small number of people? No.

Posted by: dan at April 14, 2006 11:03 AM

You know what you're right it is about me. I'm willing go go put in the hard work. And if I want to go shop at Walmart or get myself as big as a cow that's my right as an American.

Is it me or did we change something about America. THe place where you are allowed to worship as you please. The place where competition is a good thing. I say good for Walmart. They started out as one store and look at what they achieved. You're going to take that away from the because???

This is the part of America that's scarey. It is all about everyone saying you owe me. You know what I don't owe you crap. The government doesn't owe you crap. You don't like the job you have or it doesn't pay enough. Go get a new job or get some education to get a new job. Look in the paper and tell me you don't see jobs posted in there. Enough crying do something about it

Posted by: reef127 at April 14, 2006 11:06 AM


Another classic GOP talking point. "Just work somewhere else."

Shopping at WalMart is cannibalistic. I could go into macroeconomic detail, but if you don't understand it by now, something tells me you never will. Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Shopping at WalMart is cannibalistic, plain and simple.

When you choose to eat your own hand, tax payors have to pay your disability benefits. Members of your HMO have to pay for your transplant. If you don't understand this by now, you're not going to.

Posted by: Mike at April 14, 2006 11:19 AM

The government doesn't owe you crap.

Posted by: reef127

Last I checked the government was "We the people..." so the government is supposed to do what is best for everyone, not just the few. Wal-Mart may offer low prices, and like a sucker I may shop there from time to time, but the reasons the prices are low cause more harm than the good of the low cost.

Posted by: dan at April 14, 2006 11:20 AM

So in other words, you're pissed that Cavuto isn't calling for the smashing of McDonald's and Wal-Mart, and turning America into a fascist (New Deal times ten) nation.

And "claudo" appears to be another homicidial socialist maniac.

Posted by: Mike at April 14, 2006 11:31 AM

I will NEVER shop at Walmart for the following because they have CONTRIBUTED to the fall of America aka supporting GOPigs.

Political Contributions:
$377,460 to Democrats
$1,354,790 to Republicans
$0 to Others
$1,732,250 in Total

Source: http://www.buyblue.org/node/2137/view/summary

Posted by: Happy at April 14, 2006 11:31 AM

1 - The place where competition is a good thing. I say good for Walmart.
2 - It is all about everyone saying you owe me. You know what I don't owe you crap
3 - The government doesn't owe you crap.
4 - Enough crying do something about it

Posted by: reef127

1-Yes, competition is a good thing, but when Walmart comes into a community and eventually forces out all the local retailers, where’s the competition?

2-Not really sure where that came from, no one here is saying you owe us anything...paranoid much?

3-Wrong, the government belongs to us, it is there to function as our servant. It is accountable to us, so in many ways it does owe us. Only a person with contempt and hatred of the US would fail to understand.

4-The only crying Im seeing here is coming from a person that seems to take offense that others don’t share their enthusiasm for corporate giants.

Posted by: 7 at April 14, 2006 11:31 AM

The proper solution to "people eating their own hands" is to have the hand-eaters incur the costs of their treatments and disabilities, not the taxpayers.

Of course, this simple, logical, reasonable solution is simply not an option around here.

Posted by: Mike at April 14, 2006 11:35 AM

Remember the days when you walked into Wal-Mart and they had a big banner with all of the new US made products listed and would show all the American jobs at a factory that Wal-Mart bought goods from? Ah, Sam must be rolling over in his grave.

Posted by: dan at April 14, 2006 11:35 AM

The proper solution to "people eating their own hands" is to have the hand-eaters incur the costs of their treatments and disabilities, not the taxpayers.

Posted by: Mike

Brilliant! OK genius, how is anyone going to manage that with the wages that Walmart pays? Take your time.

Posted by: FrankC at April 14, 2006 11:40 AM

Let me get this straight.

The trolls love Wal-Mart.

The trolls hate illegal immigrants.

Wal-Mart hires sub-contractors that hire illegal immigrants.

Something doesn't sound right.

Posted by: john t at April 14, 2006 11:40 AM

For decades we were all raised to believe that a Communist nation was going to nuke us back into the Stone Age, we were taught to fear loathe all Communists. Now, there is a Communist nation who devalues its own currency just to be able to sell goods in our country for the cost of dirt. They are taking all of our jobs and killing our way of life. Are the same people who told us to fear the Commies doing anything to stop this attack? No, they are reaping the profits from it. I find it very hypocritical that for 50 years the same people, who taught us that the Commies were going to kill us all, now allow the Commies to ruin our economy and life style for their own profits.

Posted by: dan at April 14, 2006 11:45 AM

Posted by: dan at April 14, 2006 11:45 AM

You can add the U.S. government to that, the chinese are practically the U.S. biggest creditors.

Posted by: FrankC at April 14, 2006 11:49 AM

Something doesn't sound right.

Posted by: john t
because you are overlooking a big part of the equation:
The trolls dont see the conflict because they hate America so much it blinds them to any logic. In fact, the illegal immigrants/WalMart connection plays right into their dream of destroying the American economy and labor force.

Posted by: 7 at April 14, 2006 11:50 AM

Reef127 likes to talk about how greedy american workers have gotten, let's talk greed shall we?

Robson Walton 61 Net Worth 18.3 billion
Jim Walton 57 New Worth 18.2 billion
John Walton 59 New Worth 18.2 billion
Alice Walton 56 New Worth 18.0 billion
Helen Walton 85 Net Worth 18.0 billion

Would it kill any of these people to give up let's say, two billion each to provide decent health care and wages for their workers? After all, how are they going to manage to spend 18 billion dollars in their lifetime given their ages?

Posted by: FrankC at April 14, 2006 11:57 AM

And "claudo" appears to be another homicidial socialist maniac.

Posted by: Mike at April 14, 2006 11:31 AM

Don't know about "homocidial" - did ya mean, homicidal; cuz if so, I've never been convicted of murder. In 57 years, my only malfeasance has been one speeding ticket and numerous reprimands from the Sisters of No Mercy when I was in high school! Recently retired from social services - a position that involved working with the people that you obviously have such distain for. Yeah Mike, your one comfortable right wing guy who has it all and the hell with the rest. You probably don't know that some people (Wal*Mart employees) have to chose between paying rent - average inner city apartment now around 800 per month - and paying for health care. Hope that you don't consider yourself a "compassionate conservative" because your views on humanity put you squarly in the German National Socialist zepplin field (and he calls me socialist). Fact for you Mike, when people don't have health insurance, they tend not to see doctors when they have a minor problem. The minor problem develops into a major problem and the worker might not be able to continue working - tough if you have a family! Said ex-worker is finally treated at hospital but cannot pay bill. Emergency funds pick it up - and that forces increases in payments for those who have insurance. Yeah socialism is really bad - all those progressive countries in western Europe who provide universal health care are really quite third world. Even Castro's Cuba has universal health care. Mike must be an elitist because he sure has distain for the "common man" who, he feels, deserves to be treated like shit. Make sure you get a front row seat at church on Sunday, Mike, so people can see what a good Christian you are.

Posted by: claudo at April 14, 2006 12:14 PM

This from Center for American Progress:

"In the fifth year of this business cycle, the fortunes of CEOs and middle-class families pulled further apart. In 2005, the typical CEO received $11.6 million in total direct compensation-salaries, bonuses, restricted stock grants, gains from stock option exercises and other long-term incentive payouts. This constituted a 24 percent increase over the 2004 average of $9.3 million. This means that in 2005, the average CEO made 279 times the average pay of a production non-supervisory worker, the vast majority of America's private sector work force. This is up from 185 times in 2003 and 229 times in 2004."

Wake up America. As the late, great John Lennon sang, "power to the people, right on!"

Posted by: claudo at April 14, 2006 12:20 PM

goob please explain to me again why liberals want America to fail.To me thats about as stupid as saying muslims hate us for our freedom.

Posted by: kay carlton at April 14, 2006 12:21 PM

Posted by: kay carlton at April 14, 2006 12:21 PM

You're asking Goob to explain to you anything he says?
Cue to Mission Impossible theme.

Posted by: FrankC at April 14, 2006 12:27 PM

Goob's a cut & run kinda guy. He drops his little shit bombs and withdraws to the safety of his little cocoon. Withdrawal, hmm...

Posted by: claudo at April 14, 2006 12:35 PM

Goob's a cut & run kinda guy. He drops his little shit bombs and withdraws to the safety of his little cocoon.

Posted by: claudo

Somewhat like $2.08, hey maybe they're the same guy, not that far fetched.

Posted by: FrankC at April 14, 2006 12:37 PM

I never shopped at wal mart even before I knew how bad they fucked up communities; I just thought the lighting was really awful. And the narrow aisles. My GOD, the narrow aisles. And most everyone shopping there(and this is their business) is really obese with about 23 fat little kids running around, which leaves no room to negotiate the store. Just saying...

Posted by: william at April 14, 2006 12:41 PM

WalMart is unamerican.

Posted by: kay carlton at April 14, 2006 12:43 PM

Everything I have read on this post from the DemonRants points directly towards the idea of having a socialist’s society. Should we go and dig up Karl Marx, Lenin & Stalin. Prop them up, so that they could offer up some wonderful insights as to how we can march toward a Socialist Society in our free American society.
Actually, we really do not have to dig these communist pigs up, just have everyone go to newshounds.us and read these posts. How enlightening these DemonRants are regarding America’s capitalist society.
If you Un-American’s such as the DemonRants who spread their incoherent trash throughout this website do not like Wal-Mart, McDonald’s, etc. Go and provide our free society with a better corporation, where you can take all your profits and spend them on anything and everything you want too. Maybe you could follow the Communist Manifesto, so that you may reach your goals of crippling America with your wonderful Liberal agendas these DemonRants want to push on the true hard working Americans.

Posted by: Jim at April 14, 2006 12:49 PM


A little over the top, dontchya think? If Wal Mart moved into your community, built a giant eyesore, drove much of the competing business out, then, abondoned said eyesore, and moved down the street and built a new, even larger eyesore, I wonder if that would that would be allright with you.

And the fact is, we are trying to live in a free society, a SOCIETY. And many people believe wal mart could try harder to be a better component of the SOCIETY.

Posted by: william at April 14, 2006 12:59 PM

Jim,every item in your beloved WalMart comes from Communist China.Spin that one for me.

Posted by: kay carlton at April 14, 2006 01:02 PM

Jim, if you really did read the post, you really do have a reading comprehension problem. All of the discussions centered on how Wal*Mart is RIPPING OFF the "hard working Americans" who work there. Your "commie" rant is truly bizarre and quite old school because the cold war ended years ago - although Tailgunner Joe must be your hero. To bad you can't report us to HUAC so Nixon and Roy Cohn can ask us leading questions! The only one spreading "incoherent trash" is you; as you haven't provided any real rebuttal to our contention that Wal*Mart exploits it's workers and McDonald's sell crap that contributes to obesity and health problems. How is criticism of these beloved institutions related to the communist manifesto? Jimmie boy, you've had too many Big Macs and the fat is clogging your thought process. Want fries with that?

Posted by: claudo at April 14, 2006 01:02 PM

I hear that Costco pays it's workers more than Wal*mart and provides health care. So obviously a company that treats it's workers well can be profitable.

Posted by: claudo at April 14, 2006 01:05 PM

"Demonrants" was interesting - in addition to being communists, we cavort with Satan. It's the end of the world as we know it! Like I say, there is a full moon!!!

Posted by: claudo at April 14, 2006 01:09 PM

Jim is one of those trolls that reads a thread and says,"I really dont understand what they are talking about, so I gonna pitch the old "youre nothing but commies" line. Who cares if what they post has NOTHING to do with the topic? Who cares if he totally misses the point? Certainly he doesnt care that his inane ramblings make him look like some sort of fool that just fell off a turnip truck. Later tonight he can have a brag to the rest of his good old boys in the trailer park how he handed it to them commie pinkos

Posted by: 7 at April 14, 2006 01:11 PM

Hey 7,

Boy, you really got me on that one. You figured me out. Could you tell me what point I missed?
Maybe you should educate yourself alittle more before your open your little communists mouth. I realize this is Liberal website, but I just wanted to add a few gotcha points, for all the DemonRants.
This one's for you 7, you commie pinko....

Posted by: Jim at April 14, 2006 01:17 PM

Oh I fogot to add this one for the DemonRants at Newshounds.

Communist slogan is "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."

Posted by: Jim at April 14, 2006 01:22 PM

Hey 7,

I really thought you were going to try and educate me. You have nothing. Just like your life, you have nothing.

Posted by: Jim at April 14, 2006 01:28 PM

Could you tell me what point I missed?
Posted by: Jim
jim if you bothered to read you would have seen the points of this thread are:
1 - Wal*Mart exploits it's workers
2 - McDonald's sell crap that contributes to obesity and health problems

Your rant about commies had nothing to do with the thread. Not even close. Zero The fact that you came back for and encore of "I have no clue what this debate is about" is really quite laughable. If you have some data to refute these two point, go for it. We would love to see it. But if you are going to come in here and rant about "commies" (commies - how 1986!) and not offer anything more than a weak Archie Bunker imitation - then be prepared to be called on it.

Posted by: 7 at April 14, 2006 01:28 PM


Is there some sort of security for identity theft? Can we like attach a name to an e-mail address? I made a comment about how WalMart is cannibalistic and someone else ripped off my handle and dumbed down what I was saying. I guess they were scared of the point that I was trying to make.

Is anyone arguing against the fact that shopping at WalMart is cannibalistic? Maryland took a good first step by requiring them to spend at least 8% of their budget on Health Insurance for their employees, but more needs to be done. Okay now, anyone else want to rip off my handle?

Posted by: Mike at April 14, 2006 01:33 PM


Shall I teach you how to put two & two together. Maybe you already forgot that your Liberal friend Dan added his two cents worth regarding commies, etc.

I really beleive that you understand what I am stating, you just have nothing as a defense.

I am also trying to understand why you didn't attach you so-called Lberal buddy Dan for bringing into this post a vague picture of a communists society. A society in which you want. Keep the faith with your Liberal agenda.

Posted by: Jim at April 14, 2006 01:37 PM

Communist slogan is "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."
Posted by: Jim at April 14, 2006 01:22 PM

Certainly a great argument against obscene CEO salaries and the tax cut for the top 1%. Karl was really on to something there! And to the real Mike, the trolls have come out from under their bridge today. They do love their Wal*Mart and Mickey D's. Lawd, I haven't heard "commie-pinko" since the late 60's. Jimmy, how old are you and what part of the country do you live in? Please don't say that you're anywhere near the NorthEast (well, why would you be there's too many commies up here). And one more thing, Jim, the commies have taken over your hard drive. Better step away from the computer and put your tin foil hat on. The mother ship will be here soon and it will take you away to a white, republican, planet where the only food will be from McDonald's. Hope they have a supersize seat for you on the spaceship!

Posted by: claudo at April 14, 2006 01:43 PM

Dear Handle thief,

The proper solution to "people eating their own hands" is to prevent people from eating their own hands. Maybe you can educate them on what will happen when they eat their own hands.

Your argument implies that when people shop at WalMart, they are only hurting themselves. Was this done to discredit me? Otherwise, why did you need to steal my handle? Please get your own handle, and then use it to explain to everyone how to selectively apply macroeconomic principles.

Individual people can choose to shop at WalMart or to eat their own hands, but it effects everyone. Your argument is so flawed that it's giving me a headache trying to talk on your level. Go steal the handle of a troll, they never make any sense anyway.

Posted by: Mike at April 14, 2006 01:47 PM

Hey 7,

Your liberal friends also went off topic and tried to present the idea of Americans who are greedy. Once who won't share the wealth. What I presented, since you do not understand, was something you DemonRants have been crying about for a long time. The REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH, which by all means is a communist's viewpoint. Do you not understand? Shall I provide you with graphs and charts?

Posted by: Jim at April 14, 2006 01:48 PM

I am also trying to understand why you didn't attach you so-called Lberal buddy Dan
maybe because that post is 2 hours old where yours was fresher? Besides, why do I owe you an explanation? Is it because you can not defend yourself?
Your post had nothing to do with the topic, contained not one fact and reads like something written by some old coot stuck in the cold war era. and you keep coming back adding more to the impression that you have nothing to contribute.
Again if you have data to refute what this thread is about present it. Otherwise accept the title of troll

Posted by: 7 at April 14, 2006 01:50 PM

Everything I have read on this post from the DemonRants points directly towards the idea of having a socialist’s society

Posted by: Jim

Shall I teach you how to put two & two together. Maybe you already forgot that your Liberal friend Dan added his two cents worth regarding commies, etc.

Posted by: Jim

On one hand you say "Everything I read on this post" on the other hand you say you're responding to Dan. So, which is it? are you responding to the thread or are you responding to what Dan said? You know, my collegues here are right, you do have a comprehension problem.

And oh, you want to talk about Commies, go complain to president Shrub and his illegal warrantless searches, that's right he threw the Bill of Rights in the trash, something the commies would be really proud of.

Posted by: FrankC at April 14, 2006 01:50 PM


Is there some way to delete the posts made by "Mike" between 11:31 am and 11:35 am today? This user ripped off my handle. Thanks.

Posted by: Mike at April 14, 2006 01:51 PM

Hey 7,

Your liberal friends....bla bla bla bla
Posted by: Jim
if you have an issue with what they (liberal friends) said take it up with them.

Posted by: 7 at April 14, 2006 01:54 PM

Hey Jinbo...aren't you late for your clan meeting??

Posted by: kdog at April 14, 2006 01:57 PM

Hey Jinbo...aren't you late for your clan meeting??

Posted by: kdog at April 14, 2006 01:57 PM

He's probably late for his shift at Wal-Mart.

Posted by: john t at April 14, 2006 02:01 PM

You really got me FrankC. Again, I was presenting information to one of your DemonRant friends(7)and you decide to apply an awesome Liberal spin on it. Great work.
I must go, becuause you DemonRants are really making it hard for me to really expose all DemonRants for truly what they are "Un-American".
Oh wait, you DemonRants really do not need my help. You doing an awesome job here at Newshounds.us...

Posted by: Jim at April 14, 2006 02:02 PM

Mike, each one of us has to provide an email address when we post and that's not visible, so he couldn't have totally ripped your handle off, it could be coincidence, I can understand why you would be pissed off, that other Mike was an idiot. . I know it happened to me too when I was using "Frank" has a handle, I just decided to add a C at the end of the handle to avoid further confusion.

Posted by: FrankC at April 14, 2006 02:02 PM

Posted by: Jim at April 14, 2006 02:02 PM

That's right, go on your way, why don't you head on over to Free Republic so you can all kiss each other's butt and yell Bush is Great!

Posted by: FrankC at April 14, 2006 02:04 PM

Hey kdog,

Another great comeback from the DemonRants. I believe Senator Robert "KKK" Byrd (D) will be holding the rally. Is he your Grand Wizard here at Newshounds?

Posted by: Jim at April 14, 2006 02:05 PM

I must go, becuause you DemonRants are really making it hard for me bla bla bla
Posted by: Jim
Translation: Damnit i tried to hijack the thread with a bunch of crap and they didnt fall for it! I better get out of here.
that makes the third one to go a running !

Posted by: 7 at April 14, 2006 02:07 PM

Sorry FrankC I really do not think Bush is great. What I think is great about America is our free capitalist society. A society you and your DemonRants do not believe in.

Posted by: Jim at April 14, 2006 02:08 PM

In Jim's mind that's what it takes to be a great American. To run around yelling "commie pinkos". What a great American.

Posted by: john t at April 14, 2006 02:09 PM

Oops, haven't exited yet. Just thought I would wait around for a minute so I could read all of the awesome opinions the DemonRants will post.

Really 7 all you DemonRants make it to easy for me to leave.

O.K., Now I am going....maybe

Posted by: Jim at April 14, 2006 02:11 PM


The reason that I got pissed off is because in addition to nabbing my handle, he took my idea and ran it into the ground. Then, he disappeared. He and I were the only 2 people to talk about "eating your own hand." If I had to guess, I'd say that it was intentional and not a coincidence, but I guess that it doesn't matter now that he's disappeared. Maybe I'll start adding a middle initial. Thanks for the tip.

Posted by: Mike at April 14, 2006 02:14 PM

Cavuto: "What disturbs me the most...is when Americans do it because these are American icons."

Lincoln is an American icon, Franklin and Jerfferson same. A disembodied yellow smiley face or a clown pushing greasy food is not. At least I hope not.

Whitney: "These people...want to actually justify their mediocrity by attacking the big successful evolutionary giants. It's crazy."

EVOLUTION?? WHAT! Doesn’t Whitney know, evolution is only a THEORY!

Posted by: 7 at April 14, 2006 02:24 PM

Heres the thing I don’t get. Clearly Fox feels this film is a threat, otherwise they wouldn’t take the time to bash it. But how likely is it that Fox’s viewers would have even known about it if Fox didn’t do a story on it? Its like when BOR went bashing Media Matters. Why does someone want to call attention to something that uses facts to make them look bad? If I was BOR I would like to keep my viewers in the dark as much as possible on something like Media Matters. I sure as hell would not go crying about how mean and untruthful they are. All one of his viewers had to do was look at the site and learn the truth.
Its like a divorced man trying to convince his new girlfriend to marry him by saying, “go and talk to my ex. She will tell you what a great husband I am.”

Posted by: 7 at April 14, 2006 02:31 PM

America is our free capitalist society.

Interesting. I want to present you with something of a condundrum, then. Supporting WalMart and its current policies IS supporting Communism. Almost every dollar you spend there goes to underwrite a Communist society. Not Hippie-dippie fuzzy feed-the-world communism, but hardcore, upper-case C run you over with a tank in Tiannamen square Communism.

Additionally, that lower price supports a system that the American worker pays the price of, not just the worker at Walmart, but the American manufacturers. You are footing the paycheck of a Communist worker.

If the desire to have a living wage and keep skilled labor manufacturing jobs in America makes me some sort of commie pinko, or Demonrant, so be it. If spending to hard-earned cash to underwrite an actual Communist government makes you a great American, whatever. All I know is that I don't need to call someone unAmerican to try to make my point.

Posted by: Kim, Pb.D at April 14, 2006 02:33 PM

Jim was going to present us with charts and graph's. We're still waiting. Oh well, it's probably milk and meds time at his - ah - place of residence.

Posted by: claudo at April 14, 2006 02:42 PM

I had to come back here to defend myself. If you actually read all of my posts, I never once said that I shop at Wal-Mart or even eat at McDonald's.
What I am posting is that our society is a Capitalists society. So all these Corporations have the right to buy & sell whatever they want. What goes with that is the right to not shop at Wal-Mart, Kmart, McDonald's, etc. You all have the right to protest what they are doing. Did anyone mention Bill Gates? Is it O.K. for Bill Gates to have all his money, just because he does give a lot of his money away?
Bill Gates, Sam Walton & Family deserve every amount of money they take in. It's sad to say, but we can combat this by not shopping or eating or buying any products they provide to us. That’s the American way.

My whole point is that we live in a Capitalists society and what most individuals here posted was information that steered towards a Communists society.


Not really nice for an individual who worked in the social service sector.
I guess it's easier for you to cut on an idividual when they aren't there.

Posted by: Jim at April 14, 2006 02:55 PM

Has it occured to you that there might be more than one person in the world named 'Mike'?

I will now go under the handle of 'Mike D.'

Posted by: Mike D. at April 14, 2006 02:57 PM

Before you Liberals attack, I was joking to Claudo. I could careless what everyone posts about me....

Posted by: Jim at April 14, 2006 03:00 PM

Troll math 101:

Profits = GOOD

if PROFITS=GOOD than any and all conduct that leads to profits must also be good.

Loving WalMart = Loving America

Not loving WalMart = Not loving America

Troll math 102- This class has been cancelled due to declining enrollment and the high drop out rate among trolls.

Posted by: Amazed at April 14, 2006 03:03 PM

Mike D,

Can you please explain why you believe that the aforementioned effects that Wal Mart has on communities in fact only affect the individuals? If the purpose of your post was truly to join the discussion and not to derail what I was trying to say, then you should have no problem answering that question. Otherwise, I believe that you meet dictionary.com's definition of a troll.

Posted by: Mike E at April 14, 2006 03:19 PM

Jim how is criticism of Wal*Mart's business practices "communistic?" If you look at the history of the labor movement, which was responsible for the betterment of working conditions for millions of Americans, what we are saying is American as apple pie. It is a sad reality that workers (including children) in late 19th century were paid very little for gruelling and dangerous jobs - this while the rich paid no income taxes and lived opuluent life styles (the Newport mansions - summer residences only - show how much money thay had). If the labor movement hadn't worked to improve the situation, there might just have a Marxist style revolution in this country. It is a fact that Wal*Mart exploits it's workers and that is what we are discussing. For you to infer that we are advocating a bolshevic take-over of American business is wrong - and rather bizarre. Capitalism is a good system - as long as it is tempered with justice and concern for the workers who keep the system going.

Posted by: claudo at April 14, 2006 03:30 PM

Excellent point Mike E,

Shopping at Walmart hurts the entire community, not just the people who work there, even though it is their choice to work there. You made a brilliant analogy about eating your own hand. It is one's choice to eat one's own hand, but it will negatively impact the entire community in many ways, just like shopping at Wal Mart does.

I tried to mock your analogy, and that was wrong. I claimed that if one were to eat his own hand, that it would not affect the entire community because the person could just pay for the transplant. However, I completely missed the point of your analogy. I'm sorry, Newshounds for wasting valuable screen space with my mindless trolling. I will try to make more intelligent posts in the future.

Posted by: Mike D at April 14, 2006 03:41 PM

I misread Mike's original statement. I assumed he was talking about people eating at McDonald's In fact, he meant that shopping at Wal-Mart was "cannibalistic" and was akin to choosing to "eat your own hand".

Posted by: Mike D. at April 14, 2006 04:42 PM

Claudo: When attempting a spelling flame, you have to find a spelling mistake that I made.

"I've never been convicted of murder."

You need not have murdered anyone to be a homicidal maniac. Your snide suggestion that the panelists "should be thankful that they did not live in revolutionary France or Russia; because those types were the first to meet their maker" is indicative of your mindset.

"Hope that you don't consider yourself a "compassionate conservative" because your views on humanity put you squarly in the German National Socialist zepplin field"

On the contrary; the National Socialists were in favor of price controls, nationalized industry, guaranteed government retirement pensions and universal health care. Basically 'New Deal times ten' plus "get rid of the Jewish capitalists".

"Yeah socialism is really bad - all those progressive countries in western Europe who provide universal health care are really quite third world."

No country in Western Europe is socialist. Even France still has private property in the means of production. Universal health care is simply an element of Welfare Statism, which can lead to socialism.

North Korea and Cuba are both socialist, and are Third World as a result.

"Even Castro's Cuba has universal health care."

Castro's Cuba will give you a filthy bed to die on, and, if you're lucky, a sheet to die under:


Posted by: Mike D. at April 14, 2006 04:50 PM

"Excellent point Mike E,"

So when do you turn 12?

Posted by: Mike D. at April 14, 2006 04:52 PM

FrankC: "Would it kill any of these people to give up let's say, two billion each to provide decent health care and wages for their workers? After all, how are they going to manage to spend 18 billion dollars in their lifetime given their ages?"

Yes, in fact, it would ruin not only them, but the company, and harm a lot of Wal-Mart shareholders. As to how is left as an exercise for you, but since you apparently don't understand the basics of finance, I won't be holding my breath.

Posted by: Mike D. at April 14, 2006 05:03 PM

Mike D. - my statement about Nazi Germany was not in reference to their economics. It was, rather, referencing the belief that the Jews (in your world, poor people) got what they deserved as they were not productive members of the faderland. Call it what you want; but those beautiful and cultured European countries still have universal health care. And regarding the victims of the "terror" and the Bolshevic revolution - the people were angry and that's what happens when the ruling class oppresses it's people to the extent that occurred in these countries. And say what you want about Castro - he still provides his people with universal health care which is more than can be said about this not so humane system. Let them eat cake, Mike D - and then what happens is "up against the wall." Not Marxism - reality!!!

Posted by: claudo at April 14, 2006 05:21 PM

Posted by: Mike D. at April 14, 2006 05:03 PM

I think you just fucked with the wrong person when you fucked with Frank C on finances.

Posted by: john t at April 14, 2006 05:36 PM

Remember the days when you walked into Wal-Mart and they had a big banner with all of the new US made products listed and would show all the American jobs at a factory that Wal-Mart bought goods from? Ah, Sam must be rolling over in his grave.

Posted by: dan at April 14, 2006 11:35 AM

I was at my moms 70th b-day party a couple weeks ago, and was talking to my aunt about the negative effects of WM on communities. She said the same exact thing. Including, "Sam must be rolling over in his grave."
Coincidence? I think not. Unless of course you're my aunt Bev ;)


the trolls are running on empty. IMHO

Posted by: vermontdave at April 14, 2006 06:55 PM

Look at Maos China.They all wore the same outfit.Look at my grandaughters 4th grade class.They all had on outfits from WalMart. They all look the same.These outfits came from Communist China.Somewhere Mao is laughing.

Posted by: kay carlton at April 14, 2006 07:12 PM

Would it kill any of these people to give up let's say, two billion each to provide decent health care and wages for their workers? After all, how are they going to manage to spend 18 billion dollars in their lifetime given their ages?

Posted by: FrankC at April 14, 2006 11:57 AM

Who the hell are you to tell these people what their salaries should be? Oh, that's right yoiu're a fucking communist who believes government should make everyone equal. America is the land of equal opportunity, NOT equal outcomes.

Posted by: Spob at April 14, 2006 07:25 PM

Aw! Poor baby! You are mad aren't you? You must really hate capitalism and the free market? IF you hate it that bad then leave. And while you are at it take your liberalism with you.

Posted by: Charles Butler at April 14, 2006 07:48 PM

America is the land of equal opportunity, NOT equal outcomes.

Posted by: Spob at April 14, 2006 07:25 PM

Spob's chaneling Rush! Really spob, can't you come up with anything better than this. Tell us how great Wal*Mart really is. And spob, even in this land of golden opportunity you're still going to end up near the bottom - what's that redneck phrase - you can't fix stupid.

Posted by: claudo at April 14, 2006 08:04 PM

everyone in Communist China thanks you for shopping at Wal-Mart

Posted by: theroachman at April 14, 2006 08:19 PM

Spellcheck of the word Spob

Posted by: theroachman at April 14, 2006 08:19 PM

Aw! Poor baby! You are mad aren't you? You must really hate capitalism and the free market? IF you hate it that bad then leave. And while you are at it take your liberalism with you.

Posted by: Charles Butler at April 14, 2006 07:48 PM

A great example of the un-American know-nothing.

Posted by: vermontdave at April 14, 2006 08:25 PM

Years ago, the same mindless tools of the American right wing used to call those of us who were anti-war "commie/pinko/fags/longhairs etc. Flash forward 40 years and the right wing is still doing the same name calling - although they can't call us long hairs anymore!!! They used to shout "America, love it or leave it" to which we would respond "America, change it or lose it." They still don't get it!

Posted by: claudo at April 14, 2006 08:38 PM

So what your saying is that idiots like Charles and Goob and all our other friends have been around since I was knee-high to cow corn?

These provacateurs aren't the shiniest apples in the barrel, are they?

Posted by: vermontdave at April 14, 2006 08:56 PM

Vermontdave - it's possible that they are the "issue" produced by the past generation of goobers and Charles - scary thought! Let's hope the buck stops here - if you know what I'm saying - wink, wink!

Posted by: claudo at April 14, 2006 09:03 PM

claudo wrote: "And regarding the victims of the 'terror' and the Bolshevic revolution - the people were angry and that's what happens when the ruling class oppresses it's people to the extent that occurred in these countries."

You are a homicidal commie maniac. Though I do give you credit for being so plain-spoken in your support for terror and mass-murder; commies usually use various pleasant-sounding euphemisms so people don't think them completely mad.

Both events you mention were not the works of a popular uprising. The Reign of Terror was the work of the twelve-member Committee of Public Safety. The Bolsheviks stole power in a midnight raid on the Winter Palace, after which they started their war on the peasantry.

"And say what you want about Castro - he still provides his people with universal health care which is more than can be said about this not so humane system."

You are deranged.

Once again:


Posted by: Mike D. at April 14, 2006 09:37 PM

Hey Mike D. - I'm entitled to my opinion and you're entitled to yours. And if you want to talk homicide - how about all the innocent Iraqis murdered by beloved leader - in addition to all the fine young Americans killed in Bush's failed crusade. I'm really getting bored by your histrionic zealotry. So just go back to your John Birch Society meeting and fuck off!

Posted by: claudo at April 14, 2006 09:50 PM

I know where this thread started. I'm not entirely sure where it is now.

Posted by: Amazed at April 14, 2006 09:53 PM

Actually I think it was hijacked by graduates of troll math 101.

Posted by: Amazed at April 14, 2006 09:55 PM

Maybe the trolls are Wal*mart middle management staff doing uncompensated overtime!!

Posted by: claudo at April 14, 2006 09:59 PM

Maybe there just isn't anything shiny to distract them.

Posted by: Amazed at April 14, 2006 10:05 PM

Liberals are never happy, they are always complaining about something. lol...

Check this out:


"Some 45% of all Republicans report being very happy, compared with just 30% of Democrats and 29% of independents. This finding has also been around a long time; Republicans have been happier than Democrats every year since the General Social Survey began taking its measurements in 1972."

"Could it be that Republicans are so much happier now because their party controls all the levers of federal power? Not likely. Since 1972, the GOP happiness edge over Democrats has ebbed and flowed in a pattern that appears unrelated to which party is in political power. For example, Republicans had up to a 10 and 11 percentage point happiness edge over Democrats in various years of both the Carter and Clinton presidencies."

The best thing to do with liberals is just sit back and watch them explode, be angry, rant, rave, complain. While they do all that, conservatives are out having fun and enjoying life.

PS - Just wait until the mid-terms when the GOP still has control of House & Senate. Liberals are going to "snap" ... I can't wait.



Posted by: ohiorules at April 14, 2006 10:49 PM

So what does that old survey have to do with Wal*Mart and McDonald's. And BTW ohio, I am a democrat in a very democratic state and we are doing just fine, thank you very much. Why are you so obsessed about republicans winning? That's all you ever talk about. What is so reprehensible about democrats. Seems like some of your Ohio republicans are in some big trouble.

Posted by: claudo at April 14, 2006 10:54 PM

Hey ohiorules(not), the polls say different.
ABC/Washington Post poll reports that 55% would rather vote for a Democratic canidate while 40% would vote Republican and the CBS poll shows that 44% would vote Dem while 34% would vote GOP. And if this trend stays the same come September, then the Republicans better pray that Karl Rove has one more trick/felony up his sleave. Sorry, but in the realm of public opinion, you lose.

Jonathon, PsD

Posted by: Jonathon Holmes, PsD at April 14, 2006 11:45 PM

Unless of course you're my aunt Bev
Posted by: vermontdave

Well now that you mention it...I dress up as old ladys to get into partys, its how I can afford to eat on a Wal-Mart wage. (Someone said I must be at Wal-Mart working for some reason, so it must be true LOL Aint gonna happen, I'll live in a cardboard box before I work for people like that)

And someone needs to reread what I said about Commies, I just pointed out that China is where Wal-Mart gets the goods from and that China is a Commie country...oh and that Repubs hate Commies (Unless the Commies are taking American jobs, in which case they love Commies)

Right(wrong) wingers want it both ways: they want to say that Commies are bad and that Liberals want to make US a Commie nation (VERY UNTRUE) yet at the same time they love COmmies cus their slave labor makes them huge profits on their Wal-Mart stock.

Posted by: dan at April 15, 2006 12:00 AM

That is America. And that is what is waiting for us down here in Europe. Greed and destruction are what the capitalism is about. Competition and violence. It has nothing to do with fraternity, nor peace, nor equality, nor freedom.

We people should react ASAP, because it is going too far, it becomes too dangerous to let those people doing what they're doing with the world. We're not the owners of the planets, we just have to pass it to our kids, and our kids deserve a much better fate that that one.

Posted by: bert at April 15, 2006 04:30 AM

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