; Translation made with Translator 1.20 by Jernej Simoncic ; $Translator:NL=%n:TB=%t ; ; Just open this file in translator! ; Notes: %n translates to CRLF, %t to Tab and %0 to empty string [Info] Language=English ; ; If you need to use special font for the interface, set this string. The ; default font used is MS Sans Serif. ;FontName= ;FontSize= ; ; Font charsets: ; 0 Western (default) ; 2 Symbol ; 77 Mac ; 128 DBCS ; 132 Chinese Traditional ; 134 Chinese Simplified ; 161 Greek ; 162 Turkish ; 186 Baltic ; 204 Cyrillic ; 238 Central-European ; 255 OEM/DOS ; These are the charsets I know. ; Note 1: only put the number to your language file! ; Note 2: FontCharset is ignored, if FontName isn't used. ;FontCharset= ; ; Set to yes, for Translator to render properly on bi-directional platforms. ; Note: this feature is experimental. Please report any issues connected with ; this feature. ;RightToLeft= ; ; If text doesn't fit on buttons, set this value. Width on buttons in main ; window and the about box will be multiplied with it. You can set this value ; from 1 to 2. ; For example, to get 50% wider buttons, set it to 1.5 ;ButtonWidth= ; ; Put your name and addresses here! Author=Jernej Simoncic AuthorEmail=jernej.simoncic@guest.arnes.si AuthorHomepage=http://www2.arnes.si/~sopjsimo/translator.html [Strings] OK=OK Cancel=Cancel Close=Close Original=&Reference Find=Find (Ctrl+F) NextUnm=Jump to next unmatched string (Ctrl+PgDn) NoUnmatched=No more unmatched strings found. OFile=Fil&e: NoFiles=(no files) OLoad=L&oad (Ctrl+L) OStrings=Strin&gs: Translation=&Translation TFile=&File: TLoad=&Load (Ctrl+O) TSave=&Save (Ctrl+S) TStrings=Stri&ngs: Next=Jump to next untranslated item (Shift+PgDn) DictionaryLookup=Dictionary lookup (Ctrl+D) LookupCurrent=Find ¤t string in dictionary LookupAll=Find &all strings in dictionary (translate whole file) NoUntranslated=No more untranslated entries found. Options=Opt&ions Macros=&Macros AboutCmd=&About Exit=E&xit Settings=&Settings Compare=Compa&re CompareTip=Compare translations. Differences will be marked in bold in the "Reference" list. UntranslatedItems=There are some untranslated items. Do you want to save the file anyway?%n%nUntranslated items will be included as comments. UntranslatedItemsTitle=Untranslated items found FileTypes=All supported%1Translator language files (*.ini)%2Inno Setup messages (*.isl)%3Language files (*.lng)%4FlaskMPEG/BSplayer language files (*.flask, *.lng)%5All Files%6 FileTypeINI=Translator language files (*.ini)%1 FileTypeISL=Inno Setup messages (*.isl)%1 FileTypeLNG=Language files (*.lng, *.ln, *.lan)%1 FileTypeFlask=FlaskMPEG/BSplayer language files (*.flask, *.lng)%1 FileTypeINIAll=Translator language files (*.ini)%1All files%2 FileTypeISLAll=Inno Setup messages (*.isl)%1All files%2 FileTypeLNGAll=Language files (*.lng, *.ln, *.lan)%1All files%2 FileTypeFlaskAll=FlaskMPEG/BSplayer language files (*.flask, *.lng)%1All files%2 Multiple=There are multiple occurrences of the same string in the language file. This is not supported.%nOnly the first occurrence of the string will be visible and editable. MultipleTitle=Multiple occurrences of a string found TranslationChanged=The translation was changed. Do you want to save the changes? TranslationChangedTitle1=Exit TranslationChangedTitle2=Load About=About Version=Version %1 ProgrammedBy=Programmed by %1, %2 WWW=Homepage: %1 Glyphs=The flat toolbar icons are from the free GlyFX collection, available at GPL=This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ShowGPLcmd=Show the GNU GPL OptionsTitle=Options General=General Language=Language Font=Font ControlCodes=Control Codes Dictionary=Dictionary Colors=Colors Info=Information Parse=&Parse control codes HideQuotes=&Hide quotes ParseTip=Display line breaks, tabs as they will look in in the program, instead as control codes WordWrap=&Word wrap SortStrings=&Alphabetically sort strings Backups=Create &backups when saving FlatToolbar=&Flat toolbar LanguageLbl=&Language: LangAuthor=Author: LangEMail=Send E-Mail to language file author. LangFilename=Filename: FontReference=Font in reference textbox: FontTranslation=Font in translation textbox: FontStringList=Font in string-list: Change=... EnableDictionary=&Enable dictionary MaxEntry1=&Number of maximum entries in dictionary: MaxEntry2=%0 CharsIgnore=&Characters to ignore: CharsIgnoreTip=These characters will be ignored at the beginning and end of text added to dictionary. MaxEntryTip=Maximum number of entries in dictionary (less used keywords are thrown out first). LookUp=Dictionary lookup Automatic=&Automatic AutomaticTip=Dictionary will be searched for translation every time untranslated entry is selected. OnDemand=Only on &demand OnDemandTip=Dictionary will only be searched when you click on the Dictionary button in toolbar. DictionaryInfo=Dictionary contains %1 string%2 and is %3 bytes in size. Add4Plural=s EditDictionary=&Edit Dictionary ClearDictionary=&Clear Dictionary ClearDictionary2=Clear Dictionary ConfirmClear=Are you sure you want to clear the dictionary? NormalColor=&Normal strings: CommentedColor=&Commented strings: AutoColor=&Automaticaly translated strings: DisabledColor=&Untranslatable strings: IncludedInFile=Enter text to include at top of all translated files:%n(use Ctrl+Enter for new line) NewLineOrSortChg=You will have to reload the language files for the sorting options to take effect. NewLineOrSortChgTitle=Sort mode changed NewLanguage=It is recommended that you restart the program after selecting a different language file (unless you want to use the program with a mixture of the previous and current language). NewLanguageTitle=Language changed UnusedStrings=Unused strings UnusedLabel1=The following strings were found in the translated file, but were not present in the reference file: UnusedLabel2=These strings will not be available for translation and will not be included in the saved file. DefineMacros=Define macros QuickMacro=You can quickly replace macros by selecting text in the edit window, and pressing Ctrl+Shift+F1...F12. SettingsFrm=Settings CtrlCodes=Control codes NewLine=Line break (CR + LF): Tab=Tab: OverrideCodes=&Override settings from language file SettingsNoteNew=Note: these settings apply immediately. FindFrm=Find FindWhat=&Find what: FindOriginal=&Reference FindTranslation=&Translation FindNames=Item &names FindText=Item &text FindFirst=F&ind first FindNext=Find ne&xt NotFound=Searched string was not found. ChooseColor=Choose color SystemColors=System colors CustomColors=Custom colors Red=&Red Green=&Green Blue=&Blue DictEdit=Dictionary Editor - %1 NewDict=New Dictionary OpenDict=Open Dictionary SaveAsDict=Save Dictionary As DelDictEntry=Remove Dictionary entry (Del) OriginalHdr=Original TranslationHdr=Translation DictNote=Note: all actions in this dialog are immediate and cannot be undone. DictFilter=Translator Dictionary files (*.dic)%1All files%2 NewDictDlg=New Dictionary SaveAsDictDlg=Save dictionary as OpenDictDlg=Open dictionary Error=Error FileLoadError=Error opening file.%n%nError code: %1 (%2) FileSaveError=Error saving file.%n%nError code: %1 (%2) FileParseError=An error occured while parsing file. Probably the file format isn't supported, or file is not language file.%nTry selecting "Flask/BSplayer language files" in Open dialog box, and re-load.%n%nError code: %1 (%2)%n%nError occured while processing line:%n%3%n%nTry to continue loading? FileParseErrorFl=An error occured while parsing file.%nThe file probably isn't in Flask/BSplayer language file format. Try to re-open the file, but don't select "Flask/BSplayer language files" in Open dialog box this time.%n%nError code: %1 (%2)%n%nError occured while processing line:%n%3%n%nTry to continue loading? FileParseErrorFl2=An error occured while parsing file.%nIf you are sure that the file is in the correct format, then you can probably ignore this error, and continue loading.%n%nTry to continue loading?