Legislative News

Bill: AB 846 – a Tremendous Victory!!

What's New

Looking for a group?
How about a new resource or service provider?

CHEA's Online Christian Homeschool Directory was launched this fall and is still growing..

Our all web site is all new and we are continuing to add new features. Check back regularly for new articles, forums, and more. (Don't forget your "refresh" key.)

A few of our GREAT resources

An Introduction To Home Education - This is the Must Have resource for all homeschoolers and group leaders who want accurate, current, detailed information on legal alternatives and requirements, including record-keeping forms.
The High School Handbook - Yes, you can home school through high school. Mary Schofield’s book tells you how
NEW!  Preschool at Home - "What do I do with my child before kindergarten?" Home education starts the day they’re born. This booklet is designed to give you ideas and suggestions to help you think through what YOU want for YOUR child.
The Homeschool Information Packet - An excellent short course on home education: four informative, quality brochures answering questions about how to get started, where to find curriculum materials, legal issues, and much more. Presented in a printed jacket.