
Welcome to the Theoi Project, a comprehensive guide to the Gods (Theoi), Spirits (Daimones) and Monsters (Theres) of ancient Greek mythology and religion.

Here you will find detailed individual entries for each divinity and monster containing quotes from a wide selection of classical texts. For a full list of the translations quoted on this site please refer to the bibliography (menu left).

Transliterated forms of Greek names are used throughout this site rather than their Latin spellings, eg Kirke instead of Circe and Apollon in place of Apollo.

Summaries of the main Olympian gods can be found on the Pantheon page along with links to a set of more detailed pages.

The entire Family Tree of the Greek Pantheon is displayed over seven linked tables each containing hyperlinks to page entries for the individual characters.

Maps of the various kingdoms of mythic Greece can by found on the Kingdoms page.

The entire site now contains more than 1000 web pages and a gallery of over 700 images of ancient Greek vase paintings (C6th - C5th BC), Greco-Roman frescoes and mosaics (C4th BC - C4th AD). can be searched using the Google engine at the top right-hand corner of this page. The site is most effectively searched using the transliterated forms of Greek names. However Latin spellings and Roman names will also produce good results.


The Theoi Project is currently being redesigned. As a result some of the web links on the older pages may not be active.

April 2006 - redesign of the family trees (as graphic file charts), category pages (now complete), and existing Olympian god pages (now complete).

March 2006 - redesign of the pantheon page, and Olympian god entries.

September to October 2005 - redesign of the main pages: index, encyclopedia, bestiary; reworking of various illustrations.

March to August 2005 - most of the content pages (individual entries) have been reviewed, rearranged and updated.


There is a plan to redesign the family trees as clearer graphics, create a new format for the galleries, and rework some of the other front pages.
In addition I hope to create a set of maps; complete entries for Poseidon, Athena, Zeus, and Apollon; and add quotes from additional sources (esp the Tragedians - only partially quoted now -, Virgil's Georgics & Eclogues, Philostratus the Younger, Callistratus, Claudian).

Further, I plan to create an online library of mythology-themed classical texts (in print friendly format) including the works of Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns and Homerica (incl fragments), Apollodorus, the Tragedians, Hyginus Fabulae & Astronomica, Quintus Smyrnaeus, Tryphiodorus & Colluthus, Callimachus HymnsOrphic Hymns, Philostratus the Elder & Younger, as well as extracts from Pausanias, Diodorus Siculus, et al.


New Family Trees
Ch 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Family Tree Index


If you enjoy this site
and would like to
support its future
development and
continued presence
on the www, please
consider a small
donation (via paypal).


New category pages:
Theoi Titanes
Theoi Olympioi
Nymphai (Nymphs)
Theoi Georgikoi
(Agricultural Gods)
Daimones (Spirit
(Deified Mortals)
Theoi Nomioi (Rustic)
Theoi Halioi (Sea)
Theoi Khthonioi
(Underworld Gods)
Theoi Ouranioi (Sky)
Theoi Protogenoi
(Primeval gods)
Drakones (Dragons)
Gigantes (Giants)

Polykritos (ghost tale)
Ares, Aphrodite


Pantheon, Demeter
Hermes, Hephaistos




Aaron Atsma

The Theoi Project: Guide to Greek Mythology was created by Aaron Atsma, and is edited by Aaron Atsma in association with Tim Spalding and the ancient history/art site The images here are believed to qualify as academic fair use; write if you would like an image removed.
All other content Copyright © 2000–2006 Aaron Atsma. Books offered in association with Amazon.