the invisible browser


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Main example
Ghostzilla with Word
Ghostzilla with Internet Explorer
Animation (small, 341 K GIF)
Animation (large, 814 K GIF)
Extreme Ghostzilla example

Click on any image to enlarge. You will understand best how Ghostzilla works by looking at the animated examples.

Main example

1. work screen before activating Ghostzilla Before: Outlook Express as the work application
2. work screen after activating Ghostzilla After: Ghostzilla activated

Activation sequence: touch the left edge of the screen with mouse cursor, then the right edge, then the left edge again.

Ghostzilla appears in a work application frame, showing the page you were at when you made Ghostzilla disappear the last time around.
3. mouse over a large image Text and small pictures are gray on white;
large pictures shown grayed when you move the mouse over their frame
3b. large images can be color, black/white, or gray Alternatively: lower the "Hiding Level" to show large pictures in color when you move the mouse over them.

Six levels of hiding: from full colors of text and pictures to all text and pictures gray on white
4. open multiple pages Browse multiple pages at once, by opening links in foreground and background tabs.
Move the mouse away from the Web page and it disappears, leaving the original work screen (1.)

Ghostzilla with Word

1. work screen before activating Ghostzilla
2. work screen after activating Ghostzilla

Ghostzilla with Internet Explorer

1. work screen before activating Ghostzilla
2. work screen after activating Ghostzilla

Extreme Ghostzilla example

You can position Ghostzilla in a very small application window and reduce text size (zoom out):
1. work screen before activating Ghostzilla
2. work screen after activating Ghostzilla

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