May 09, 2006 - 07:16 PM
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This Section is: Humor.
Following are the articles published under this section.

· Pictures of young fandom, Part I (6284 Reads) Printer friendly page
· The NEW WAVE of cool FCC mascots (3890 Reads) Printer friendly page
· Ask a Fanboy Who's Always Wrong (2978 Reads) Printer friendly page
· Ask Dr. Hell (2257 Reads) Printer friendly page
· Hecksing Sneak Preview!!! (3527 Reads) Printer friendly page
· Ask the Con Nazi (4893 Reads) Printer friendly page
· You know you're no longer a big anime/manga fan when... (3898 Reads) Printer friendly page
· OPERATION: hey media blasters dudes how's it going (2257 Reads) Printer friendly page

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