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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Shame on the New York Times

Critics on the right who are accusing the NY Times of releasing the domestic spying story (or as it's known, on FNC: "The Program...") when it did, just so it could stick it to Bush before the Patriot Act vote are, I think, giving the paper far too much credit, as is anyone who is lauding the paper for striking a blow against presidential tyranny. What we now know is that the Times knuckled under to the administration by failing to report what it had learned before the 2004 presidential election -- depriving voters of important information that they deserved to know about the man asking for reelection to the office of president, and violating, I should think, every possible journalistic principle regarding the press' proximity to power. We also now know that the paper finally released the story, not for some high-minded social or journalistic reason, but to help the reporter's book. Nice job, Sulzberger and Keller. You're really raising the bar.

By the way, more than a few people are asking whether Bush's actions, and apparent violations of the FISA law (one of those laws he's sworn to uphold as president) constitutes an impeachable offense...

Plus, Talkleft on analog vs. digital snooping...


Tags: , , , War, Spying, Foreign Policy, Media