bfi London IMAX Cinema

V for Vendetta.V for Vendetta

A story of tyranny, oppression and revolution set in a futuristic totalitarian Britain, V for Vendetta stars Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving and is the latest film from the Matrix Trilogy team.

Poseidon.Poseidon - opens 1 June

From acclaimed director Wolfgang Petersen (Troy, The Perfect Storm) comes action adventure Poseidon - a huge luxury liner is capsized by a monstrous wall of water, leaving a small group of survivors to fight their way to the surface.

Deep Sea 3D.Deep Sea 3D

Explore the ocean in magical IMAX 3D and swim with some of the planet's most unique, dangerous and colourful creatures.

Superman Returns.Superman Returns - opens 14 July

The latest chapter in the saga of the world's most loved superhero, Bryan Singer's Superman Returns is the first live-action film to feature sequences in IMAX 3D.


The new bfi on the South BankA new look for the bfi on the South Bank

In autumn 2006 the British Film Institute will unveil significant changes and improvements to its site on the South Bank. The result will be an exciting venue which gives visitors new opportunities to learn more about film and television.

About the bfi London IMAX Cinema

Find out about the history of 3D technology, how to book tickets, planning your visit and more.

bfi London IMAX Cinema Education

The bfi London IMAX cinema offers a range of education activities for schools and colleges.

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The perfect meeting place for those who desire a unique area for a reception, presentation or corporate event.