The Machray Review:

Welcome to the online version of the The Machray Review -a collection of substantial addresses and papers relating the work and message of the Prayer Book Society of Canada. It draws from a range of perspectives on these important issues, with the aim of encouraging healthy discourse and discussion.

In it we are pleased to include the writing of noted author Dr. J.I. Packer, evangelist Michael Green, professor & teacher Dr. Robert Crouse, Bishop Anthony Burton, and many others, ranging across important topics like Inclusive Language, the Biblical Roots of the Prayer Book, as well as Bringing up our children in the Faith, and Church Music, the practical theology of the Prayer Book, and Traditional teaching on Holy Baptism.

Please forward articles, comments, and book reviews for publication to the National Society. The views expressed by authors do not necessarily represent the policy or position of the Society.

For paper copies of some of the past editions of the Review, contact us at the address found on the main page. When you have finished with your hard-copy, do pass it on to someone else who may be interested in the future of the church, and let them know about this web-page.

A Full list of Machray Review Articles 1992-1998

The following is a comprehensive index of the Machray review, from issue #1, of April 1992, to issue 7, of December 1998.