Welcome to Flight 77.info -
Documenting the legal process to obtain government-held video recordings related to Flight 77 on 9/11:

contact: bronco(at)flight77.info


UPDATE 5/5/6

for those wondering, we're still on the case. now that the strangeness with moussaoui is over, my attorney and myself expect a judgment on our case any day. the govt's argument for withholding the CD ROM is now moot.

many people suspect the video will be faked. to that i say - get a grip. at some point you need to accept the evidence. if you're so reluctant to even consider that a 757 hit the pentagon, you might be stroking 9/11. the conspiracy has no limits in your mind and you're just so into the idea that no 757 hit the pentagon, you've closed your otherwise open mind. this is where 9/11 has become like a religion for many people. what you believe happened on 9/11 is your BELIEF BELIEF - and any evidence to the contrary is just crazy.


UPDATE 5/3/6

so moussaoui gets life in prison. no state sponsored revenge murder disguised as 'justice'.


UPDATE 4/30/6

traffic to this site is up ~300%. no new links or anything - just a rise in general interest. that's interesting. this 9/11 stuff is surging in popularity right now. now - i mean NOW... that moment when i wrote 'now'. later, maybe it'll be like before. maybe it should be like before considering the email i've been getting from 'scholars for 9/11 truth' peeps and the like. this is all becoming very trendy like 'holy blood holy grail'.

UPDATE 3/24/6

i hate sort of beating-up on certain segments of the collective of people who are skeptical about the official version of happened on 9/11... but here i go again: scholars for 9/11 truth: another just provocative web site. how can you tell? among other things, on their home page, they promote the 9/11 music video called 'loose change' that offers up every crack pot pod missile theory in the book. 'loose change' is out there just to provoke people emotionally. its substance is in its appeal to teens and twentysomethings. so why are the 'scholars for 9/11 truth' aligning themselves with a tin hat munching 9/11 music video? why are the 'scholars for 9/11 truth' also promoting the no 757 theory? answer: the web site is just provocative. it's using the blanket (AKA 'big tent'; throwing enough shit at the wall) approach to attract more people to the concept that 9/11 was an inside job. then by magic, one of these new people will uncover the proof we need to hang the true conspirators.

what's wrong with this 'scholarly' approach? anyone? anyone ? bueler? bueler?

once bush & co reach the end of their reign - that's the finish line, they win. once those powers-that-be are out of power, people lose interest. we need to get 'em for 9//11 while they're in office if we're going to end this endless war on terrorism.

so the problem with the scholars for 9/11 truth's throw-enough-shit-at-the-wall approach is that they're spinning a new generation of 9/11 skeptics into 9/11 goofballs who are going to spend the next 2 1/2 years looking at the same old pictures of the pentagon going, 'gee, that IS a small hole...' and who will spend endless hours replaying the WTC video trying to see the missile pods.

what does it gain the 9/11 truth movement if everyone is a member - but we're all full of shit reciting misinformation?

the purpose of the 9/11 truth movement isn't to have more members - it's to end the war on terrorism while it's still possible. and time is really running out.


UPDATE 3/10/6

exclusive new picture of what may have hit the pentagon: breaking news


UPDATE 3/9/6

if you're new to the concept that 9/11 was an inside job, as you look further you're going to find a lot of conflicting information online from people all claiming to be 9/11 truth seekers, 9/11 skeptics, or in the 9/11 truth movement, etc.

the collective working to reveal what actually happened on 9/11; this movement can be viewed as a two tiered front - divided (often bitterly) by the nebulous debate on what hit the pentagon: was it 757 or was it anything other than a 757?

people like myself, who think it is highly HIGHLY likely that a 757 did hit the pentagon wish the 757/no-757 debate would go away (hence this FOIA lawsuit) so that people can spend their time on more productive research to help prove the truth about what happened on 9/11.

people who believe that anything other than a 757 hit the pentagon, also (typically) believe the planes that hit the WTC buildings were loaded with missile pods. many of these people also believe that UFOs were doing a lot of work flying around on 9/11.

essentially, people who are open minded enough to believe that 9/11 was an inside job tend to be a little too open minded in general - which is not a bad thing. but this mind set makes them susceptible to some of the most outlandish conspiracy theories - some of which were cooked up by people with highly dubious motives designed to discredit the 9/11 truth movement for whatever reasons.

if you think you might be wandering in the land of far out 9/11 conspiracy theories, take some time to read these URLs.

-911truth.org - pod theory
-whatreallyhappened.com - pod people
-oilempire.us - pentagon hoax
-questionsquestions - pentagon debate
-deception dollar (list of legit 9/11sites)

it's my strong opinion that you view with GREATEST skepticism any 9/11 or pentagon videos that are provocative and flashy with hip music beats - such as 'in plane site' and 'loose change' and 'pentagon strike'... also, be weary of of these sites: webfairy, letsroll911 and any others that promote pod and missile theories.

finally but not last - the 9/11 forum at democraticunderground has recently been taken over by the pod people - which is a big loss since that forum used to be a great source for critical analysis and research.


UPDATE 3/5/6

judicialwatch, everyone's favorite conservative, yet "non-partisan" (give me a break) 'watchdog' group decided to scrape the... dust off an old FOIA request, and filed a lawsuit against the DOD naming the same things we're asking for from the DOJ & FBI in our lawsuit - which was filed over a year ago. that's great! the more lawsuits the better.

(just a little weary of this new lawsuit)


UPDATE 3/4/6

IF YOU LIVE IN LONDON... or if you live near london - please do yourself a favor and plan to go see the grand and powerful INSECT CIRCUS which will be performing at the beautiful and romantic hoxton hall on march 17th, 18th & 19th. evening performances are only twelve and a half pounds.

i've never tried to sell or promote anything on this site - except this now: the insect circus. if you support what this site is about, please take the time to treat yourself to the show.

guys... invite a girl. show her you're into cultural things beyond conspiracy theories.


UPDATE 2/6/6

'this trial is a circus!' moussaoui gets kicked out on day one. part of moussaoui's defense is going to be that the govt knew more about 9/11 than he did - a sort of LIHOP defense.

9/11 is a circus; cheap drama. not to put down circuses, however. 9/11 would hardly qualify as a good TV movie (saved only by special effects). it was planned by people who are lacking in creativity and passion. the only reason most people buy into it is because there were no commercials.


UPDATE 2/5/6

this pleases me. questionsquestions is on the deception dollar - so is oilempire and whatreallyhappened. it is the consensus that a 757 DID hit the pentagon. if you're one of those people who still won't give up your no-757 position, why not? what do you have to lose?

UPDATE 2/3/6

moussaoui's sentencing trial begins monday. the trial could last a few months and after it is over - after the govt has shown the jury the images of flight 77 impacting the pentagon -THEN, as the govt has stated, the images can be released to the public.

just to reiterate, i DO think 9/11 was an inside job. releasing the images of the impact will help end this tired 757/no-757 debate so that people will have more time to focus on investigating other issues, like WTC7.


UPDATE 1/29/6

people are already calling the govt's CD ROM of the impact fake. no one has seen it, but so many are sure it's fake. the song is going to be that they had 4 years to create the images so of course the images are going to look real. blah!

there are people involved in the 9/11 truth movement because they feel betrayed by a treasonous government. then there are the people involved in the 9/11 truth movement because they LOVE conspiracy theories.

these two types mix a lot, but they're typically separated by the 757/no-757 debate. the lovers of conspiracies typically believe ANYTHING other than a 757 hit the pentagon and they'll accept no evidence to the contrary. in fact, they count any suggestion that a 757 actually hit the pentagon as disinformation, and if you call their bullshit, they will quickly suspect that you are some type of agent intentionally spreading lies to benefit the official cover up (perhaps even having your bandwidth paid for by govt officials? hmmmm, yes...).

no bullshit. this is how strange things have become. and guess what happens when the CD ROM is released - all the lovers of conspiracies are going to be left behind as they try to cover their reputations by making desperate arguments that the clear video of flight 77 is fake. then, when people stop listening, they'll move on to other outlandish 9/11 suggestion (pods, etc) in hopes something will stick and make them seem cool again.


UPDATE 1/27/6

jury selection in zacarias moussaoui's sentencing hearing begins feb 6th. at this hearing the govt will show the jury the CDROM they have of flight 77 impacting the pentagon. it's the govt's hope that these graphic images (having never been seen before) will help shock the jury into delivering the death sentence to moussaoui (the so-called '20th hijacker')...

i speculate that the judge in our lawsuit has been waiting so many months to make his final ruling due to the coming moussaoui trial. once the govt shows the video to the jury, that will end their argument for not giving us the CDROM. this may actually be the situation. if so, say HELLO to the soon-to-be rejuvenated 911 truth movement.


UPDATE 1/17/6

still thinking that no 757 hit the pentagon? well, get yourself back in fashion here.

UPDATE 1/6/6

in case you're new to this site, here's the quick 411:

1) we're waiting for the final judgment on the original lawsuit which asked for the govt's images of flight 77 impacting the pentagon (1 recording on a CD ROM).

2) the govt admitted having 84 other recordings related flight 77, but since none of the 84 show the "impact", we had to file a second FOIA request for those recordings. that FOIA request was denied, and we've since filed an appeal. so we're waiting for the response to the appeal.

3) in the absence of new news in this case, you can read my other ramblings... kinda like a blog:


the abramoff scandal will likely clear out enough republicans from congress and the senate to make impeachment possible sometime in 07. on one hand i'm giddy about this impending victory, but i'm quickly reminded of the numbers and images of people who have died -especially the images of the children from the initial shock & awe attack. there can really be no victory in the case against bush & co... we lost and the world lost as the result of our indifference to who leads this country. now is just a case of trying mitigate the damages and save lives.


UPDATE 1/4/6

my prediction for who's next is: speaker of the house, dennis 'bulldoze new orleans' hastert. FBI translator and 9/11 whistle blower, sibel edmonds fingered hastert in vanity fair last aug for having taken bribes. it all ties in with drug shipments and 9/11. actually, 9/11 is shaping up to look a lot like iran/contra - but about 1,000 times more nuts. if the whole story is ever allowed to break, it will be because of internet researchers... ie. the REAL free press.


UPDATE 1/3/6

for those who think govt conspiracies are sort of a manifestation of people with too much time in their minds - today, here's this (a top story): lobbyist jack abramoff pleads guilty in massive congressional corruption case. abramoff is about as BIG as lobbyists get. now take a look at this: abramoff's full-on personal ties to bin-laden and atta before and just days before 9/11. coincidence? is this kind of thing normal in the world outside of my little world? it could be... atta was hanging out on abramoff's boat 5 days before 9/11... yup, you gotta be wearing a pretty big tin foil hat to think there's anything abnormal about that. there's really nothing to see here. don't worry yourself about it. go back to work. what's good on TV tonight?


UPDATE 12/31/5

staying home tonight - a bit of a cop out, but i figure eventually the pros gotta step aside and let the amateurs play. and tonight is definitely amateur night... not to say anything against amateurs, but...

so tonight i'm going to toot my horn in a different way: i've always considered myself an american patriot. so i've been in a conflict since this bush stuff started happening. when i speak against the government and against we, the highly pliable public, i feel kinda bad. when i see the war ships and planes that i always thought were cool, and now make me mad, i feel strange.

am i a communist? perhaps a machiavellian poser? am i still an american patriot? well, i guess you're nobody until somebody labels you. so here it is: i'm a patriot. TOOT! TOOT! happy new year!


UPDATE 12/28/5

there are some real stars in the 9/11 truth movement like dr. david ray griffin. this guy is really putting it all out there. and i was pleased to learn that he referenced flight77.info in his research for his famous lecture delivered at the university of wisconsin which was broadcast by C-span2 on april 30, 2005.


UPDATE 12/23/5

if you're looking for fun & adventure in politics in the coming year, try working on one of the 20 competitive races for congress. democrats need to pick up 16 seats to take control of congress. if so, that means there will be a hope in hell for impeachment.


UPDATE 12/20/5

AND I SAY dot dot dot - let bush slide on the spy thing. i don't want to see bush go down for something so simple. if he gets impeached on this, he can still claim some sense of honor. this FAKE (it's fake, folks) war on terrorism will continue. the fight - really the ONLY fight is in proving what really happened on 9/11. breaking laws... the war in iraq... WMDs... blah blah blah. none of it strikes at the root. 9/11 is the root.

BTW, this is what LYING TO YOU looks & sounds like.


UPDATE 12/18/5

watching bush's white house speech tonight, i could taste the kool-aid - i began to see his point: the terrorists DO hate our way of life. it's either us or them. we must keep killing them until they're ALL dead, otherwise they'll come here to kill us just 'because'. it's not that we're antagonizing them in any way - it's simply our 'being' that is so offensive to them.

it was all making sense. then i started thinking about sweden. sweden is western and kinda like some parts of the US... so why aren't the terrorists bombing sweden? here's the reason, i suppose...

our 'way of life' really isn't like sweden at all. our way of life is centered around shopping at these really big stores like walmart and home depot and office depot - you know, those big open shopping centers that are everywhere in every state. our way of life; our culture - how parents and their children form bonds with each other all happens at these shopping centers. and these massive centers are all identical in every town in every state. when you're at one of these centers you really can't tell where in america you are at. it's time to shop, so stop asking questions. THIS IS WHY THEY HATE US - this is why they're coming for us: they don't want to end up shopping at these awful places, and the only solution for them is to kill us to try to keep it from happending. do you see it, too?! it's all so clear now. the terrorists hate our extra value super savings.


UPDATE 12/13/5

it feels good when people link to this site. so i'm jazzed that flight77.info has become part of wikipedia's definition of the term, "9/11 conspiracy theories" ;-) ... see if you can find my link.


UPDATE 12/9/5

the government denied our second FOIA request (requesting the the 85 video recordings mentioned in the maguire statement). that denial letter is posted to the right. their reason for denial is that the videos are in an 'investigative file' and exempt from disclosure.

posted below the denial letter is our appeal to the denial. my attorney, mr. hodes makes the case that not ALL of those recordings will end up being shown to the jury in the moussaoui hearing. therefore, how could releasing those recordings be harmful to the sentencing? the appeal is definitely a good read.

we're still waiting for the judgment on the original lawsuit, which can come any day.


on another topic - i watched the national geographic 9/11 documentary the other night. in regard to flight 77 - they suggested that hani hanjour (the hijacker pilot) had good piloting skills as the result of many years of training. this is a FALSE IMPRESSION. also, they suggested that flight 77 was flying all the while at 2,000 feet (essentially to avoid detection) and then began its descent - this another FALSE IMPRESSION. it is part of the official record that flight 77 performed a tight spiral descent dropping 7,000 feet in 2.5 minutes - at the end of that incredible pivot the plane was then at 2,000 feet and lined up with the pentagon at about 5 miles out.

folks - the national geographic people researched all of this information - they knew about the spiral descent and hanjour's poor piloting skills, yet they chose to present the information in a distorted way... WHY?

i'm not suggesting national geographic is part of some govt conspiracy - but there is a definite intent - the information is slanted for easy digestion by the viewer - that must be it. if they reveal some information that seems incredible (like 77's final trajectory) the viewer might start thinking and questioning things- and that's not what advertisers pay for. the national geographic channel is a bunch of crap.

one more disturbing thing about national geographic's 9/11 documentary: zero mention of WTC building 7. this is a mainstream documentary, and there is nothing in it to remind anyone that building 7 just sort of fell down. the reality for many americans now is... well... building 7 is not part of the story. forget about it. building 7 what? these aren't the droids you're looking for.


UPDATE 11/19/5

my previous update was all ranting about the war, etc. i guess it serves a purpose, if only to add to the mountain of indignation.

i'm really loving watching CNN lately. i remember before the war how vividly CNN was pumping it up and actually frothing for war. CNN loved the lead up to war - they were absolutely getting off on it. CNN couldn't wait for the war to start: they LOVED it... but that was then.

so now i'm really loving watching CNN. the talking heads all got the memo on how to wrinkle their brows as if they have actual concern now. it's not suddenly news that the war in iraq is wrong - it has always been wrong. CNN and other channels are just catching the wave that's finally grown large enough for them to surf. where are they going to ride it? it's that strange case of following public opinion and shaping it at the same time.


UPDATE 11/17/5

we're still waiting on the judge's ruling regarding the CD ROM - and secondly, word about the other 84 videos.

excuse me if the following rant is preaching to the choir:

i'm really writing today to respectfully say, WE TOLD YOU SO! WE F'ing TOLD YOU SO! this is the biggest 'i told you so' in american history. i was amongst the ~300,000 protestors marching in DC just before the war in 2003. we were all crystal clear that WMD were not going to be found - we knew we were being lied to. we knew the media was blindly supporting the war. the writing wasn't just on the wall, it was all over the house - it was on the streets it was EVERYWHERE - and if you were uncertain about the war back then, it was only because you had your eyes and ears firmly shut. i understand that people were busy and felt other things in their lives were more important than thinking for themselves about the war - our culture is set up to make it easy not to think about principal issues and ideology. nuff said: WELCOME...

this is not just another political scandal. what bush & company did to get us into war in iraq needs to be answered loudly and legally and never forgotten.

aside from that: this war is OUR FAULT. it's the fault of every american citizen who allowed bush & company to come to power. it's my fault. our american-way-of-life is at fault.

to all those who feel now it's okay to speak out against the war because CNN told us the war is bad - you still haven't got-it. with respect, you're just opportunist trying move to the winning side - like you were before the war when CNN told you to support the war and you did.. now is a good time to change from an opportunist to someone who acts based principals and ideology, and not on the commands of cultural sheepherders.


UPDATE 9/26/5

my attorney, mr. scott hodes, submitted today the request for the 85 video tapes mentioned in the maguire statement. you can click here for that request document, or to the right.

UPDATE 9/25/5

i'm a little sad to be missing the events in DC right now. many friends are there doing what they do, and i wish i could have my rig and myself there to support them. but, alas, i am in mendocino - typing this update from a campsite blanketed with WIFI. it's sweet, but a little too quiet for me right now. i want to be in the middle-of-it, so this update is my attempt at that.

if you read the maguire statement you'll note that the government has 85 video recordings (including the 1 CDROM and doubletree and citgo recordings) that relate to flight 77 on 9/11. so the jury is still out on the CDROM - but we're going to ask in a separate FOIA request for the other 84 video recordings. so as long as those recordings are not being used in some kind of other state murder thing - we should get them. and to have them, they will become part of the historical record of whatever happened on that day. it'll be rad.


UPDATE 9/19/5

the government has replied to our opposition documents. to the right is the 7 page maguire statement, and below that is the govt's 12 page reply.

basically, we have 2 illuminating items in the 7 page maguire statement.

1) the citgo gas station video DOES NOT show flight 77 impacting the pentagon. (maguire, page 6, item 15)

2) the mystery hotel that had its security video confiscated was NOT the sheraton national hotel - it was the doubletree in arlington, VA. AND this video did not capture the impact of the flight. (maguire, page 7)

since our original request was for images of flight 77 IMPACTING the pentagon, the hotel and gas station videos are non-responsive to our request. so... we need a new FOIA request for those specific items.

now we're just waiting for the ruling from the judge.


UPDATE 9/15/5

i was 2 weeks at the burning man festival, and a little bird sent me a couple pictures of myself and others that i'd like to share with y'all... in case you might be wondering what kind of freak is running this show:

percy, myself and felix (who is 3 months old, and couldn't have had a more wonderful time on the playa). felix is the most hard-core fully aware baby i have ever experienced.

camp red-jade... brits on a silly rampage. i'm in the back and to the left.

UPDATE 9/10/5

i'm back in communication. while i was away we filed our opposition to the govt's most recent filing. to the right are those opposition documents. there are basically 2 arguments: 1) the govt's search for responsive records needs to be done more carefully. 2) the govt's argument for withholding theCD ROM of the crash (to shock & awe the moussaoui jury) is... well, it is what it is: out-there.

UPDATE 8/17/5

here are my pictures from near bush's ranch in crawford, texas. i spent 6 days out there from nearly the beginning. i was one of the shuttles, driving between the 'peace house' and 'camp casey'.

UPDATE 8/13/5

i just finished spending almost a week with cindy sheehan and crew camped out near the president's ranch in crawford, TX. what and incredible experience! i'm just now back on the road, and will post my pictures here in a day or so.


UPDATE 8/5/5

i don't want to offend the people who work for the government. i didn't start this lawsuit to stir things up or prove/disprove any conspiracy. this lawsuit is intended to end the debate between 'plane VS no plane arguments'. once we see what really happened, we can all go on to focus on better things relative to 9/11. that's why i'm doing this.

so it made me upset for a couple days (although i really respect the government's effort in their recent filing) - it made me upset to learn that the base reason these images of 9/11 have been withheld is because the government is trying to kill some guy - and they think the virgin images of flight 77 crashing into the pentagon will help 'shock & awe' a jury into delivering a death sentence.

folks: that is violence on top of violence. it is not justice. it is not honorable. it is a sad and grotesque tribute to those who lost their lives at the pentagon on 9/11.


UPDATE 8/3/5

yesterday's government filing:


UPDATE 8/2/5

no bracing needed ;-)

to the right is the 1 page 'introduction' to the government filing (very well done and thank you, government). i'll post the rest shortly.

all ' outlandish conspiracy theories' (wink) aside, i hope the government doesn't see this effort or my personal comments here as disrespectful. i know people are just doing their jobs, and most people have good intentions.



UPDATE 8/2/5

still waiting, but i just feel the need to brace everyone for what may be an important - YET mundane legal step forward in the case today.

i suppose it's possible they could just hand the tapes over, but that's a little beyond wishful thinking. it would be cool to get a detailed reason WHY they won't release the videos (aside from the standard 'it's an open investigation'). this is what i'm hoping for. we shall seeeeee.

UPDATE 8/1/5

so far, the word is it may be as late as midnight before my attorney gets the govt's filing.

thank you to all the returning visitors who have been following this case.

yesterday, i had a very interesting brunch with the other gentleman who has filed a FOIA request for the tapes. a wide-ranging conversation - the thing that stuck most with me is the notion: if the tapes show anything other than what is generally expected, the tapes would have already been disposed of, or to reveal them now would be a sequence in a larger, nefarious plot. so then to reveal the images on this site would be to participate in that plot. so there's a dilemma...

so it's fun to feed one conspiracy into another. and i find it all so fascinating, but it kinda smells like a poorly written story. 9/11 in general it too high on the drama scale - fascinating, but not very creative or inventive. it's B-grade writing. so let the truth be told whatever it is. at least it moves the story forward. you can blame me later;-)


UPDATE 7/31/5

today IS the 31st - but we need to wait until monday the 1st to get any additional information on the case. so please check back, and i'll post what i know as soon as i know it... thanks for checking-in!


UPDATE 7/26/5

okay, boys & girls - i don't have permission from the author to repost this, (if you are the author, please let me know and i'll take it down, or give you credit) - this is a professional pilot speaking:

"...you are correct, "STEERING" (incorrect term, but we'll use this for sake of discussion) is not hard, if all considerd aspects of steering are just banking. Moving about 360 degrees on the X-Y plane is easy.

But when you start steering, taking into account the Z-plane (ie; Altitude/Height.. ie; trying to steer as you descend or ascend), steering is no longer the same (much more difficult). Especially when now you have to take into account, vertical and horizontal velocities, g-forces (at the same time) and have to adjust trim for both. Most proper and stable flight is conducted at a vertical speed between 0 and +/- 50. And adjusting trim at these speeds correctly is NOT what a novice can do (most people don't make their wings because they fail this part).

For a plane to come from above at a certain altitude, to descend at a specific rate from it's current position, to make the target is not something that can be done by "manual" steering (unless he was flying a fighter-jet, mind you commercial airplanes used in WTC are also very slow in response).

A novice could ONLY possibly hit the target (WTC buildings) if at the moment he hit the buildings he REACHED the altitude (of where it hit) and stayed there and stabilized his altitude, and then continued to bank left and right until he reached the target.

Clearly from the videos, one of the planes came from ABOVE. So this indicates the pilot reached an altitude far above the WTC height, and brought the plane down, at the exact altitude and at a very controlled rate of descent as if he was using AP/trim adjustment, because if he didn't (and controlled it manually), he risked the chance of hitting the ground flat too early or offshooting the target. You have to keep in mind, the world trade centre is a THIN and SHORT structure relative to capabilities of these particular aircrafts. It's like playing darts and getting a bullseye, and in this case -- TWICE in a row.

Very few people in my experience can hardly even CRASH on a landing runway with landing gadgets like ILS, let alone land a plane on it properly!

WTC clearly was conducted by professional pilots. Whether it be a conspiracy by the United States or some Middle-Eastern Terrorism plot. The fact is either way, the guys who flew these planes had elite pilot skills."

starting to see the picture? here is another quote from a professional airline pilot:

John Lear, ret. airline captain 19,000 hours:
"In addition to that - hitting the Trade Center was a feat - but hitting the Pentagon was even more of a feat because when you are going that fast there is a tremendous amount of air creating this lift and as you head towards the ground, that air reacts against the wing and pushes you up, so whoever - whoever hit that - trained to hit the Pentagon at the 3rd story (was actually between the 1st & 2nd stories) was highly trained because when he came towards the ground - there was a tremendous amount of lift and you would have to trim forward and push with an incredible amount of strength to not be pushed up and over the Pentagon to hit the 3rd story."

ladies & gentlemen - hani hanjour COULD NOT FLY AT ALL. officially reported as the terrorist pilot - hanjour was worse than a bad pilot. this is where the official govt. version of what happened with flight 77 falls apart - not about 'maybe it was a missile'...

hanjour could not have flown flight 77's trajectory - and because of that, we have a conspiracy. like the first pilot above says - either it's a US conspiracy, or another government... but if it was another government, our government would know about it. and in not telling us - makes them complicit.

UPDATE 7/25/5

okay, no more ranting about the decline of civilization, and the sell-off of civil liberties. if people don't care about such things, then the people have spoken. that's democracy.

i deleted some of my rants, including my thoughts on the theory that 9/11 happened in order to be revealed as an inside job. i've read about this, and it's a good out-of-the-box theory, but i think it doesn't hold water.

if some powers-that-be plotted 9/11 in order for it to be revealed as an inside-job, with the motivation to disrupt the american system of government, in turn - to push for a one world government... they'd have some serious problems. in the event 9/11 is revealed to be an inside job, american culture would shift so far to the left, that trying to lead us would be an incredible pain-in-the-ass. no one would want that job. you'd have millions of violently angry people from the right, now newly on the left - still violently angry. it would be so difficult to rise to a position of power, because anyone with such desire would be viewed with the most extreme skepticism.

i think the period would be the beginning of an amazing rejuvenation of principals related to democracy. i imagine a new continental congress would redraft parts of the constitution that allowed for the corruption to reach as it did. many heads would roll, literally. but i think the end result would be a blessing. so.... maybe this IS what some special powers-that-be have in store. not to

gain power through their evil 9/11deeds - but to restore power back to the people. no that's crazy-talk.


UPDATE 6/15/5

the cat is coming out of the bag. the washington times is reporting on a UPI story that a former bush admin economist says official story of WTC collapses are bogus.

UPDATE 6/13/5

a visitor sent me a URL that goes into detail about the tail section . it's very hard to imagine what happened on impact to this part of the plane. it really makes you wonder if something other than a 757 hit the pentagon... but i'm still holding out that, yes, somehow the tail section either shattered, folded-up, or bounced over the roof while traveling at (officially stated) 530 MPH. it's hard to believe, but it must be true. physics must allow for this. otherwise, something other than a 757 hit the pentagon, and that goes against reason.there was no reason to fly something other than flight 77 into the pentagon. to send a missile or a smaller plane, you'd have to involve many people to help dispose of flight 77 and its passengers, plant evidence, and fly something else into the building. it's too much work, and too much risk.

the site linked above supports the theory that flight 77 was loaded with a bunker busting bomb, which is said to explain why the tail section popped up and sailed over the pentagon. and that begs the question, why... you don't need a bomb for the pentagon. but if the original target was the white house and its bunker, maybe they wanted a bomb. but then you'd have a bunch of people saying the there must have been a bomb if the white house bunker blew - plus a lot of tourist video recordings, and several webcams showing the bunker busting type explosion. so probably no bomb in flight 77. and i don't think you even need a bomb to explain the funky tail section action.

the tail section flipping over the top of the pentagon wouldn't (in my most humble opinion) be proof that a bomb was on board. rather, it could be explained in the same way a baseball hits a bat and is popped up and fouled back.

so i finally have my own theory!! it's bronco's TAIL SECTION FOUL BALL THEORY - like bunting a foul ball that pops up and sails back.

granted, i know a 757 is unlike a baseball. yet the mass of the pentagon is sooo much greater than the WTC buildings, we can't really look at the WTC impacts and say flight 77's tail section should have entered the pentagon in the same way.

and because i'm arguing that flight 77 did hit the pentagon - that doesn't mean a buy the official government version of what happened.



UPDATE 5/30/5

i really want to comment on this latest line of thinking: what if 9/11 was created just to be revealed as a government conspiracy? hard proof of a govt conspiracy would shake the population of the world so hard, anything could result. maybe it's this anything that is waiting at the end of the 9/11 truth movement road. maybe the more official aspects of the 9/11 truth movement are part of this larger, sub-conspiracy...

or maybe i'm an idiot, but it's fun to think about, because then for everyone who thinks something other than a 757 hit the pentagon - you have to question my intent in bringing this lawsuit... maybe i am part of the larger conspiracy - even unwittingly so. this whole effort may have been scripted or at least predicted. perhaps the videos have been withheld for timing purposes. so if the videos reveal a missile or a flying pig -that's the whole ball game, isn't it? who can you trust?


UPDATE 5/28/5

here is a recent quote from my attorney, scott hodes: "I also let him know that their defense is rather flimsy and we'll fight it to the death--I told him they should just release the tapes."

also, i'd like to link again to 911blogger.com - which is a great 9/11 information resource. and if you're still wrestling with the plane/no-plane thing, please read this.


UPDATE 5/24/5

the civil division attorney in charge of the case asked today for an extension beyond the june 21st deadline as stated in page 2 of the court order. the reason being that he is going out of the country for about 6 weeks with his newborn child to visit his wife's family.

that just sounds so nice... so i agreed to the extension request. change your calendars to july 31st. until then, you can come back here from time-to-time and read my ramblings about this-and-that.


UPDATE 5/23/5

in support of why i think it was probably a 757 that hit the pentagon:

ockham's razor: a rule in science and philosophy stating that entities should not be multiplied needlessly. this rule is interpreted to mean that the simplest of two or more competing theories is preferable and that an explanation for unknown phenomena should first be attempted in terms of what is already known. also called law of parsimon.

they already had the plane. why not fly it into the pentagon?


UPDATE 5/17/5

it's finally official. but i don't think most americans really care that much, because we kinda already knew it anyway: the US govtfixed the intelligence to serve their desire to go to war in iraq. and 87 members of congress agree. but now that we know it officially, does it really matter?

so we were lied to - sooooo whaaaat? i mean, bill clinton lied about sex - what's the difference?

UPDATE 5/16/5

GEORGE LUCAS SPEAKS against the empire. in the new star wars movie, lucas makes the commentary - just before anakin skywalker becomes darth vader, he says: "you are either with me, or you are my enemy." DUDE!

the story of star wars has always been a strong and deliberate allegory: illustrating how a democratic republic decays into empire. the people, out of fear, simply hand over their power in return for protection. and their protectors are playing both sides - they manufacture the enemy, create the fear, and start the war to serve their financial, political, and egotistical interests.

it's not an uncommon story in human history, but HEY FOLKS: it's not history - it's RIGHT NOW!.



UPDATE 5/6/5

was it a 757 or wasn't it? this question eats up so much time. i say, it doesn't matter if it was 757 or not. the overwhelming evidence is against the official government theory because hani hanjour was an incapable pilot. information about the flight path and hani hanjour's piloting 'skills' are posted to the right and below the image of the plane.

but was it a 757? i think it was, even though there is no accounting for the wingtips & tail fin. even after reading analysis like this, i'm still saying it was most likely a 757 - why? because they already had flight 77, why make it more complicated than it had to be? why involve more people than they had to? why risk the chance that someone could have videotaped the event and produced the images after the official version went out? to fly something other than a 757 into the pentagon would have been too risky and also unnecessary.

either way, the 757/no-757 debate is moot, because hani hanjour couldn't fly AT ALL.

if you have some time, it would be well spent listening to indira singh speak about her experiences at ground zero during and after 9/11. note what she says about WTC 7.


UPDATE 5/4/5

although not new, i have finally picked up on the division between the official anti-war movement and the 9/11 truth movement. essentially, the anti-war movement is burdened by its legitimacy. it can't or won't dive into presenting alternative 9/11 theories, even though most (that i've met) of its members suspect or believe 9/11 was an inside job.

massive anti-war organizations like A.N.S.W.E.R. are coming under fire from the side of 9/11 truth movement - saying it's time to step-up and strike at the root of the war on terrorism... it's time to stop brainstorming on new and inventive anti-war slogans - basically: the going has gotten weird enough, and it's time to turn pro.

9/11 truth activism IS the anti-war movement. it's like the anti-war movement has slipped out from under its own organization(s). the anti-war movement isn't something that can be owned - the movement is the action, and the action is what will lead to the end of the war... and catchy slogans aint it.

the call of "bring the troops home now!" from the back of a flatbed truck needs to be replaced with this type of action. the more visibility the 9/11 truth movement has, the more likely we are to attract the type of thinkers and doers who will help reveal the truth about what happened on 9/11 - which is the achilles heel of the war on terrorism and US imperialism and government corruption... this is THE fight of the new century, and it should be the focus of the attention of everyone who is not counted amongst the brainwashed... and you know who you are ;-)



UPDATE 5/3/5

someone wrote to ask - how can i join the 9/11 truth movement? i'd say asking the question is half of the membership process. if you're starting to question the official theory about what happened on 9/11, i suggest you go here: WTC7.net and learn everything you can about the destruction of that building.

WTC building 7 is the key. and we need more people investigating its collapse.

then, to officially join the 9/11 truth movement, get just one other person to start looking critically at the official theory of what happened on 9/11.

also, if you're just starting out - be critical of ALL theories related to 9/11. you'll find a lot of far-out stuff and don't get too caught up in ideas about missiles and pods and the like. stick to the hard evidence and draw your own conclusions. there is intentional misinformation out there. be aware.


UPDATE 5/2/5

the new documents are live! although a couple pages are hard to read. please let me know if you are struggling to read something specific, and i'll assist you. otherwise, i'll clean things up in a few days.

i have posted the DOJ/FBI's 4 page response the lawsuit, and subsequent 2 page court order from the judge. basically, we're waiting until june 21st for the next round.

david ray griffin (a respected christian theologian) spoke on C-span the other day about alternative 9/11 theories. here is the MP3 file of his presentation. this marks the first time that such a presentation was made on mainstream media. since his presentation, i have been seeing an increase in commentary on what would be the actual punishment for 9/11 treason...

what would happen if hard proof of government complicity is revealed? it's the next level of scary thinking - what would happen to the economy? what about the current system of government? would this prompt the formation of a new continental congress? i think that would have to follow, but who knows? what would the punishment be for such crimes?

looking for a good FOIA attorney? check out scott hodes at infoprivacylaw.com.

UPDATE 4/21/5

there are new documents to post. first, the DOJ/FBI responded to the lawsuit, and in response to that, the court has given its first order... nothing spectacular to report - just normal procedure, from what i understand.

i'll post the documents here as soon as i can. also, i'll stop blocking out names and such. for some reason i thought doing that would be respectful to the people involved, but it's not an issue.

by june 21st there will be new happenings with the case. in the meantime, someone at rense.com is planning an article on this topic. - so maybe that will bring more interest and new things.

hey - i'm not alone: look familiar?

UPDATE 4/14/5

911 Blogger


UPDATE 4/13/5

back from europe a little too early. DO NOT fly icelandair if you would like to get where you plan to go. i won't bore you with the details.

this update is uninformative, except to voice that i'm glad SPRING is finally here;-)

UPDATE 4/5/5

"The dysfunction is with American society, maybe even civilization as a whole. The structure of civilization itself requires mass adherence to faith in the institutions that built civilization and make it run. Conspiracies theorists question those authorities and, because they do, they skirt the fringes of society."


UPDATE 4/1/5

not a lot to report. we're just waiting for the FBI's response to the lawsuit, and then i'll post that info...

in the meantime, webmasters - please feel free to copy any information here for your sites. i also welcome any links to this site - thanks - to everyone who already has.


UPDATE 3/29/5

incredibly credible site of the day.

the people at VWvortex were sending this site A LOT of traffic through one of their forums - but access to the particular forum was password protected. so i'm left wondering: what do VWs & flight 77 have in common? anyway, the traffic suddenly stopped after i posted about it here. i've seen strange traffic like this in the past - makes you go, hmmm...

life is good on the fence: after i posted here that i'm not a conspiracy theorist because i don't believe in ANY 9/11 theory (official or otherwise) - someone wrote to say that doesn't make me a non-theorist, but rather an advanced one - which isn't a compliment, i think.

either way, the safest place for taking any position on anything related to 9/11 is on the fence. to take a side on anything is to promote your favorite conspiracy theory, and reveals your agenda - like mary in the mid-west who believes with all her heart & SOUL that a bunch of cave-dwelling pagans who hate her freedom, done-it.

until there is at least one 9/11 related criminal conviction - we are ALL conspiracy theorists... unless you believe nothing, like me ;-)


UPDATE 3/27/5

today is my birthday. i hope it's your birthday, too.

interest in the DOJ's response to the appeal has been getting the most attention from visitors here.

if the interest so far is any indication of what it will be when we get the videos, i think i'll need to increase the my bandwidth limit. i really hope to come through on this, and i'm pleased with the responses from all sides.

cool URL of the day: here.


UPDATE 3/26/5

i'd like to welcome everyone from freerepublic .

i've been reading the postings at freerepublic about this site, and not wanting to post as its not my scene, i'd like to clarify here that i'm not a conspiracy theorist. i believe in no conspiracy relative to 9/11 - and since that includes the official government version of what happened - which is a conspiracy theory - i guess that's a good enough reason to marginalize me and this effort. oh well.

traffic yesterday was down to about 2,000 visitors.

the day before yesterday, i saw the infamous jeff gannon in DC eating at sushi taro (not high quality food, but politically trendy). this is only worth mentioning because gannon's ex-boss is the only witness to have viewed flight 77 from a top-down convertible. there's some kind of synchronicity going on here... or something fishy.


UPDATE 3/25/5

yesterday, there were over 6,000 visitors to this site. that's up from like 100 the day before... it feels like being tapped into the pipe.

i think 9/11 has become its own religion - and the flight 77 story is like some crazy church wherein followers argue for & against the existence of god at the same time.

within the 9/11 religion, people talk about serious, sober issues concerning the physics of 9/11 and moral issues, etc., and everyone feels good about their perspectives and placement within their communities. THEN all that sanity is shattered by the flight 77 circus. the flight 77 clown car rolls up playing freaky clown music and all the crazy theories spill out - and the leading crazy theory, the one blowing the horn with the biggest red nose, is called the official government version of what happened.

the good religious people are like, 'oh man... go away'


UPDATE 3/24/5

today this site was linked-up by rense and whatreallyhappened . i'm a big fan of both sites, and traffic is way up. it's great to be included in the community.

if there is any question about what i expect to see on the videos, the answer is that i expect to see a 757. that doesn't mean i believe the official story - far from it.

regardless of what appears on the videos - i'm hoping this effort will help (in any small way ) further jell the 9/11 truth community.


UPDATE 3/23/5

i think what's great about this lawsuit is that already it's bringing both sides of the 757/no-757 issue together. even if you believe with all your heart that no 757 hit the pentagon, you still have to agree with this effort to obtain the videos. finally, both sides of this crazy story can agree on something.

this suit even bridges those who believe the official version VS those who don't - because getting the videos is getting a step closer to the truth. it turns the static down for all sides equally.


UPDATE 3/22/5

i've been getting many kind emails from people interested in this request for the fabled flight 77 videos. more people are linking to this site and using its content - which is my intent: to help make people aware that issues like this even exist.

webmasters, feel free to use any of this content on your sites - but please drop me an email at bronco(a)flight77.info with your URL, because i like to check out other sites related to this topic.


UPDATE 3/14/5

today i copied the department of justice's appeal response and the full lawsuit. you can see them posted to the right, they are the white-toned thumbnails below the first row.

i'm excited about the judge assigned to the case. based on my research, it appears he is unafraid of making controversial judgments.

my attorney said it is all right to post all this information, but i've blocked out the names and signatures of people for whatever reasons.

if you're interested in a top-notch lawyer who specializes in FOIA requests - here is his web site: infoprivacylaw.com

UPDATE 3/12/5

i just got the lawsuit and the DOJ appeal response from my attorney and i have yet to copy it for this site. but will do so early next week.

the appeal response has a nice tone, stating that it's really out of their control that they can't release the videos. perhaps it's the case that they would really like us to have them, but need something like a judge's permission to bend their policy. or it could be some other reason.

UPDATE 3/9/5

yesterday the lawsuit was filed, and today the FBI was served.

also, today we got a response to the FOIA appeal. i haven't seen it yet, but i'm told it says that the FBI does have the tapes, however won't release them because the release would interfere with an ongoing investigation. this is good news, since based upon the first response, i thought they would continue to reply that they don't have the tapes.

so the question this case becomes about is: would the release of the tapes interfere with their investigation? i've done research on the topic, and it appears exception due to 'ongoing investigation' is a normal response to many FOIA requests to the FBI... they are, after all, the FB*I*. that's to be expected, i suppose.

with the lawsuit, they need to justify why releasing the video tapes will interfere with whatever investigation... i can't imagine how any one can make such a justification - i mean, we know what we're going to see, which is something not unlike what we saw with the WTC towers attacks. how can viewing the the final moments of flight 77 interfere with some investigation? it was in the air low, it flew past the sheraton, over the citgo gas station, clipped some light poles and then crashed. i can't imagine what the problem would be with seeing that.

original entry 3/1/5

on the morning of september 11th, 2001 the FBI visited at least two private businesses near the pentagon and confiscated several security camera video tapes.

business #1 is the cigto gas station with several security cameras aimed in the direction of the pentagon. flight 77 flew directly over the gas station at an altitude of roughly 50 feet, less than 3 seconds from impact.

business #2 is the sheraton national hotel. it is known, based upon a prior FOIA report filed by CNN which requested the tapes - that the sheraton's security cameras DID capture the plane - however because of national security, the FBI won't release the video.

no one can say for sure why the FBI is reluctant to release the videos. it could just be a matter of policy, or it could have to do - as many suspect - with the notion that keeping the videos from the public is helping to fuel wild conspiracy theories. these theories - that no 757 hit the pentagon - helps discredit the 9/11 truth movement in general, and keeps people's focus away from such topics as WTC building 7.



(above) government's denial to our 2nd FOIA request for the 85 video recordings related to flight 77


(below) our appeal to the denial


request for the 85 video tapes mentioned in the maguire statement

page 1 of 1 of the request


7 page maguire statment

maguire p1

maguire p2

maguire p3

maguire p4

maguire p5

maguire p6

maguire p7


12 page government reply to our opposition filing:


our documents in opposition:

statement p1

statement p2

statement p3

statement p4


opposition p1

opposition p2

opposition p3

opposition p4

opposition p5

opposition p6

opposition p7


original FOIA request

FBI's response

appeal to DOJ

DOJ's response to appeal

page 1 lawsuit

page 2 lawsuit

page 3 lawsuit

page 4 lawsuit

last page lawsuit

DOJ answer to suit

page 2 answer

page 3 answer

last page answer

court order page 1

last page court order


so how did flight 77 arrive at the pentagon at an altitude of about 2 feet @ 500MPH? ... well, here it is:

"American 77 was then 5 miles west-southwest of the Pentagon and began a 330-degree turn. At the end of the turn, it was descending through 2,200 feet, pointed toward the Pentagon and downtown Washington." [9/11 commission report]

"The speed, the maneuverability, the way that he turned, we all thought in the radar room, all of us experienced air traffic controllers, that that was a military plane," said O'Brien [ABC news]

"But just as the plane seemed to be on a suicide mission into the White House, the unidentified pilot executed a pivot so tight that it reminded observers of a fighter jet maneuver." [washington post]

"Aviation sources said the plane was flown with extraordinary skill, making it highly likely that a trained pilot was at the helm, possibly one of the hijackers." [washington post]

"9:35. The hijacker-pilots were then forced to execute a difficult high-speed descending turn. Radar shows Flight 77 did a downward spiral, turning almost a complete circle and dropping the last 7,000 feet in two-and-a-half minutes. The steep turn was so smooth, the sources say, it's clear there was no fight for control going on. And the complex maneuver suggests the hijackers had better flying skills than many investigators first believed." [CBS news]

so who was this amazing pilot? A: hani hanjour. who was hani hanjour?

"...after instructors at Pan Am International Flight Academy in Phoenix found Hanjour's piloting skills so shoddy and his grasp of English so inadequate they questioned whether his pilot's license was genuine." [new york times]

"...staff never suspected that Hanjour was a hijacker but feared that he posed safety hazard if he flew commercial airliner." [new york times]

"Staff members characterized Mr. Hanjour as polite, meek and very quiet. But most of all, the former employee said, they considered him a very bad pilot. "I'm still to this day amazed that he could have flown into the Pentagon," the former employee said. "He could not fly at all." [new york times - reprinted]

does this make sense to you? it's the official story.