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The Dixie Chicks are "Mocking Patriotic Americans," Not "Standing Up For What They Believe"

Reported by Melanie - June 20, 2006

Yesterday Neil Cavuto hosted a segment criticizing the Dixie Chicks for "mocking patriotic Americans" after they gave an interview to the London Daily Telegraph and stood up for what they believe in.

Today (June 20, 2006), Cavuto hosted a segment about first responders to the World Trade Center who are suffering from, and in some cases dying of, illnesses they contracted after breathing the contaminated air there and who are organizing to fight for help with their medical bills from the state and federal government, something they're not now getting.

Promoting the segment, Cavuto said:

Well, they're forgotten heroes but I'll tell you what, they're not forgotten by us. Why these first responders after 9/11 may be lying down in sick beds but are standing up for what they believe in.

Some folks who will make you proud, coming up on Your World.

Comment: On Fox, the difference between "mocking" and "standing up" for what you believe in depends on what you believe in.


Yes, they're very good at passing judgment. One group is allowed to stand up for what they believe in, another is not.

Posted by: Alex Thorpe at June 20, 2006 07:51 PM

Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels....Samuel Johnson 1775

and faux neocon network

Posted by: woke dude at June 20, 2006 07:54 PM

neil needs to check his pants, because he just dropped a load.
Look, whether you agree with them or not, isn't it just amazing to live in a country where people can express their opinions?
Oh, and...the album frigging rocks. I'm not a huge CW fan, and quite frankly bought this because of what they've been saying for a few years now. And was PLEASANTLY surprised. Rick Rubin's amazing.

Neil mocks sanity every day.

Posted by: Keg at June 20, 2006 07:55 PM

In "It Can't Happen Here", Sinclair Lewis said that when Facism comes to America, it will be cloaked in the flag and carrying the Bible.

Written in 1935

Posted by: Charles at June 20, 2006 08:08 PM

In "It Can't Happen Here", Lewis Sinclair said that when Facism comes to America, it will be cloaked in the flag and carrying the Bible.

Written in 1935

Posted by: Charles at June 20, 2006 08:08 PM

You're comparing the Dixie Chicks being morons with heroes of 9/11? Wow. You are a sick person.


Posted by: John at June 20, 2006 08:13 PM

This is echoing O'Reilly's sentiment last night that the San Francisco supervisors are "giving the middle finger to people they disagree with politically" because they passed a non-binding resolution HE disagrees weith.
Same old "dissent is bad" mantra - if you disagree with the FOX line it's either spite, pinheadedness, or hate. Now we can add mocking.

Posted by: chrish at June 20, 2006 08:16 PM

Republican Senators who voted against Legislation to Authorize the Iraqi Prime Minister to give Amnesty to Terrorists who Kill American Soldiers in Iraq:

A few of their statements on the Floor of the House of Representatives:

MCCONNELL SUGGESTED A RESOLUTION COMMENDING IRAQIS FOR GIVING TERRORISTS AMNESTY. “…might it not just be as useful an exercise to be trying to pass a resolution commending the Iraqi government for the position that they’ve taken today with regard to this discussion of Amnesty?” – Sen. Mitch McConnell

ALEXANDER COMPARED IRAQI AMNESTY FOR TERRORISTS TO NELSON MANDELA’S PEACE EFFORTS. “Is it not true that Nelson Mandela's courage and his ability to create a process of reconciliation and forgiveness was a major factor in what has been a political miracle in Africa…Did not Nelson Mandela, win a - the co-winner of - a noble Nobel Peace Prize just for this sort of gesture?” – Sen. Lamar Alexander

CORNYN: IRAQI AMNESTY DEBATE IS “A DISTRACTION.” “It makes no sense for the United States Senate to shake its finger at the new government of Iraq and to criticize them… it really is a distraction from the debate that I think the American people would want us to have.” - Sen. John Cornyn

CHAMBLISS: AMNESTY IS OK FOR EX-INSURGENTS AS LONG AS THEY ARE ON OUR SIDE NOW. “Is it not true today that we have Iraqis who are fighting the war against the insurgents, who at one time fought against American troops and other coalition troops as they were marching to Baghdad, who have now come over to our side and are doing one heck of a job of fighting along, side by side, with Americans and coalition forces, attacking and killing insurgents on a daily basis?” - Sen. Saxby Chambliss

TED STEVENS - “IF THAT’S AMNESTY, I’M FOR IT:” “I really believe we ought to try to find some way to encourage that country to demonstrate to those people who have been opposed to what we're trying to do, that it's worthwhile for them and their children to come forward and support this democracy. And if that's amnesty, I'm for it. I'd be for it. And if those people who are, come forward… if they bore arms against our people, what's the difference between those people that bore arms against the Union in the War between the States? What’s the difference between the Germans and Japanese and all the people we’ve forgiven?” – Sen. Ted Stevens


Posted by: Paige at June 20, 2006 08:26 PM

Notice that the Republicans are not doing jack-shit to help the wounded... Use their crippled bodies to put forward their agenda, yes. Help them? No.

Republicans to the letter.

Posted by: il128 at June 20, 2006 08:34 PM

It's the Dixie Chicks fault the rescuers are not getting the government aid they need? Blame some on else for your mistakes seems easier then fixing the problem. Not likely that Phaux Entertainment News is going to ask what the government is going to about it.

What about the people who were rescued? Are they getting sick too? I have not heard anything about them.

Posted by: theroachman at June 20, 2006 08:37 PM

Opps! should have been

blame someone

Posted by: theroachman at June 20, 2006 08:40 PM

You're comparing the Dixie Chicks being morons with heroes of 9/11? Wow. You are a sick person.
Posted by: John at June 20, 2006 08:13 PM

Last week you hate mongering righties were attacking widows of 9/11 victims. Can't you radical righties make up your mind of how and who to hate?

Posted by: Dr. Matt at June 20, 2006 08:44 PM

Hey, we can't say that the Republicans haven't proposed any new ideas in Iraq because these 19 Republican Senators Voted in Favor of Iraq's new Prime Minister's Idea of giving Amnesty to Terrorists and Insurgents who kill American Soldiers in Iraq.

Allard (R-CO)
Bond (R-MO)
Bunning (R-KY)
Burns (R-MT)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Cornyn (R-TX)
DeMint (R-SC)
Enzi (R-WY)
Graham (R-SC)
Hagel (R-NE)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Kyl (R-AZ)
Lott (R-MS)
McCain (R-AZ)
Sessions (R-AL)
Stevens (R-AK)


Posted by: Paige at June 20, 2006 08:59 PM

You want a REAL patriotic American?

Tammy Duckworth
Democrat -- Illinois 6th Distric

On November 12, 2004, Tammy was co-piloting a Black Hawk helicopter north of Baghdad when a rocket-propelled grenade struck the cockpit of her aircraft and exploded ... 10 days later, when she woke up at Walter Reed Memorial Hospital in Maryland, she learned that THE EXPLOSION WOULD COST BOTH HER LEGS AND HAD SHATTERED HER RIGHT ARM. It has been a long road to recovery, but Tammy is optimistic and determined to serve her country in a new way.

Dedicated, strong-willed and always the optimist, Tammy kept busy during her recovery despite her injuries and rigorous rehabilitation schedule. She spoke to veterans' groups, attended the 2005 State of the Union address and testified twice before Congress urging that more be done to ensure soldiers continue to receive the same high level of medical care as they move from military to veteran status...


Letter Sent by Tammy Duckworth to Rep. John Boehner
May 25, 2006

I read in today's Chicago Tribune ("GOP to put war up for debate") of your intention to hold a free-flowing debate over the Iraq War on the floor of the U.S. House in the coming weeks. As a veteran of that war, I want you to know that I fully support your decision to schedule such a debate. One of my major concerns as a veteran and candidate for Congress is that the legislative branch has FAILED TO PERFORM ITS OVERSIGHT FUNCTION OR TO HOLD THIS ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNTABLE for its conduct of the war...


Posted by: -R at June 20, 2006 09:03 PM

U.S. Back at Full War Footing in Afghanistan
by Brian Ross
ABC News, June 20, 2006

"The Taliban has made a comeback, and WE HAVE THE NEXT 90 DAYS TO CRUSH THEM," said a senior U.S. military official. The offensive, "Operation Mountain Thrust," involves almost 11,000 U.S. troops and is focused on four southern Afghanistan provinces.

The Taliban has re-emerged as the Afghan government "has created vacuums of power" says the official. Proceeds from the GROWING OPIUM TRADE IN THE REGION HAS HELPED THE TALIBAN obtain new weapons and pay local officials.

The TALIBAN LEADER, MULLAH OMAR, REMAINS AT LARGE despite a $10 million reward offered by the United States. U.S. military officials believe he has established a safe haven in Pakistan, where U.S. soldiers cannot operate...


Posted by: -R at June 20, 2006 09:16 PM

Posted by: -R at June 20, 2006 09:03 PM

Set egg timer before the radical right starts smearing her and her military record. Perhaps the anti-military right can break out their purple heart band-aides again.

Posted by: Dr. Matt at June 20, 2006 09:18 PM

whoops....I meant on the Floor of the Senate (not the House)

Posted by: Paige at June 20, 2006 09:31 PM

Ted Stevens a decorated WWII vet, Grahm ex navy NCIS officer and the most surprising of all McCain, all 3 of these men are basically giving aid and comfort to the enemy by supporting this legislation. may all the sens who voted for this, especially these 3, rot in hell for all of eternity

Posted by: baba booey at June 20, 2006 09:34 PM


Posted by: Paige at June 20, 2006 08:59 P

Will they give amnesty to all those AMERICANS that killed or tortued Iraqi's during the conflict?? my guess is yes whats yours.You sacntimonious shits you are.You still think you got God on your side ?

Posted by: Doodle Howdy at June 20, 2006 09:35 PM

Posted by: Paige at June 20, 2006 08:59 P

Paige, what I don't understand is why is the Senate even voting on something to do with the Iraqi government. I thought they were suppose to be governing their own country.

Posted by: john t at June 20, 2006 09:57 PM

Well since they're doing such a piss poor job at running this country, they thought they'd try something smaller.

Posted by: Comrade Otto Yamamoto at June 20, 2006 10:15 PM

Well since they're doing such a piss poor job at running this country, they thought they'd try something smaller.

Posted by: Comrade Otto Yamamoto at June 20, 2006 10:22 PM

You sacntimonious shits you are.You still think you got God on your side

I take it you like the idea of freeing terrorists who kill American soldiers? This vote of the 19 are indefensible.

Are you saying that you don't think we should have gone to Bush's mess in Iraq? Calling this War that was based on cooked intel, handled in a grotesquely incompetent manner from the planning to it's execution, occupation, etc... a "conflict" is rather curious. The Iraqi people didn't have a 'conflict' with Americans until we came in and destroyed their country. Yes Saddam was a vile human being and it's good he's out of there. But to suggest that the Iraqi people are better off now and their lives are happier, safer and more promising is insulting to them as well as ludicrous. BushCo turned Iraq into a complete trainwreck, a country that is plagued by constant violence, brutality, sadness, rage, fear, loss, devastation, depression, endless bloodbath killings and despair. Yeah, It's certainly difficult to fathom why 87% of the Iraqi people want Bush and his strategy of failure and destruction to get the hell out. I don't support an immediate pull out but you and others need to recognize that the Iraqi people and the Iraq Government are hopeful that our departure will come soon. You need to admit that changes need to be made and that supporting failed strategies and policies is the very definition of insanity. (Doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results). This mess has become about:

Bush/Gop Ego & Stubbornness vs. Courage and Willingness to Admit Changes Need to be Made

THAT is what this boils down to. It has very little with many of you sincerely caring about the welfare/future of the Iraqis. You have all become so rigid and too proud that you're putting your own personal fragile reputations ahead of the concerns of the American and Iraqi people as well as the National Security of both countries. The risks of terrorism have grown enormously since Bush decided to play bad ass and pre-emptively invade a sovereign country on bullshit intelligence that he cooked up. And while we've been bogged down in this mess, Afghanistan has now again become a Taliban strong hold plagued by militias and a brand new welcome mat to Al-Qaeda. While we've been tied up in this disaster, Bush and his 'we'll protect you' Republicans have hardly done ANYTHING to make this country safer----almost 5 f'ing years after 9/11. The 9/11 Commission recently gave him and his Admin. FAILING GRADES. Bush thinks it's just dandy to outsource our Ports to Govt's with ties to Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda, 2 9/11 Terrorists. He and those in his Administration have the outrageous judgment that cities such as NY and DC have 'no significant targets' and that cities such as Charlotte, North Carolina and Louisville, Kentucky are BIGGER terrorist attack risks. Americans don't trust Bush to handle Iran properly because of his display of utter incompetence and failure. Yeah, the GOP is the Party who 'will protect the American people'.

Posted by: Paige at June 20, 2006 10:23 PM

From -R's ABC news release: The Taliban has re-emerged as the Afghan government "has created vacuums of power" says the official.

I thought the Taliban re-emerged because the U.S. diverted attention, troops and money to their invasion of Iraq, leaving insufficient support for the Afghan government. Sort of "cut & ran" in a sense.

Do you wonder if Bush ever regrets doing that? I mean, Afghanistan and the Taliban were sheltering Al Queda who DID attack the USA on 9/11 and the majority of the US and the international community supported the invasion. If he had stayed there and finished the job, he probably would have succeeded in setting up a democracy near, if not, in the middle east and making headway in his "war on terror".

Posted by: Andrew at June 20, 2006 10:30 PM

..it has very little to do with how many of you sincerely care about the welfare/future of the Iraqis.

Oh, and to Doodie Howdy, you said: "You still think you got God on your side?"

Well, first of all, I believe in Evolution. I have no shame in that as those of you want people like me to have. Now, the last time that I checked.... violence, corruption, dishonesty, hypocrisy, stealing, adultery, ignoring the poor and the sick while favoring the wealthy, discriminating against any of God's creatures, destroying the Earth and Environment, worshipping false idols, claiming to be Righteous yet doing the work of Satan... and other defining characteristics of the current Republican Party, weren't big on his list of requirements to get to heaven. I am certain that these are things Jesus isn't fond of either.


Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God

Blessed are the Meek for they shall inherit the earth

Posted by: Paige at June 20, 2006 10:57 PM

Watch for more important OBL tapes to emerge just in time to help Dubya keep the GOP in power past 2006.

"OBL scare tapes, you can't buy votin' fear like that at any price."

Posted by: When You Are Brain-Dead, Bush Looks Good at June 20, 2006 11:06 PM

They're music is not my cup of tea. However, what you do for a living does not disqualify your right to speak one's own mind.

By the way. Neil Crapvoolo makes me vomit. Everybody knows he's an asshat. Honestly, their shtick is getting old. They're not funny anymore.

Posted by: Paul3 at June 21, 2006 01:07 AM

Cavuto is billed as hosting a show about business news, isn't that correct? Just checking. (Fox News isn't the only offender. Lou Dobbs has trouble with that too.)

Posted by: Common Sense at June 21, 2006 02:18 AM

Posted by: Dr. Matt at June 20, 2006 09:18 PM

Actually Dr, I think 2008 was using her yesterday. i can't remember for sure, i think it was on the children thread. I refuse to go digging through it because of the trolls that totally hijacked it.

Posted by: Strope at June 21, 2006 09:47 AM

So the Republicans are now supporting health care from government talk about flip-flopping.

Posted by: fox is funny at June 21, 2006 09:56 AM

Fox Americans aren't patriots. Patriots aren't so easily fooled by propoganda and aren't so narrow minded. ALso, Patriots aren't so willing to defend having their rights and freedoms stripped away, or so willing to forgive elections that aren't %100 "above board". Patriots don't support spying on fellow Americans or the turning away of the "sick, the poor and the huddled masses."

No, make no mistake tha the right wing as it exists right now (the BUsh folowers and Fox News believers) are not patriots. Patriots fight to preserve the current way of life...not change it under fear of retribution.

Posted by: Rosencrantz at June 21, 2006 10:52 AM

Where is the dear cut&paste; financial whiz kid (former police "superivsor") today? Is he getting nervous about being "outed" - as a paid troll. Or did his office manager catch him on Newshounds during work time?

Posted by: claudo at June 21, 2006 12:02 PM

"mocking patriotic Americans"?

Were the RW nuts "mocking patriotic Americans" when they spent eight years railing against President Clinton?

Posted by: Robrob at June 21, 2006 04:56 PM

this report says it all
If a band plays on a stage and nobody is there to listen, are they still a country group? That's the question being asked about the shakey revival attempt by the Dixie Chicks as they attempt to begin a recovery from the backlash generated in 2003, when lead singer Natalie Maines made her notorious "Texas shame" comments in regards to President Bush.

But are they really trying to recover at all? It's beginning to seem as though they don't want to, preferring to revel in the infamy of being the anti-administration girl group. Which is all fine and dandy for any musical group to do so -- but it doesn't play well with their established base of country music fans. In fact, it seems that country music fans are precisely the audience the Chicks are now trying to alienate.

"The entire country may disagree with me," said Maines in a recent interview with the UK's Telegraph, "but I don't understand the necessity for patriotism. Why do you have to be a patriot? About what? This land is our land? Why? You can like where you live and like your life, but as for loving the whole country... I don't see why people care about patriotism."

It's comments like this that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Maines and the Chicks have completely lost touch with their base -- maybe even more than Bush has with conservative voters!

You see, country not a style of music. It's more than twin fiddles and a steel guitar. The sturm und drang of it all is more than the strum and twang and the drawl. It's a mindset, an outlook on life. Sure, sometimes it's been anti-establishment ("Take this Job and Shove It", anyone?), but it's always held close to the concepts of self-reliance, justice, and what's right (even when the singer is singing from the perspective of the one doing what's wrong.) Chief among those values is patriotism -- something that's been core to country music long before Toby Keith growled about putting a boot up the ass of the enemy.

What's surprising is that, despite such comments, their latest album, Taking the Long Way -- to where, we can't be quite sure -- has managed a handful of weeks at the top of Billboard's Country Album chart. So if country music fans are so up in arms, who's doing the buying? Some have speculated that perhaps the albums are going into the hands of those sympathetic to the Chicks' cause -- not necessarily country fans. One imagines the CD finding a home in collections next to Bob Dylan and Joan Baez albums from the late sixties.

Flying in the face of album sales however is a slowdown in the sale of concert tickets. While the Dixie Chicks have performed well in Canada and in the northeast, venues in the Midwest and especially the South have seen ticket sales put on hold, with numbers falling short of the anticipated turnout. Not surprising. My experience as a Yankee transplant is that Southerners have long memories. Some are still pretty miffed over the outcome of the War of Northern Aggression, and you'd do well not to mention it. And that was over 100 years gone. They're definitely not going to forget incendiary remarks made less than five years ago.

So what kind of fan base are the Chicks aiming at? "I'd rather have a smaller following of really cool people who get it, who will grow with us as we grow and are fans for life, than people that have us in their five-disc changer with Reba McEntire and Toby Keith," said Martie Maguire in an interview with Time magazine. This comment was enough to have some station managers make the decision to pull the Chicks out of circulation -- either again or still -- from their country music markets.

While we're on that particular topic, let's make something clear. A lot of people have rallied for the Dixie Chicks calling such actions by radio stations censorship. First of all, censorship is something only a government is capable of doing. It's not infringing on the Chicks' free speech to have a station manager pull their music from rotation. It's an managerial policy. I have the freedom to write anything I like, but nowhere in that right is it implied that I am guaranteed that someone must publish that writing, let alone read it. By that same token, the Chicks can make all the albums they want, but that does not necessarily grant them the right to airtime or an audience.

Radio stations are capitalistic consumer-driven industries. If a country music station isn't playing the Chicks and people start calling up enough asking to hear them, that station will begin to play the Chicks' songs. If it doesn't, another station in that market will pounce on the waiting audience.

So there. Nobody is preventing The Dixie Chicks from being heard.

But you don't have to be a country fan to be incensed over the girls' attitude against patriotism and displays of it. In the same Telegraph interview (gosh, the girls' do seem to be a bit more glib when they're off the home soil, don't they?) Chicks' member Emily Robison spoke out against the topic. "A lot of artists cashed in on being against what we said or what we stood for because that was promoting their career, which was a horrible thing to do," she said. "A lot of pandering started going on, and you'd see soldiers and the American flag in every video. It became a sickening display of ultra-patriotism." Actually, the horrible thing is that Robison appears to be so completely ignorant of how the country has historically gotten behind its soldiers in wartime. If she thinks the images in the videos today are sickening, she may have gone completely catatonic at the posters and newsreels and films and cartoons and comic books that inundated the country during the Second World War. Oh my God, Martie, can you believe all the flags and 'We Can Do It!' posters? And all the pandering to get us to buy bonds? Isn't it just sickening?

And for the record, yes, you can be critical of the government and still be patriotic. (Heck, most criticism of the government stems from a sense of patriotism -- Neil Young's Living With War being a perfect current example.) And country musicians have certainly done it before. Kenny Rogers' protagonist in "Ruby" bemoans that it wasn't his idea to go and "fight that crazy Asian war." But the idea that the man lost the use of his legs in a wolverine attack north of the Canadian border never occurs -- he was drafted and obviously served. Loretta Lynn addressed the turmoils of the country with a pleading ballad, "God Bless America Again".

More recently, country couple Tim McGraw and Faith Hill have been critical of the government's mishandling of the Hurricane Katrina aftermath. The backlash from the country music listening community has been nonexistent -- maybe because most people can tell the difference between chastising the administration for not doing enough in a disaster and the noxious stance the Chicks are bound and determined to stick with.

I don't know how Toby Keith and Reba McEntire feel about the nonsense the Chicks are spouting today, but it's a sure bet what side of Merle Haggard they're walking on while they're running down our country.

So add "patriotism" to the list of things the Dixie Chicks just don't get. Right under "respect".

Posted by: kirk at June 22, 2006 03:38 PM


All I can add is... Wow! A very well thought-out and poignant statement.

Again, I'll point out that the lefties are never going to support the group. They support THAT SONG, but the numbers are the proof...

They hit their 1 million sales mark within two weeks. Their sales are, as of today, 1.1 million.

In their last concert tour they garnered an incredible $65 million. As of today, at least 42 concert cancellations, primarily in the south and midwest.

Unfortunately, you're going to be viewed as a "RW hater" - as am I in all likelihood. And your factual remarks about their business being an economically driven industry will fall upon the same deaf "ears" as equaly true statements the DC's plight is not so much about the abridgement of free speech so much as it is an exercise of free expression.


Well said, sir.

Posted by: canismajor at June 28, 2006 04:08 AM


All I can add is... Wow! A very well thought-out and poignant statement.

Again, I'll point out that the lefties are never going to support the group. They support THAT SONG, but the numbers are the proof...

They hit their 1 million sales mark within two weeks. Their sales are, as of today, 1.1 million.

In their last concert tour they garnered an incredible $65 million. As of today, at least 42 concert cancellations, primarily in the south and midwest.

Unfortunately, you're going to be viewed as a "RW hater" - as am I in all likelihood. And your factual remarks about their business being an economically driven industry will fall upon the same deaf "ears" as equally true statements the DC's plight is not so much about the abridgement of free speech so much as it is an exercise of free expression.


Well said, sir.

Posted by: canismajor at June 28, 2006 04:08 AM


All I can add is... Wow! A very well thought-out and poignant statement.

Again, I'll point out that the lefties are never going to support the group. They support THAT SONG, but the numbers are the proof...

They hit their 1 million sales mark within two weeks. Their sales are, as of today, 1.1 million.

In their last concert tour they garnered an incredible $65 million. As of today, at least 42 concert cancellations, primarily in the south and midwest.

Unfortunately, you're going to be viewed as a "RW hater" - as am I in all likelihood. And your factual remarks about their business being an economically driven industry will fall upon the same deaf "ears" as equally true statements that the DC's plight is not so much about the abridgement of free speech so much as it is an exercise of free expression.


Well said, sir.

Posted by: canismajor at June 28, 2006 04:09 AM

My apologies...

My browser kept seeming to lock up as I tried to post. Could whomever moderates this, please delete the 2 additions.

Again, sorry about that.

Posted by: canismajor at June 28, 2006 04:12 AM

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