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News releases by category:

 Cosmology (56)
   Distant Galaxies (31)
   Intergalactic Gas (8)
   Universe: Age/Size (17)

 Exotic (78)
   Black Hole (31)
   Dark Matter (19)
   Gamma Ray Burst (7)
   Gravitational Lens (21)

 Galaxy (223)
   Cluster (20)
   Dwarf (6)
   Elliptical (19)
   Interacting (24)
   Irregular (10)
   Magellanic Cloud (16)
   Quasar/Active Nucleus (50)
   Spiral (57)

 Miscellaneous (65)

 Nebula (119)
   Dark (6)
   Emission (58)
   Planetary (37)
   Reflection (7)
   Supernova Remnant (11)

 Solar System (223)
   Venus (1)
   Mars (17)
   Jupiter (44)
   Saturn (19)
   Uranus (8)
   Neptune (8)
   Pluto (7)
   Planetary Moon (27)
   Planetary Ring (10)
   Weather/Atmosphere (30)
   Minor Body (51)
     • Asteroid (11)
     • Comet (33)
     • Kuiper Belt Object (7)

 Star (157)
   Brown Dwarf (7)
   Constellation (0)
   Massive Star (22)
   Multiple Star Systems (17)
   Neutron Star (3)
   Nova (7)
   Protostellar Jet (5)
   Protoplanetary Disk (15)
   Pulsar (5)
   Star Field (10)
   Star with Planet (9)
   Supernova (32)
   Variable Star (14)
   White Dwarf (6)

 Star Cluster (46)
   Globular (31)
   Open (15)

 Survey (27)
   GOODS (4)
   Hubble Deep Field (9)
   Hubble Ultra Deep Field (7)
   Medium Deep Survey (7)

News releases by year:

2006 (27)   2005 (37)   2004 (48)   2003 (34)   2002 (30)   2001 (38)   2000 (36)   1999 (42)   1998 (40)   1997 (37)   1996 (37)   1995 (46)   1994 (53)   1993 (25)   1992 (28)   1991 (13)   1990 (22)  

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The News Archive contains every Hubble image released to the public. Please note that some objects cannot be observed by Hubble and are therefore not included in the archive. (One example is the planet Mercury, which is too close to the Sun.) Other images not released to the public exist as raw data intended for astronomers’ use. Though not interpreted for the general public, anyone can access these data at the Multimission Archive at Space Telescope (MAST).

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