For information call us on: 0845 300 1818

Ways to help

donate todayleave a legacymake a special act of friendshiptake part in gimmie 5get all your scouting products online today

Affiliate schemes

The Scout Association has teamed up with a number of organisations so that we are able to receive referral fees or commission when Scout Association members and their friends and family purchase their products or services. Click through to their websites via the buttons and if you make a purchase you will be helping Scouting without costing you a penny extra.

WhSmithAmazonBank of Scotland Scout Association Credit Card


Fundraising can be lots of fun for those organising the event and for those attending the event. At Group Level it will give you credibility not only with funders but also within your local community. Evidence of fundraising is also crucial when making applications to Trusts and Companies for their support.

Click here for more information about fundraising

Apply today for the Scout Association creitcard with the Bank of ScotlandRenew Your Promise National CentresSupport the Scouts through Amazon UK