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U.S. Newswire Media Services

U.S. Newswire is committed to providing journalists with the most timely, relevant and newsworthy content from public interest news sources. In addition to USN's direct wire service feed into thousands of newsroom computer systems via AP Express, AP DataFeature and other proprietary satellite news feeds, U.S. Newswire offers a comprehensive range of other FREE media services to assist journalists in their daily newsgathering activities.

These services include:

U.S. Newswire Online - U.S. Newswire provides a continuously updated online version of our full wire service feed. All stories are indexed chronologically. Stories may also be retrieved by keyword search. An RSS Feed of U.S. Newswire data is also available at

News Unfiltered for Bloggers - U.S. Newswire data is made available in blog-ready format via NewsUnfiltered, providing fresh, unfiltered material that is in the pre-publication stage, ideal for blogs.

News Photos - Access our FREE online database of dynamic news photos, available for download in low- or hi-resolution format. Photos are indexed chronologically and are also searchable by keyword.

Online Directory of News Sources - U.S. Newswire maintains and continuously updates a comprehensive online directory of news sources, with direct links to their Web sites, to assist journalists in gathering background information and Internet data on news sources in the field of public policy, government, academia and industry.

SourceLink - The expert source service from U.S. Newswire and the National Press Club, connecting journalists with expert news sources in the fields of public policy, academia, government and industry. Journalist queries may be submitted through the SourceLink Query Form or via any of the following methods:

Multimedia News Stories - Log on to our journalist-only online news portal and gain FREE access to hundreds of multimedia news stories (text plus streaming audio/video, photos, graphics, logos and more). All stories are free for download and republishing on news sites or other news publications without restriction.

Headline News Recaps - U.S. Newswire provides daily headline recaps of the latest news on USN with links back to the full stories to keep you up-to-the-minute on breaking news. To register to receive these direct e-mail feeds of news transmitted on U.S. Newswire, please proceed to the USN Headline News registration form.

U.S. Newswire is committed to providing newsrooms worldwide with valuable, timely and relevant news material for free use in your editorial process. We hope that you take advantage of the many free media services that U.S. Newswire provides, and invite you to contact us at 800-544-8995 or e-mail with questions, comments and suggestions on how U.S. Newswire can be most useful to you.


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