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> Bible History

Bible History

History of the Bible, with particular regard to the books of the Old Testament and their relationship to archaeology and history.
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Herod the Great - Flavius Josephus How Herod the Great Became King
In Antiquities of the Jews - Book XIV, the respected Jewish historian Flavius Josephus tells the somewhat convoluted story of how Herod the Great managed to come to power in Judea.
Eras of Ancient Jewish History
Timeline of Jewish history from the time of Abraham until roughly the time of Jesus.
Hebrew and Biblical Names
Here's some help for naming a child using a name from the Bible.
Legends of the Jews, by Louis Ginzberg
Legends of the Jews, by Louis Ginzberg is a public domain etext about the fascinating characters in Biblical history from the creation to Jacob.
Early Christianity Glossary
Most of the terms in this glossary refer to the early years of Christianity.
Non-canonical writing that is considered by some to be the work of the ancient patriarchs and prophets written from about 200 B.C. to 200 A.D.
The settlement of Qumran was between the Judaean desert and the Dead Sea. It may have been settled by the separatist sect of the Second Temple Period who are called Essenes. Qumran was abandoned before the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D.
Septuagint is the Greek name for the Jewish Scriptures.
The Talmud is a body of Jewish law and tradition.
Qumran Glossary - Dead Sea Scrolls Qumran Glossary
Qumran is a region of the Dead Sea that yielded a treasure trove of Biblical documents.
Leviticus is a book of scripture.
Ecclesiastes Etext - KJV Ecclesiastes
Etext of the King James version of Ecclesiastes.
Moses - The Bible Story of Moses the Hebrew Giver of Jewish Law & the Ten Commandments
The Bible story of Moses, the Hebrew giver of Jewish Law and the Ten Commandments
Exodus - When Did the Exodus Take Place?
Possible timeframes for the dating of the Exodus.
Top Myths about Ancient History - Today's Myths About the Past
Today we have a variety of "urban legends" about the past. Here are some of what are probably misconceptions.
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