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Star Wars Story
The Star Wars Saga is rippling with characters, locations, technology and creatures. To learn more dive into the Star Wars Story.
Real Life Star Wars
Learn more about the science behind the saga.
Episode III
Find out more about the final chapter of the Star Wars saga.
Original Trilogy
To know Anakin is to know Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker, the main characters of Episodes IV-VI, the "Original Trilogy".
Behind the Scenes
The process of making movies is intense and rewarding. From creating the costumes, designing the sets, making the posters, scoring the music, and adding special effects.
Get started, and get organized, expert collectors explain how and why to collect. Round up your Star Wars toys and take a good look... you could be a collector and not even know it!
Expanded Universe
Star Wars is a whole universe filled with characters, locations, aliens and creatures and stories -- so many stories -- told in hundreds of books, video games and even cartoons.
Imagine seeing your favorite Star Wars celebrities in person, or learning how to use a lightsaber with other kids. Star Wars events happen all the time, all around the world. Don't miss out.

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