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August 2006 - Posts

Continuing the configuration of a secure wireless network, this part deals with configuring the IAS server to recognise authentication requests from your wireless device. The first part of configuring IAS is configuring a RADIUS client. In this case, Read More
So there's many tricks to optimising the size of a VHD. One which I always use, but appears not to be widely known about, is to turn of the system file checker. Of course, this has it's downsides and your mileage may vary. In practice you can reduce a Read More
So I've got a few blog posts which piece together something I've been trying to do (and finally got working) since moving to Seattle. Namely - set up a secure wireless network. Now, I did have a wireless network at home when I was in England, but it wasn't Read More
This webcast coming up next week took my eye as I've recently put in a (hopefully) secure wireless network at home over the past few weeks since moving over to the US. There's a few blog posts about that and some of the pain which has been involved - Read More