Indexes of the Corpus Iuris Canonici, allowing the conversion from the ancient to the today current system of references and quotations.

The first text is an "abbreviation" of Gratian's Decret, as it was published in a German 18th century edition (Halle, 1747; ed. by J. H. Boehmer).

The second text is an alphabetical index of all titles and chapters (or equivalent) of the several parts of the C. J. Canonici

Ordered as they are, it is easy to find a title or chapter, according to the old system of quoting them by the leading words.

The modern system of quotation (by the numbers of the divisions), follows in the same line.

At the end of the reference, appears the part of the Compilation.

Index omnium partium quae Corpus Iuris Canonici componunt

The following indexes are particular to each one of the parts (actually, they are gathered together in the previous one)

Index Decreti (canones)

Index Decretalium (tituli)

Index Decretalium (capituli)

Index Sexti (tituli et capituli)

Index Clementinae (tituli et capituli)

Index Extravagantium Johannis XXII (tituli et capituli)

Index Extravagantium Communium (tituli et capituli)