
Archive for March, 2005

Mistakes that cost lives

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2005

over on Patterico’s blog, they are discussing how a mistake by judge Greer may have played a large part in his “finding” that Terri Schiavo is in a persistent vegetative state. Apparently, he chose to disregard testimony by a witness based on the verb tense the witness used (”is” instead of “was”), saying it was incorrect for the time period. In actuality, the judge was mistaken about the date, and “is” was correct. The judge refused to admit the gravity of his error when it was pointed out at a later time - saying it didn’t make a difference in his opinion of the witness, when in fact, it was the single most important point his opinion of the witness was based upon.

A witness [Meyer] called by Respondents testified to similar conversations with Terri Schiavo but stated that they occurred during the summer of 1982. While that witness appeared believable at the offset [sic], the court noted two quotes from the discussion between she [sic] and Terri Schiavo which raise serious questions about the time frame. Both quotes are in the present tense and upon cross-examination, the witness did not alter them. The first quote involved a bad joke and used the verb “is”. [Patterico notes: the joke in question was: “What is the state vegetable of New Jersey?” Answer: Karen Ann Quinlan.] The second quote involved the response from Terri Schiavo which used the word “are”. The court is mystified as to how those present tense verbs would have been used some six years after the death of Karen Ann Quinlin [sic].

Did Michael Schiavo attempt to murder Terri?

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2005

This post from a comment on Roger Simon’s blog. Interesting point about a possible autopsy…
As i was listening to Michael Savage today, he played an audio clip from a nurse who had cared for Terri Schiavo for a year. She said M. Schiavo was alone with Terri for about 20 minutes one day. After he left, the nurse went in and found Terri sweating profusely, shaking and crying. She tested Terri’s blood sugar, and it was off the scale low. The nurse said she found needle marks on Terri’s arm, under her breast, and near her pelvic region. She said she found a vial of insulin concealed in the trash can.
In addition, there are the bone scan results consistent with trauma, like a beating.

Michael Schiavo, in my opinion, tried to murder Terri. He’s afraid that if she awakens, she’ll implicate him. Proof, for me, will lie in his post-mortem strategy.

The tripwires will be if he
A) an attempt to block an autopsy,
B) an attempt to have her cremated.

Also, the judge has a career invested in this case. If she lives, and testifies against his rulings, he’s finished. He.must.kill.her.

Also, anyone notice how the Democrats exuberantly advocate killing the helpless, but shrink from killing virile, guilty bad boys?

ABC News backs Michael Schiavo

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2005

ABC News is hurting Terri’s cause by publishing poll numbers that are completely false! thanks CaptainsQuartersBlog:

The public, by 63 percent-28 percent, supports the removal of Schiavo’s feeding tube, and by a 25-point margin opposes a law mandating federal review of her case. Congress passed such legislation and President Bush signed it early today.
That legislative action is distinctly unpopular: Not only do 60 percent oppose it, more — 70 percent — call it inappropriate for Congress to get involved in this way. And by a lopsided 67 percent-19 percent, most think the elected officials trying to keep Schiavo alive are doing so more for political advantage than out of concern for her or for the principles involved.

A look at the wording on the ABC poll shows that either ABC is uninformed, or ABC is conducting polls with an agenda of allowing Terri to starve to death.

2. Schiavo suffered brain damage and has been on life support for 15 years. Doctors say she has no consciousness and her condition is irreversible. Her husband and her parents disagree about whether she would have wanted to be kept alive. Florida courts have sided with the husband and her feeding tube was removed on Friday.
What’s your opinion on this case - do you support or oppose the decision to remove Schiavo’s feeding tube? Do you support/oppose it strongly or somewhat?

- Terri has never been on life support… She receives food and water through a tube to prevent accidental aspiration.
- SOME doctors say she is unconscious and has no chance of recovery. However, at least 33 doctors have submitted sworn affidavits to the court testifying that Terri is not in a vegetative state, and may be helped by therapy, which her “husband” has denied for her.
Judge Greer ruled as a “finding of fact” that Terri was vegetative, based on the opinions of some doctors but not others. When her condition is in question, why not pick life, instead of death? Florida law requires it, but Judge Greer has ignored all the testimony from neurologists saying she may be able to be helped by therapy. There has still been no MRI or PET scan to assess her true state (husband won’t allow it), and neurologists say that no one would confidently declare her a vegetable without those conclusive tests.

Bush signs emergency “Save Terri” Bill

Monday, March 21st, 2005

The house and senate passed a bill this morning that would allow Terri Schiavo’s case to be heard in federal court.
Tom DeLay rightly ripped the selfish Michael Schiavo and his patron judge George Greer apart during a press conference discussing the bill.
Video here
- ripping Mr. Schiavo
- discussing bill

I am not usually in favor of the federal government intervening in state issues, but in this case, I believe it is the only option left to protect Terri Schiavo. The legal history of this case is infuriating in its one-sidedness. Judge George Greer has ruled on almost every motion in favor of letting Michael Schiavo starve his wife to death simply because he said she wouldn’t want to live under these circumstances, despite the lack of evidence and questionable motives of Mr. Schiavo, who is engaged to another woman with whom he has fathered two children. Mr. Schiavo has also refused to allow Terri to:
- undergo rehabilitation
- be treated for bacterial infections
- be taken outside the hospice she stays in
- reside in a nursing home facility
- be resuscitated in case of heart failure
- divorce him
- be placed in guardianship of her parents

The judge ruled that Terri was in a persistant vegetative state, although a number of neurologists filed affidavits with the court attesting that she was not in fact a vegetable. There are several recent videos of Terri Schiavo that clearly show her responding to commands, moving in response to touch, and attempting to communicate. She clearly is not brain-dead, nor in a coma, nor in a vegetative state. Allowing Michael Schiavo to kill her by starvation is court-sanctioned murder.

Terri Schiavo Videos
Conversation with Terri
Following a Balloon
Opening eyes on command
Responding to her mom
Responding to music
Responding to touch

The truth about privatization

Tuesday, March 15th, 2005

The Chilean government implemented a system almost exactly like i mentioned in the previous post…
Workers are required to contribute 10% of their earnings to a retirement fund consisting of a securities mix. The Chilean program started in 1981, and since then, the average rate of return has been 14%! Retirees are receiving much more than retirees on SS in the US. More here.

More on Social Security

Tuesday, March 15th, 2005

The way we address the shortfall in social security is to take steps now to eliminate social security and replace it with an economically viable alternative. SS is a nightmarishly expensive program that pays very little to those who receive it. do you have a 401k? a Roth IRA? it’s undeniable that those types of private accounts are successful, low-risk methods of saving for retirement. The problem is that they are voluntary. Contributing to Social Security is mandatory, but the funds only go as far as they have to to cover payments…the rest is eaten up by government spending programs. Suppose we took the 12% currently taken by the SSA and made it mandatory to put it in a Roth IRA. The payout upon retirement would be enormous - far more than SS - and it would belong only to you. Bush has suggested the first steps toward this plan, but I think this is where he wants to end up. Why? Because he’s a rich man, and rich men know how to make money work for them, instead of rationing out 1 month’s rent + grocery money to Granny every month. The average american won’t save much for retirement, because they are greedy, and want more toys. This is one area where i wouldn’t mind a little government intervention. Force everyone to become a wealthy investor! Hey, its better than Socialism.

As CJ commented on my earlier post on SS, the pessimists in the democrat camp want the nanny-state safety net:

To me, the beauty of SS is that no matter what kind of moron, dreamer, or ****-up you are and no matter how you squander your take-home pay during your salad days, Uncle Sam is gonna make sure you have some money coming to you that it didn’t allow you to piss away on that Pets.com tech stock that you thought was going to make you rich.

Social Securities

Tuesday, March 15th, 2005

Let’s go ahead and let our conscious minds embrace what our stomachs know: SS is already privatized. Don’t believe me? If you’re under the age of 40, witness how you react to this question- “Will I see any of my contributed income?” Sadly, No. The AARP (of which our legislature is a small, private-sector subsection), will continue to lobby the remaining funds into their pockets for the next 20 years. In 2020, I see a group of 60-somethings feuding ‘Lord Of The Flies’ style for the final scraps we’re dropping into the penny jar as we speak. It’s basic math; put a dollar in, then fund the Senate’s rampant cocaine habit.

Do our congressmen have to worry about social security? I don’t think so. Their pension packages are en par with lotto winner payout schedules. So why do the democrats care? Easy- when you’re re-elected, you enjoy the perks of Washingdom. Heck, I’d tell the public I was for reparations and snicker doodles so long as I got my vouchers to ‘Furr’s Cafeteria’ and ‘Bed Bath and Beyond’. To think of it, I am for snicker doodles.

Yah, Wal-Mart

Tuesday, March 15th, 2005

I was shopping at Walmart tonight with my treepeople girlfriend, and couldn’t help but feel warm fuzzies as we filed through the queue to checkout. A bright smile washed over my face as I pictured ethnic-whatevered children slaving over the packaging of some cheap item I really didn’t need. You know, it’s places like this that keep America great. If it weren’t for captialism, I’d be forced to use shifty products that a fellow American received a fair wage to create. Is that what you want? Not me, sir,.. not me.


This weeks most obvious reason to support our troops:
The Cost Of War

At this rate, the war could cost every American $1.00 by 2008. Makes you think, doesn’t it? If you’re against the war, quit paying taxes!

Anthrax Scare?

Monday, March 14th, 2005

From Fox News:
Sensors at two military mail facilities in the Washington area detected signs of anthrax on two pieces of mail, but the mail had already been irradiated, rendering any anthrax inert, defense officials told FOX News late Monday.

Great… here we go again with the duct tape and plastic sheeting.

Lt. Obvious reporting for duty, sir.

Monday, March 14th, 2005

Who is writing at Yahoo News?
Headline: Bankrupcy Bill said to hit Poorest Americans Hardest
… wait…
Isn’t being poor some sort of prerequisite for filing bankruptcy? Maybe it just struck me funny.
I’m having a really hard time with this bankruptcy bill… as much as believe in the capitalist system, i detest businesses who engage in predatory pricing and unfair interest rates. At a time when banks can borrow from the Fed at 2.5%, do they really need to charge 25% interest on credit cards? The bankruptcy legislation has been in the works for some 8 years, and was written and lobbied for by large lenders. Its unfortunate that it won’t come with some protection for consumers. Mostly I say this out of frustration… Discover wants 19% interest for what I spend on my credit card. While I will never declare bankruptcy over a credit card ( i believe in personal responsibility ), I can certainly empathize with those who feel hopelessly crushed under out-of-control interest rates.
I assign blame for credit card bankruptcies evenly to both sides:
On the lender side, I believe banks are too willing to grant credit to those who don’t deserve. An 18 year old college freshman has no experience borrowing money, and little concept of repayment - but credit card lenders are all too happy to issue them a $1000 credit line at 20% because they can be quite certain that the inexperienced shoppers will max out the plastic, guaranteeing hundreds of dollars in over-limit fees, late charges, punitive interest, and a long-term repayment. A winning, yet unethical formula for lenders.
On the shopper side, its obvious that the majority of people are unwilling to live within their means. Technology lust grabs us all by the throat - we must have the newest and shiniest, and are willing to go in debt for it. In addition, social competition to see who can sport the most bling triumphs over common sense too much of the time. That being said, it’s worth mentioning that around 1/2 of all bankruptcies are due to illnesses or medical bills… and that’s an entirely different discussion.

One Condi, Medium Rare.
…and hold the campaigning

Sunday, March 13th, 2005

Tim Russert wanted a definitive statement from Condoleeza Rice, and wouldn’t stop until he got it.

MR. RUSSERT: There was a great American named General William Sherman. and this is what he said, “If nominated, I will not accept. If elected, I will not serve.” Will you issue a Shermanesque statement?

DR. RICE: Tim, I don’t want to run for president of the United States.

MR. RUSSERT: “I will not run”?

DR. RICE: I do not intend to run for–no. I will not run for president of the United States. How is that? I don’t know how many ways to say “no” in this town. I really don’t.

MR. RUSSERT: Period? Period? I will not run as president of the United States.

DR. RICE: I have no intention. I don’t want to run.

MR. RUSSERT: “I will not run.”

DR. RICE: I think people who run are great. I don’t want to run.

MR. RUSSERT: That is a Shermanesque statement?

DR. RICE: Shermanesque statement.

MR. RUSSERT: You’re done. You’re out.

DR. RICE: I’m done.

MR. RUSSERT: There’s news.

DR. RICE: I hope not.

MR. RUSSERT: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice who just said she will never run for president, correct?

DR. RICE: Tim, why do you keep pressing me to make these statements?

MR. RUSSERT: Well, because if you’re secretary of state, will it affect your ability…

DR. RICE: I don’t want to run for president of United States. I have no intention of doing so. I don’t think I will be president of the United States ever. Is that good enough?

MR. RUSSERT: And you will never run?

DR. RICE: I don’t intend to run.

MR. RUSSERT: But it’s different.

DR. RICE: I won’t run.

MR. RUSSERT: Oh, we got it.

DR. RICE: All right. There you go.

MR. RUSSERT: Thanks very much.

I do hope she will reconsider.

Ill-fated? Not a real crisis?

Sunday, March 13th, 2005

Over on Midnight Special, some mutterings about “Social Security isn’t a real crisis”, with an obligatory “ill-fated decision to invade Iraq” thrown in.

Ya know… There are two brand-new elected democracies in the midst of Islamist Fascism. Syria is removing it’s puppet government from Lebanon, despite the terrorist Hezbollahs that want them to stay… Egypt and Saudi Arabia are making noises about democracy, albeit small ones. Europe is getting serious about keeping the crazies in Iran from going nuclear. Great good has been done halfway around the world. I don’t want to hear “Ill-fated”. So far, fate is not ill, and in fact is hell-bent to keep swinging the democracy bat at Islamofascism. Every time liberals start in with the “its not worth it, collateral damage, war is not the answer, imperial colonial fascist zionist invasionary empire building” whining, I remember:

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” - Thomas Jefferson

Secondly, the Democrats cannot name one thing that is legitimately bad about private SS accounts. Why can’t they just admit that their main concern is losing control over the money? Without that sword to hang over the heads of the AARP, the democrats lose their leverage. President Bush hit the nail on the head when he stumped about an “ownership society” during his campaign. Imagine the pride of every American employee who receives a statement showing them how much money they own towards their retirement. The actual security that they will have knowing that the money in their retirement account belongs to them alone, and the government will have to keep its grubby hands off it.
Knowing that the Democrats in Congress participate in just such an ownership based retirement savings program while they rail against the very idea that we would consider giving those to every citizen really burns me up. They want it off the table entirely before they will even discuss Social Security. That kind of blatant hypocrisy is unconscionable.

Condi 2008

Saturday, March 12th, 2005

the washington times reported that Condoleeza Rice “pointedly declined” to rule out a run for president in 2008, although she said she hadn’t really imagined herself doing that. The times also described her comments as making her “mildly pro-choice” on abortion. Here’s an assortment of Condi quotes from that interview:

“We should not have the federal government in a position where it is forcing its views on one side or the other. So, for instance, I’ve tended to agree with those who do not favor federal funding for abortion, because I believe that those who hold a strong moral view on the other side should not be forced to fund it.”
“We ought to have a culture that says, ‘Who wants to have an abortion? Who wants to see a daughter or a friend or a sibling go through something like that?’ “
“My faith is a part of everything that I do,” she said. “It’s not something that I can set outside of anything that I do, because it’s so integral to who I am.
“And prayer is very important to me and a belief that if you ask for it, you will be guided. Now, that doesn’t mean that I think that God will tell me what to do on, you know, the Iran nuclear problem.
“That’s not how I see it. But I do believe very strongly that if you are a prayerful and faithful person, that that is a help in guiding us, as imperfect beings, to have to deal with extremely difficult and consequential matters.”

Since it’s becoming obvious that Hillary Clinton is taking aim at the highest office for 2008 and leading the pack, I’ve been thinking about who the Republicans can win with. Condi strikes me as electable, if she would just decide to run. I can’t think of very many Republican prospects I like right now. The GOP big names have either declared themselves out of the running, or are a bit socially liberal for my taste, i.e. Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Dick Cheney(out), Jeb Bush(out), McCain. To win in 2008, the GOP needs to start making their presidential prospects much more visible now, because Hillary certainly is building up steam. Pollingreport has some interesting preliminary poll numbers on the 2008 race.


Saturday, March 12th, 2005

Brian Nichols, who stole a bailiff’s sidearm during a trial in Atlanta, shot four people including a judge, and fled the scene, evading police for hours, was captured after a hostage situation at an apartment complex this morning. AP wire

So Ordered:
Bloggers in Apple case must Tattle

Saturday, March 12th, 2005

Judge rules bloggers in the Apple case cannot protect their sources. Judge James Kleinberg declined to rule whether or not bloggers could be considered journalists, and as such, be entitled to protect confidential sources. Had he done so, it might have been an interesting contrast to the McVain Findgold law’s implications to the blogosphere. But instead, Judge Kleinberg ruled that the bloggers violated trade secret laws, sidestepping the defense (and larger issue) of whether they were entitled to protect sources. So here’s some good advice: if you get some sweet insider info about a future product from Acme Co, purge all the traces, and forget where it came from.