American Civil Liberties Union

Safe and Free: There has never been a more urgent need to preserve fundamental privacy protections and our system of checks and balances than the need we face today, as illegal government spying, provisions of the Patriot Act and government-sponsored torture programs transcend the bounds of law and our most treasured values in the name of national security.

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Safe and Free : Legislative Documents

ACLU Letter to the Senate Armed Forces Committee Urging Strong Questioning of Attorney General Gonzales and Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England Regarding Detainees (07/31/2006)

ACLU Letter to Senator Specter Expressing Opposition to the Latest version of S. 2453, the National Security Surveillance Act of 2006 (07/26/2006)

ACLU Letter to the House Armed Services Committee Urging the Questioning of Judge Advocates General on the Problems in the White House Proposal on Detainees (07/26/2006)

ACLU Letter to Congressman Hoekstra and Congresswoman Harman Regarding the “Modernization of FISA” in the Wake of the NSA’s Warrantless Surveillance Programs and the Reauthorization of the USA PATRIOT Act (07/17/2006)

ACLU Letter to the House of Representatives Urging Support of an Amendment to the Defense Appropriations Act for FY 2007 (H.R. 5631) That Would Cut Off Funding to the NSA's Illegal Wiretapping Program (06/20/2006)

ACLU Letter to the Senate Urging Strong Support of Senator Durbin's “No Rendition to Torture” Amendment to the Defense Department Authorization Bill (06/20/2006)

Limited Communication for Terrorist Inmates (06/02/2006)
On April 3, 2006, the Bureau of Prisons proposed a new regulation imposing severe restrictions on the ability of persons in Bureau custody to communicate with the outside world. Although the regulation is titled “Limited Communication for Terrorist Inmates,” the regulation can be applied to persons who have not been convicted, or even charged, with any act of terrorism, or indeed with any crime at all.

Coalition Letter to Senator Specter Expressing Strong Concerns Regarding His Legislation, S. 2453 (“National Security Surveillance Act of 2006”) (05/17/2006)

ACLU Letter to Congresswoman Jane Harman Supporting Her Bill, H.R. 5371, the “Lawful Intelligence and Surveillance of Terrorists in an Emergency by NSA Act” H.R. 5371, the “Lawful Intelligence and Surveillance of Terrorists in an Emergency by NSA Act” (05/17/2006)

ACLU Letter to the Senate Regarding Strong Opposition to the Substitute Version of S. 2453, the “National Security Surveillance Act of 2006” (05/16/2006)

ACLU Letter to the Inspector General Renewing Request for an Investigation Into the Department of Justice's Involvement in the National Security Agency's Domestic Spying Program (05/15/2006)

ACLU Letter and Memo to the Senate Judiciary Committee Outlining Major Concerns With S.2453, the “National Security Surveillance Act of 2006” (04/06/2006)

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