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18 August 2006

More on the Crazy Vermont "Peace Activist"

The crazy woman who pissed the floor, agitated the crew, and snuck water and tools on board a transatlantic flight scored her very own puff piece in the Boston Globe- Arrest follows years of outrage
...writing for the Daily Times of Pakistan, Mayo told about her 1960s activism. About her love of Cat Stevens and Howard Dean. About the mountains and lakes of her native Vermont. And about her shame and anger at America.

Great. A "peace activist" invoking her love of Howard Dean, professing her shame and anger at America. IN PAKISTAN!!!

Don't forget this, either...
Dean said, "The president and his team out there -- Karl Rove and all his folks -- they're tring to scare people again. You hear what they said about Ned Lamont's win: 'Oh, well, that's a good thing for al Qeada.' That's what Dick Cheney said. I'll tell you what the best recruiting tool for al Qaeda has been, and you know who that is."

Yes, Howard Dean. I think we do.

An Odd Thought

Could it be that maybe Anna Diggs-Taylor has given the NSA an unintended gift? Her ruling against the NSA Terrorist Surveillance Program made a HUGE splash in the news. By the time the appeal comes, it will just be old news, not exciting, and will end up being a small story buried deep within the section. Certainly the big papers like The New York Times will bury it.

Maybe, this will lend a false sense of security to those who would fear the surveillance program. Or, I'm a dumbass. Both, equally likely, I guess.

17 August 2006

Just Giving Geoff and Dan Something to Comment About UPDATED

From The New York Times: Federal Judge Orders End to Warrantless Wiretapping

Yeah, Yeah, I know. The ACLU found a judge that would give them the ruling they wanted.
District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor found that President Bush exceeded his proper authority and that the eavesdropping without warrants violated the First and Fourth Amendment protections of free speech and privacy.

EDITED: Removed some stuff after I realized I haven't the slightest idea what I'm talking about. I'll wait for the appeal. Until then, have your fun.

UPDATE: Patterico has a good rundown of conservative legal opinion on the ruling. If you care.

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Wow! The Best-est Conspiracy Theory Ever! UPDATED

Via Ace of Spades, who's just eating this up. He's also got a graphic you have to see, here.

From Andrew Sullivan: Quote for the Day
One subversive theory - which I'm not endorsing, just airing - is that both merely wanted to turn the Saddam regime to rubble, and then play along with neocon democracy supporters, while making sure that the military was never given enough resources to do nation-building. Then Cheney and Rumsfeld could prove their point about the impossibility of reforming the Muslim world, and promote the view that we need merely to pummel enemies, project military fear across the region, and deter Islamo-fascism by "shock and awe." The Likud strategy, in other words.

It's got Neo-cons and Joooos!

Ignoring, of course, that Cheney and Rumsfeld are founding members of the Partnership for a New American Century (PNAC). Doesn't that make the neocon democracy idea their idea?

I wonder why he won't say where he got this "subversive" little theory, anyway.

UPDATE: Sullivan says he was for the war, before he was against it...
I plead guilty too. I bought the democratization line and the WMD threat and was passionately pro-war. My only defense is that within days of the invasion, I started to worry about the troop levels, and the dissonance between what I had been told and what was actually being done opened up. Then Abu Ghraib; then the refusal to add more troops; well, you get the picture.

Is the World Going Nuts?

Today, a woman tried to carry bottles containing "explosives residue" onto an airplane in West Virginia, on a flight bound for Charlotte.

Fox News: Water Bottles at W. Va. Airport Test Positive for Explosives Residue
A West Virginia airport terminal was evacuated Thursday after two bottles of liquid found in a woman's carry-on luggage twice tested positive for explosives residue, a Transportation Security Administration spokeswoman said.

"It looks like there were four items containing liquids," said TSA spokeswoman Amy von Walter. "Two of those containers tested positive."

A machine that security checkpoint screeners use to test for explosives registered positive, and a canine team also got a positive hit, von Walter said.


UPDATE- Not Explosives.

Then, there's this, also from Fox News: Affadavit: Woman Who Caused Plane Diversion Urinated on Floor, Passed Notes to Crew
A woman on a trans-Atlantic flight diverted to Boston for security concerns passed several notes to crew members, urinated on the cabin floor and made comments the crew believed were references to Al Qaeda and the Sept. 11 attacks, according to an affidavit filed Thursday... FBI spokeswoman Gail Marcinkiewicz confirmed Thursday that authorities found a screwdriver and an unspecified number of cigarette lighters in her bag, items that are banned under new security regulations. Marcinkiewicz also confirmed that matches were found in Mayo's bag.

Wait, there's MORE!
Mayo's son, Josh, 31, described his mother as a peace activist and said she had been in Pakistan since March. She traveled there often since making a pen pal prior to Sept. 11, 2001, he said. The pen pal hasn't been allowed to visit the U.S., he added.

Peace activist. Peace. Activist. Hmm. What's peaceful about sneaking tools and prohibited items on a plane? What's so damned peaceful about pissing on the floor?

Thursday Cat-Blogging!!! UPDATED

MSNBC: Sebastian the cat gets a gold grill

Thanks to Amanda, who likes the picture.

UPDATE: Amanda also likes this cat... Who also looks kinda like Perci.

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16 August 2006

If anyone is wondering what to get me Aaron for Christmas

I'll take two of these.

Tell Mac that you what want to send Aaron a nice gift this year and he will be sure to forward them my way. I know sometimes it’s hard finding men’s fly fishing gifts when you’re shopping for the man that already has everything. You’ve looked around at several types of corporate gifts, sports gifts, or luxury gifts, and other fishing gifts and you’re just not sure what to get that special man in your life. My wife may even want to go in with you so she doesn't have to come up with an idea this year. Just let her know and she will be happy to help out.

**Spelling Edits- Quality Control Dept.

For those of you that think....

That fishing is not a manly "sport", take a look at the following forum post. I must warn you. It is not for the feighnt faint of heart. This guy has to go down as the world's bad ass baddest bad ass man - or the stupidist. I'm not sure. You decide.

**Spelling edits- Quality Control Dept.
*** Screw Quality Control. - Geeks!

The "British Model" for Fighting Terrorists

Ace of Spades-Torture "Broke" Pakistani-Held SkyBomb Plotter, Unravelling Conspiracy
Liberals are citing the "British model" as the one Bush should emulate (but won't, as he's so stupid-- a chimp, you see). Well, what was the British model for cracking the SkyBomb plot?

-- constant email and phone surveillance, assisted by the American NSA

-- bank records monitoring, probably also assisted by America

-- ethnically profiling, focusing only on those likely to be involved in the plot (i.e., Pakistani Muslims and their non-Pakistani Muslim associates)

-- "coercive interrogations" by Pakistan which yielded crucial information with only a short time left before the plot was set into action

Hmmm... pretty much all the techniques they're so agahst about.

And now that you mention it -- why are liberals always on the other side?

Conspiracy Theory Central(CLICK ME)

I think this is just proof positive that Karl Rove truly is a genius. He set up this terror plot to punish the Democrats for moving to the far left, and got the added bonus of having far-left liberals agree that we should fight terror the same way the Brits do. Brilliant!

P.S. I don't really think that. I'm just trying to bait people.

15 August 2006

CNN Presents...

First, it was Inside Hezbollah.

Now, here comes In the Footsteps of Bin Laden.

What's next? In the Loincloth of Zawahiri? Deep Inside Hassan Nasrallah? Tongue-Kissing the Ayatollahs? Making Time with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?


I Got Nothing

I went and got registered for a class at Trident Tech, Organic Chemistry. Yuck. So I'll warn you, in advance, that things are fixin' to get a little slow around here, and Tuesdays and Thursdays are gonna be close to non-existent. I'm trying to amass prereq's so I can make a run at Pharmacy School, for those of you not in the know. I have to make good grades to try to overcome the fact that I've been done with Clemson for more than eight years, and would rather not take 60 some-odd hours of prereq's all over again on principle. Wish me luck...

14 August 2006


There's a wiki for synthesizing TATP, or triacetone triperoxide, an explosive sometimes called the "Mother of Satan". That's just great, isn't it. TATP, in the news because of terrorist attacks, and there's a synthesis method on the most obvious reference for it.

On second thought, I didn't link it. Just in case somebody finds this site by search. They'll find it anyway, but I won't just give it to 'em.

Security is Bad For Your Relationship

Women, once in secure relationships, tend to lose sex drive. *Gasp* Really?

From BBC- Security 'bad news for sex drive'
Dr Dietrich Klusmann, lead author of the study and a psychologist from Hamburg-Eppendorf University, believed the differences were down to human evolution.

He said: "For men, a good reason their sexual motivation to remain constant would be to guard against being cuckolded by another male."

But women, he said, have evolved to have a high sex drive when they are initially in a relationship in order to form a "pair bond" with their partner.

But, once this bond is sealed a woman's sexual appetite declines, he added.

He said animal behaviour studies suggest this could be because females may be diverting their sexual interest towards other men, in order to secure the best combinations of genetic material for their offspring.

Or, he said, this could be because limiting sex may boost their partner's interest in it.

Professor George Fieldman, an evolutionary psychologist from Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College, said: "These findings seem to fit in with anecdotal studies and his explanations seem plausible.

"The rational for why a woman's sex drive declines may be down to supply and demand. If something is in infinite supply, the perceived value would drop."

I'll reserve comment, because I know better.

Via Fark

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