February 27, 2006
Hillary, take note

I wonder if Hillary will heed this well-reasoned plea.


UPDATE: Link has been fixed. Sorry 'bout that. Blogging and antihistamines don't mix.

By //page at 02:21 PM
February 17, 2006
From the Inbox

A reader sends in:

It's still less dangerous to go hunting with Dick Cheney than to go for a car ride with Ted Kennedy.

He or she has a point. I don't believe there will be many books written about what really happened in Kenedy County, Texas.

By //page at 01:48 AM
February 14, 2006
Media takes aim at Cheney

This will be brief.

The media frenzy that surrounds Dick Cheney's accidental shooting of his hunting mate is quite ridiculous. No, I'm not a Cheney fan, but such an accident could have happened to anyone. The Beltway reporters are acting like petulant children who got passed over for ice cream at recess. ("You didn't tell us soon enough! WE HAVE BLACKBERRYS! Waaaaaanh!")

And though I think Jon Stewart and Co. were having tons of fun at the Veep's expense, I believe they did a better job at satirizing the media coverage. Sadly, Washington journalists won't see the latter because they are by and large humorless, self-righteous dolts.

It's a good thing the vice president wasn't deer hunting or his friend would be really dead, and the Beltway Diaper Brigade that is the Washington press would have to be hard at work on a real story.

By //page at 01:50 PM
February 07, 2006
20 years later ...

Finally. The True Hollywood Story of "Top Gun."

By //page at 01:41 PM
February 04, 2006
Gossip cycle

Lance and Sheryl split.

Good is good.

By //page at 12:48 AM
February 03, 2006
Happy Birthday, baby

My blog is officially four years old.

Too bad I don't have the energy to celebrate or resuscitate it.

More to come.

By //page at 12:15 AM
February 01, 2006
Cut to the quick

This is a great re-edit for the trailer for "Sleepless in Seattle."

I know it's been around for a while, but I haven't, so I thought I'd share it with my five readers.

By //page at 03:59 PM
January 27, 2006
Boohoo! Boohoo for Oprah!

So Oprah kicked James Frey out of her book club.

Big. Woo. Who cares?

Probably Mr. Frey and the "millions" of deluded members of Oprah's cult, but that's beside the point.

This stupid NYT article says Oprah's show where she confronted Frey was "a stunning bit of drama" and that Oprah alternated between "appearing to fight back tears and displaying vivid anger at the author."

Has she been a cult leader for so long that everyone has FORGOTTEN she is an ACTRESS??? AN ACTRESS WHO WAS NOMINATED FOR A BLOODY OSCAR!!!

I know it was 20 years ago, but I'm sure the skills are still there.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe she was really close to tears. Maybe she flashed on losing what's left of her credibility with her cultists. Maybe she felt a sliver of guilt for duping millions and millions of people who inexplicably have free time between 4 p.m and 5. Maybe she was thinking about her church of the poisoned minds losing millions of dollars in endorsements and contributions.

That seems like a plausible story to me.

By //page at 01:54 AM
October 31, 2005
From the Inbox

My friend MP sent me this fascinating link, and I had to share.

Here's what she had to say:

From the APME conference in San Jose. The movie is a little long at three minutes, but the last few frames are kind of cool.

"It's a quick movie called EPIC 2015. Ken Sands, online publisher of the Spokane, (WA) Spokesman-Review, opened his talk with this three-minute cautionary tale that tells us how we got the press-less mediascape of a decade from now."

By //page at 03:32 PM
October 10, 2005
Shine on

This is the funniest thing I've seen on the Web in a loooooong time.

Thanks and love to Little Debbie King.

UPDATE: The story behind the trailer.

Thanks to Kev.

By //page at 03:59 PM
October 06, 2005
Worst and worst list: A brief update

I'm in the middle of moving and unpacking, but I had to share two of my random thoughts.

1) The worst book ever written in the history of the written word is the piece of crap by Bret Easton Ellis, "Less Than Zero."

2) The worst movie ever made in the history of movie-making is "The Prince of Tides". I don't know who I hate more: Barbra, Gwennie's mom or Nick Nolte.

I'd go on, but I'm already depressed enough, longing for the 8-9 hours that these two miserable efforts shaved from my life.

By //page at 04:52 PM
September 28, 2005
Unlikely Angel? Nope, Likely Meth Head!

Hey, whaddya know? Ashley Smith, the over-exposed "Atlanta Hostage," gave her captor crystal meth before she started yapping to him about God and single-handedly saved the lives of thousands!

She says she's just said 'no' ever since the ordeal, but I have to wonder what she's really doing with the $70K in rewards she received.

Maybe she can roll in some more dough by killing two birds with one stone: promote her book and extend her 15 minutes of fame by appearing on "Intervention."

*If this sounds overly cynical, it's because it is.

By //page at 10:50 AM
September 27, 2005
To be filed ...

... under No Shit!

The above link is a story from the LA Times that says (correctly) the media perpetuated the rumors that emerged from the chaos at the Superdome following Katrina. It also astutely notes that Mayor Nagin is full of crap and responsible for starting hysterical myths. That asshole isn't helping matters, and I would love to see someone slap the hell out of him just on GP.

Here's a list of other people I'd like to see slapped senseless and locked in a closet until after the recovery efforts are done:

1) Any celebrity with a pulse -- THAT MEANS YOU SEAN PENN AND OPRAH!!!
2) George Bush
3) Hillary Clinton
4) Jesse Jackson
5) John Edwards
6) Anyone who works for CNN, Fox News or MSNBC
7) Several of my coworkers
8) Howard Stern (Not to be unlocked from closet EVER!)
9) Ted Kennedy
10) Geraldo Rivera (Also not to be unlocked from closet EVER!)

There's more I'd like to write about this, but it would probably get me fired. Apologies, but this stupid blog ain't worth getting fired over.

By //page at 12:10 PM
September 15, 2005
This just in ...

Gwennie tries to grow a

I feel sorry for the reporter. Not too sorry, though: He writes really well.

By //page at 01:53 PM
It's a boy!

Britney Spears and her redneck hood of a husband have had a baby!

Spears, being the complete wimp that she is, prematured her baby and went in for a c-section because she had heard childbirth is "excruciating" and didn't want stretch marks.

I bet this kid grows up to hold up liquor stores.

By //page at 01:47 PM