It looks as though Nick Davis and I contributed to the latest addition to The Cinematheque’s The Top 10 project, a compilation somewhat in the vein of Senses of Cinema’s Top Tens, except that we’re also explicitly asked who our favorite ten filmmakers are rather than deriving the information indirectly based on the number of appearances by the director’s films within the list.

As usual, the film choices are always a bit ephemeral, but picking my ten favorite directors proved to be more soul-searching that I thought, deeply rooted in something that reflects more on you as a person than on the filmmaker whose work appeals to you: Mizoguchi’s and Dreyer’s championing of the downtrodden and socially marginalized, Ozu’s and Ray’s profound humanity, Bresson’s and Tarkovsky’s search for a deeper spirituality beyond the empty regurgitations of archaic doctrine, Akerman’s and Angelopoulos’ expositions on cultural alienation that resonate with my own experiences of dislocation and culture shock, and lastly, Marker’s and Resnais’ expositions on the continuum of time and memory that represents - for me anyway - a kind of poetic representation of what greatly inspires me about physics and space exploration and the idea of a grand unified theory that resolves our own interconnectedness.

My Ten Favorite Filmmakers

01. Kenji Mizoguchi
02. Yasujiro Ozu
03. Satyajit Ray
04. Carl Theodor Dreyer
05. Robert Bresson
06. Alain Resnais
07. Andrei Tarkovsky
08. Chris Marker
09. Chantal Akerman
10. Theo Angelopoulos

But anyway, enough philosophizing, what do your choices of favorite directors say about you? :)