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1.   Mining the moon for a nuclear future (12.18.2006)
The race to return to the moon is on. Earlier this month NASA unveiled its mission statement to revisit earth's satellite and create a permanent base there. While it may become the jumping off point for further exploration of our solar system and beyond, there are more earthly prizes in sight, with some scientists believing that it has the potential to solve the world's dependence on fossil fuels.

2.   Life on Mars? (12.07.2006)
Long before David Bowie crooned, "Is there life on Mars?" scientists have wondered the same - are we alone in our solar system? Now striking pictures suggesting the presence of liquid water on the Martian surface have scientists believing we are getting closer to finding out.

3.   NASA mulls Moon strategy (11.15.2006)
NASA is set to roll out next month a U.S. national strategy for lunar exploration, one that outlines both robotic exploration needs and the rationale for sending humans back to the Moon.

4.   Tight funds put space missions on the chopping block (04.27.2006)
In July, the space shuttle Discovery is slated to deliver two tons of hardware and supplies to the partially built international space station. This mission is paid for.

5.   Moussaoui jury hears Flight 93 tapes, Britain's Prince Harry graduates (04.12.2006)
April 13, 2006

6.   Mars orbiter clears hurdle (03.10.2006)
The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, on a two-year mission to study the Martian atmosphere and surface, and search for water, pulled off a dangerous and tricky maneuver known as "orbit insertion" and began circling the red planet Friday.

7.   Payoff high in risky Mars mission (03.10.2006)
NASA's latest mission to Mars could eclipse all previous ones if it can get into orbit on Friday.

8.   Thursday, February 16 (02.17.2006)
Mudslide buries village in eastern Philippines

9.   NASA gets a budget increase (02.06.2006)
The Bush administration's 2007 budget calls for $16.8 billion for NASA, a 3.2 percent increase over this year's allocation. But the space agency still finds itself having to make tough funding choices in order to accomplish all the tasks on its "to-do list."

10.   Europe may buy mini shuttle (12.07.2005)
With NASA's beleaguered shuttle still grounded over safety concerns -- and given the unanswered questions about its replacement, the Crew Exploration Vehicle, which won't be ready to fly until 2012 -- the European Space Agency (ESA) is mulling an option to buy its own ride to space.

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