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Son follows father and wins Nobel

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STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) -- American Roger D. Kornberg, whose father won a Nobel Prize a half-century ago, was awarded the prize in chemistry Wednesday for his studies of how cells take information from genes to produce proteins.

Disturbances in that process, known as transcription, are involved in many human illnesses, including cancer, heart disease and various kinds of inflammation. Understanding transcription also is vital to the development of treatments using stem cells.

Kornberg had just spent two days traveling from Europe to his home in California when he learned of the honor.

"When the telephone first rang I was completely bewildered," he said in a telephone interview with journalists in the Swedish capital. "I'm still shaking. I hope I will be able to calm down shortly."

Kornberg's father, Arthur, shared the 1959 Nobel medicine prize with Severo Ochoa for studies of how genetic information is transferred from one DNA molecule to another.

The 59-year-old researcher said he remembered traveling to Stockholm with his father for the Nobel Prize award ceremonies.

"I have always been an admirer of his work and that of many others preceding me. I view them as truly giants of the last 50 years. It's hard to count myself among them," he said. "Something so remarkable as this can never be expected even though I was aware of the possibility. I couldn't conceivably have imagined that it would become reality."

The Kornbergs are the sixth father and son to both win Nobel Prizes. One father and daughter -- Pierre Curie and IrÇene Joliot-Curie -- won Nobel Prizes in physics and chemistry, respectively. Marie Curie -- IrÇene's mother and Pierre's wife -- won two Nobel prizes, for chemistry and physics.

Roger Kornberg's work produced a detailed picture of transcription in eukaryotes, the group of organisms that includes humans and other mammals, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said in its citation.

Kornberg described how information is taken from genes and converted to molecules called messenger RNA. These molecules shuttle the information to the cells' protein-making machinery. Proteins in turn serve as building blocks and workhorses of the cell, vital to its structure and functions.

He is a member of the Stanford University School of Medicine in Palo Alto, Calif.

Kornberg is the lone winner of the 2006 chemistry prize, and the fifth American to win a Nobel prize this year. So far, all the prizes -- medicine, physics and chemistry -- have gone to Americans.

"The truly revolutionary aspect of the picture Kornberg has created is that it captures the process of transcription in full flow," the academy said in its citation. "In an ingenious manner Kornberg has managed to freeze the construction process of RNA halfway through."

Last year's Nobel laureates in chemistry were France's Yves Chauvin and Americans Robert H. Grubbs and Richard R. Schrock, who were honored for discoveries that let industry develop drugs and plastics more efficiently and with less hazardous waste.

Alfred Nobel, the wealthy Swedish industrialist and inventor of dynamite who endowed the prizes, left only vague guidelines for the selection committee.

In his will, he said the prize should be given to those who "shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind" and "have made the most important chemical discovery or improvement."

This year's Nobel announcements began Monday, with the Nobel Prize in medicine going to Americans Andrew Z. Fire and Craig C. Mello for discovering a powerful way to turn off the effect of specific genes, opening a potential new avenue for fighting diseases as diverse as cancer and AIDS. Their work dealt with how messenger RNA can be prevented from delivering its message to the protein-making machinery.

On Tuesday, Americans John C. Mather and George F. Smoot won the physics prize for work that helped cement the big-bang theory of how the universe was created and deepen understanding of the origin of galaxies and stars.

Each prize includes a check for $1.4 million, a diploma and a medal, which will be awarded by Sweden's King Carl XVI Gustaf at a ceremony in Stockholm on Dec. 10.

Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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Roger D. Kornberg made it the sixth time a father and son had both won Nobels. A father and daughter -- the Curies -- also won.

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