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Wendy McElroy: Archives

Past articles by Wendy McElroy on LewRockwell.com

The 'Sexual Harassment' Scam
Time to end it, says Wendy McElroy.

Pamphleteer's Warfare
Wendy McElroy on Lysander Spooner.

Betty Friedan's Legacy
A different view, from Wendy McElroy.

Questions To Ask Scientific Authority
So as not to be fooled.

The New 'Cyberstalking' Edict
Does it criminalize free expression?

Abolish Anti-Discrimination Laws
Defend the freedom of association.

Endangering Real Victims
With temporary restraining orders.

The Coming End of PC on Campus
Just in time.

The Anti-Father Film
PBS is investigating the lies, says Wendy McElroy.

Rob Reiner's Rotten Prop
"Universal preschool" is anti-child, anti-parent, anti-taxpayer, and anti-freedom.

PBS Anti-Father Film
The network isn't getting away with it.

Girls, Get Your Guns
Stand up (armed) for your natural and constitutional right to self-defense, says Wendy McElroy.

Fathers' Rights Debate
Ignited by PBS.

Cultural Competence
Coming to a a school near you?

Victims vs. Victimhood
Forget groupthink. Remember individuals.

The Culture War's Battle of Lexington
A dad vs. the public schools.

Islamic Law in Ontario?
Why the heck not, for those who agree to it?

Will Science Help End Abortion?
Wendy McElroy on some encouraging technological advances.

Progress for Defrauded Fathers
Though a paternity suit.

Rampant Anti-Maleism
In domestic violence treatment.

Will Colleges Respect Your Child's Rights?
Of course not.

The Diversity Bookbag
Wendy McElroy on parental rights vs. public schools.

'Civil Disobedience'
Wendy McElroy on Henry David Thoreau and us.

On Campus, Only Some Free Speech Is Protected
Only some people count.

Feminist Tricks
Wendy McElroy on the "soft sciences" and rape and domestic violence.

Cops Won't Protect You
You have to protect yourself, says Wendy McElroy.

The Rotten Domestic Violence Act
Kill it, Congress, says Wendy McElroy.

Be a Nuisance
If you must turn over your child to the government schools.

Valliant vs. the Brandens
Wendy McElroy on The Passion of Ayn Rand's Critics.

Boys Secede From College
Why pay to hear you're the scum of the earth?

A Victory for Fathers
No longer are they considered batterers until proven innocent, in Massachusetts, anyway.

Child Support: the New Frontier
Wendy McElroy on what happened to a sperm donor.

Abolish Anti-Male Bias
In the "family" court system.

It's OK the Runaway Bride Ran Away
Only in a Soviet system do you have to tell the cops before leaving town, says Wendy McElroy.

Fat Stats
Wendy McElroy on the government and obesity.

Government Child Care
We need transparency and accountability, says Wendy McElroy.

False Rape Claims
They hurt real rape victims, not to mention the men victimized by the lies, says Wendy McElroy.

Let's Define Disability
Before we endlessly debate it, says Wendy McElroy.

The Pro-Castration Agenda
Shouldn't it at least be privately funded?

The Incredibles
The movie that really is. Review by Wendy McElroy.

Useless Restraining Orders
Wendy McElroy on whether this may be changed.

Isabel Patterson
Wendy McElroy on The Woman and the Dynamo by Stephen Cox.

Paying Not To See His Son
Wendy McElroy on the new face of fathers' rights.

Smearing Bill Cosby
Wendy McElroy on an outrageous media scam.

Why Men Earn More
It's not "discrimination."

Hey, Cops
Keep your mitts off our kids.

Are SpongeBob's Pants Really Square?
Wendy McElroy on the brouhaha.

Legal Incentives To Lie
Let's get rid of them, says Wendy McElroy.

Unicef Is Wrong
It's not a matter of "rights," says Wendy McElroy.

Ever-Lovin' Government
Wendy McElroy on NYC's AIDS experimentation on foster children.

The Domestic Violence Law
It's another big-government trick.

Repeal the 'Violence Against Women' Act
It's based on female myths, anti-male bias, and the total state.

The Evil of Colonialism
Wendy McElroy on its enduring damage in West Africa.

What To Do About Daddy
When mommy gives up their child for adoption.

Pregnancy Murder
Wendy McElroy on why the sensationalism.

Child-Support Scam
Wendy McElroy on bureaucratic culpability.

Another Lying Victimologist
Wendy McElroy on why victimhood requires no evidence.

In Defense of Beauty Pageants
Beauty must be praised, not pathologized.

The Truth About Domestic Violence
Wendy McElroy on battered husbands.

Hallowe'en in Transylvania
Be careful what you tell your husband, says Wendy McElroy.

Made-Up Crimes
Wendy McElroy on sexual harassment.

Identify the Accuser
After all, we all know the accused in a rape case. Article by Wendy McElroy.

'Deadbeat Dad' Contest
Another government disaster for children and fathers.

Shut Up About Your Body Parts
Wendy McElroy on individual rights vs. feminist politics.

Stop the Anti-Fatherism
Wendy McElroy on lawsuits across the US.

Women Earn Less Than Men
And rightly so, says Wendy McElroy, given their priorities.

Be Responsible: Don't Vote
Don't be a conformist, says Wendy McElroy.

Grandparents Need Presumptive Joint Custody
As much as fathers and children do, says Wendy McElroy.

The Girl Shortage in China
Wendy McElroy on Hayek and yet another unintended consequence of state intervention.

Public Breastfeeding
Wendy McElroy on rights and good manners.

A Little Rationality in Child Custody
Wendy McElroy on a happy development.

Abolish Debtors' Prisons
Wendy McElroy on the persecution of "deadbeat" dads.

Innocence Is Now a Defense
Wendy McElroy on paternity.

Empty the Debtors’ Prisons
Wendy McElroy on “deadbeat dads."

Demystifying the State
It's the first step to opposing it.

A 'Potatoe' Not For Mashing
Wendy McElroy on how student-victims of PC are fighting back.

Shutting Up Men
The next step to feminist totalitarianism. Article by Wendy McElroy.

Smash the Post Office!
Wendy McElroy on the government's attack on private mail boxes, and mailed dissent, and the only solution.

Blaspheming Organic Food
Wendy McElroy on the persecution of John Stossel.

It's the STATE, Stupid
Wendy McElroy on cops and demonstrations.

The 'Monologues' Ride Again
The feminists plot to turn Valentine's Day into ‘Vagina Monologues' Day.

Police: More Stupid Than Brutal?
Wendy McElroy considers cops, free speech, and demos.

Patently Ridiculous
Wendy McElroy on the absurd and destructive activities of the US Patent Office.

Food Fascists
Wendy McElroy takes on the culinary imperialists.

Murray N. Rothbard: Mr. Libertarian
Wendy McElroy on why he was so important, and is so important.

You Are What You Read?
The wacky world of radical feminism.

Take Down All the Flags
Says Wendy McElroy, and replace them with the Canadian maple leaf.

Woman Responsible for Sex Acts: Film at 11
Amazing court decision holds that, sometimes, it's not all the man's fault. Article by Wendy McElroy.

Individualist Feminism
It's a voice for gender sanity, says Wendy McElroy.

The Trouble With Juries
Wendy McElroy takes another look at this government institution. It can be a danger, fully informed or not.

The Politics of Rape
The recent Supreme Court decision on rape and commerce is a stinging blow to radical feminism.

Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is Academe
Wendy McElroy on "free speech" on campus.

Free-Market Advocate in the Foxhole
Wendy McElroy interviews Marc Brandl, a libertarian hero at the IMF/World Bank demos.

Right Tactics, Wrong Cause
Wendy McElroy on the World Bank/IMF demos.

You No Longer Exist
Conservative student columnists are being purged from college newspapers, and all evidence of their existence erased.

Michigan (Totalitarian State) University
The battle against real diversity on campus, and for Soviet-style group think.

Feminists Who Celebrate Rape
The appalling "Vagina Monologues" and Georgetown University..

Busted by the Feminist Squad
Wendy McElroy on the ominous alliance between radical feminists and the cops in Philadelphia.

Mencken, the Bathtub, and War
Wendy McElroy on H.L. Mencken's hilarious send up of pro-war propaganda.

Did the Framers Love Big Government?
Gary Wills's latest book, claiming they did, is a snare and a delusion, says Wendy McElroy.

Abolish Nasa
It's not only a rip-off of the taxpayer, and a glorification of the State, it's bad science, says Wendy McElroy.

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