Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

        11 Kan, 12 Ceh, 13 Eb        

Selamat Jarin! We come, dear Hearts, with more things to discuss with you! Many events are happening both on your world and throughout this galaxy that are causing your reality to shift toward the Light. In the last few weeks, we described the numerous alterations of your planet's crust, atmosphere, and oceans. These changes are being mirrored by similar mutations occurring to your other planets and especially to your Sun. These transformations are part of even greater changes happening to each of you. This grand shift is moving you swiftly toward the manifesting of your new reality. Concurrently, the myriad realities that surround you are likewise shifting. In effect, your dimension and the plethora of parts that constitutes her whole are moving toward a new configuration. This new assemblage of physicality typifies how the divine plan works. Remember that you are residing in a conscious universe. This sacred conceptualization of the Creator has a purpose. This purpose is to "work out" the infinite possibilities of every given set of components assigned to this aspect of Creation.

      Physical Creation is both complex and simple in its operation. Underlying each segment of physicality is divine consciousness. This divine consciousness originates in the decrees of the divine plan. The divine plan represents the sacred ideas of the Creator. Within it are found the enormously extensive possibilities for physical Creation. These possibilities are made known by the inter-dimensional Light that permeates physicality. This divine Light uses her infinite potential to manifest an abundance of possibilities. Each possibility forges dimensions, and within each dimension, energies are generated that produce myriad realities. These realities form clusters according to their affinities and similarities. Each reality possesses energy potentials that can be either raised or lowered according to the core perceptions adopted by its spiritual and physical inhabitants. These core perceptions are closely monitored by Heaven and checked against the decrees of the divine plan.

      For the most part, your reality has closely followed these divine decrees and is now on the brink of fantastic changes. A crucial element of these changes is a sweeping alteration in the nature and operation of your power structures. The divine plan has clearly stated that your present set of inner "truths" needs drastic alteration. This alteration is currently underway. Within your governments and the global financial and corporate systems that "run" your world are formal documents and new institutions created solely for the purpose of implementing your new reality. Many of those who oppose these changes understand how powerful the ideas and concepts incorporated in these documents are. Behind them is the very power of Heaven. And now, the time has come for these changes to manifest upon your world. Each aspect of these changes is tied into the others. The bringing forth of one leads inexorably to the legalization of the others. Our Earth allies know this and have used the vast array of individuals and groups aligned with their cause to push these new concepts and their corresponding instruments into being.

      These facts about how our Earth allies work their "magic" is something we have discussed many times before. We do this to emphasize a number of important points. First, your world is secretly moving toward some wonderful and highly beneficial changes that are very close to happening. Second, since first contact has become part of these proceedings, we are adding our pressure and skills to the mix. It is important to comprehend that this momentum for change is fueled by three sources: Heaven, the Galactic Federation, and, most of all, yourselves. Our Earth allies understand the massive scope of the changes involved in the manifesting of this aspect of the divine plan. Thus, each of their projects commands their utmost diligence and scrupulous attention to detail. We have added our compassion and abilities to their own. We also thank each of you for supporting this grand venture and for being willing to develop the considerable patience that it has required.

      The closeness of first contact indicates that many land and ocean changes to Mother Earth's surface are near. The time has come for your planet to accelerate her preparation for a return to a fully conscious state. Her appearance and how she lives and operates are now due for a dramatic makeover. This is underway even as we speak. But this does not imply that a series of cataclysms is shortly to overtake you; Mother Earth is simply stepping up her "rhythm". She very much wants to be prepared for the full unleashing of the energies that will complete the necessary changes. Much still remains for her to do, and yet she is also fully aware of your needs. Nevertheless, she wants you to know that she expects you "to get on with it" and to swiftly complete what you need to do to shift this present reality. It is essential that this be done as soon as possible.

      We, in the Galactic Federation of Light, have pushed our Earth allies to commit to firm completion dates to allow these complex proceedings to come to a timely and successful conclusion. In addition, our fleets and those personnel most closely involved with the initial aspects of first contact have worked hard to speed up these last few needed procedures. The intention is to finalize the still outstanding formal and informal deeds on time. The continual tardiness of our Earth allies is usually the result of having to "trust" persons and institutions not yet fully aligned with their noble objectives. They therefore allow for delays and possible attempts at sabotage in their projected timetables. But these instances of delay must be short-circuited. So we are grateful for the recent, more efficient working protocols.

      The world that you see around you is in transition; but it still seems that the workings of the dark are omnipresent. This can cause much consternation and can strengthen your feeling that your reality can only change for the worse. One of our duties is to constantly remind you that such is simply not the case. Your reality is destined by the decrees of the divine plan to change, ultimately, only for the better. These transformations are witnessed by your society's seers and by those highly respected for their knowledge of how change occurs. These individuals and their organizations concur with what we are telling you. Your world is rising in consciousness and moving toward a reality known for its greater Love, peace, and cooperation.

      As your world shifts to the Light, the dark works that much harder to maintain its old illusions. These conventional ways of looking at your reality are about to be shattered by some amazing events, the last of which is to be our formal arrival upon your shores. Bear these upcoming changes constantly in mind as you prepare yourselves for the potentials and prospects that these events bring with them. In one blink of history's eye, your present conceptions of what is real, or possible, can change completely. This intense, upcoming challenge requires you to remain focused upon your prime objectives and be ready to respond appropriately. We cannot overstate the importance of these requirements. Your vital contribution to these events is to be ready to act both as individuals and as support groups for your community. Never forget that it is indeed Together that We are Victorious!

      Today, we discussed some of the reasons behind what is happening on your world. In this, it is our intention to be of assistance to you in preparing for the coming changes. Our Earth allies are working assiduously to see their efforts through to a successful conclusion. We ask that you lend your inner and outer support to their noble efforts! Soon, we can celebrate together your wondrous victory! We now take our leave. Blessings, dear Ones! Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven is indeed Yours! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Kasijaram! (Sirian for Be One! and Be Blessed in Love and Joy!)

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